Problem 3: Here are a list of 20 words with their corresponding morphemes and affixes. The morphemes are very different from syllables. Syllables are chunks of sound. For example among these words below consider the morpheme bat. This is composed of two syllables [ba + t]. Similar reasoning can be given to other morphemes too except the morpheme "be". ANTE => ant + e ANTHEM => ant + h + em ANTI => ant + i BATS => bat + s BATTED => bat + t + e BATH => bat + h BATHED => bat + h + ed BATHROOM => bat + h + room BATON => bat + on BATTING => bat + t + ing BEAMED => beam + ed BEAMER => beam + er BEAMING => beam + ing BEAMS => beam + s BEARDS => bear + d + s BEARER => bear + er BEETLE => bee + tl BEETS => bee + t + s BEGINS => be + g + ins BEHAVED => be + have + d