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4.2.9 Network Decoding: Statistical Model Pool
Section 4.2.9: Recognition

The statistical model pool is a file consisting of gaussian mixture representations of acoustic models. These mixtures are based on the features that were extracted using isip_transform in. More information about feature extraction can be found in Section 3. Each model is represented by a state: a symbol at the lowest level of the search heirarchy.

The statistical model pool is created using the isip_network_builder utility. Once the file is created, the models must be trained through an acoustic modeling process known as training. This process involves exposing the statistical model pool to a series of training data, and constantly reestimating each state based on the training data and its transcription.

The structure of the statistical model pool is in the form of a table. The first part of this file consists of the declaration and numbering of each state. After the declarations, each state is defined, along with the features associated with each state. The number of states depends on the language, the type of phoetic units (word models, context-dependent phones), and the total number of phonetic units that exist. For a more detailed explanation on acoustic modeling, see Section 5.
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