This data is derived from the LDC/CMU Kids Speech Corpus -- Here are 819 records of four lines each. The record format is: 1st line: utterance-id number-of-instances-in-corpus utterance-sentence-text 2nd line: gender-speaker-and-utterance-id-2 utterance-transcription-as-spoken 3rd line: id-2-from-2nd-line 0 length-in-16000ths-of-second error-desciptions 4th line blank The only exceptions are that female subject "arg" has two utterances that for some reason do not start at sample 0. I -- -- am trying to perform statistics on this. It took many days just to look at all 111 instances of the "repeat"s. There is a question about the intended meaning of the keywords. The 819 break down like so: Number of lines containg ------ -------- 111 "repeat" in error-descriptions 285 "restart" 493 "false start" 819 all three above 4338 total utterances with error-descriptions ("bin 2") 5180 utterances total for all speakers See for grade, age, error and totals, etc. Note: "%s/not in CMUDICT/OOV/g" was performed to shorten this file. --- BEGIN DATA --- 2bj 25 A caterpillar with a shell around it is called a pupa fabm2bj2 a [begin_noise] caterpillar [end_noise] with a /SH AW N/ [noise] /AH R AW N/ /R AW N D/ it is called a /P Y UW/[cut] fabm2bj2 0 74280 "caterpillar" add n middle of word * "shell" sub OOV * "around" add p false start * "pupa" del p end of word 2ch 23 People travel on dirt roads to a marketplace fabm2ch2 people travel on dirt roads /T AX/ to a marketplace fabm2ch2 0 88064 "to" add w repeat 2dm 13 A thick layer of fat called blubber keeps seals warm and gives them energy when they can not find food fabm2dm2 a /TH IH/ a /TH IH N K/ [begin_noise] layer [end_noise] of fat called blubber keeps seals warm and gives them energy when they can not fabm2dm2 0 136896 "think" add p false start * "thick" add p end of word "find food" del w 2ab 27 A blue butterfly flew by facs2ab2 a [begin_noise] blue butterfly [end_noise] /F L R UW/ [human_noise] flew by [human_noise] [human_noise] facs2ab2 0 137982 "flew" add p false start 2af 25 They lived in fields of flowers facs2af2 they lived in fields of /F/ flowers [sil] facs2af2 0 112640 "flowers" add p false start 2ao 25 The butterflies lay eggs on the plants facs2ao2 the [begin_noise] butterflies [end_noise] laid /AX/ /AX/ [human_noise] eggs on [noise] the plants [sil] facs2ao2 0 218448 "lay" sub w replacement "eggs" add p false start * "the" add p false start 2ba 26 A butterfly starts as an egg facs2ba2 [noise] a butterfly starts /EH/ [human_noise] as an egg [human_noise] [human_noise] [human_noise] [noise] facs2ba2 0 224679 "as" add p false start * "egg" add n after word 2bf 27 The first thing the caterpillar eats is its own eggshell facs2bf2 [noise] the first thing the [begin_noise] caterpillar [end_noise] eats is [human_noise] is its own egg shell [noise] [begin_noise] [end_noise] facs2bf2 0 207636 "is" add w repeat 2bm 26 A butterfly wing is a two sided thing facs2bm2 [noise] a butterfly /B AH DX AXR F L AY/ /AX/ wing [human_noise] is two sided thing [noise] is a two sided thing [noise] [sil] facs2bm2 0 258655 "butterfly" add p end of word * "a" del w * "is a two sided thing" add w repeat 2bs 26 They carry food water and medicine to the people of Rwanda facs2bs2 they carry /F/ food water and medicine to the [begin_noise] people [end_noise] of Rwanda facs2bs2 0 145053 "food" add p false start 2cz 17 It is the coldest place on Earth facs2cz2 /IH T S/ the /K AO/ coldest [begin_noise] place [end_noise] on the on Earth [noise] [sil] [noise] [noise] facs2cz2 0 187450 "It" add p end of word * "is" del w * "coldest" add p false start * "on Earth" add w 2da 19 Thick ice and snow cover Antarctica all the time facs2da2 [noise] thick ice and snow /K AO/ /K AO V ER S/ Antarctica all the [begin_noise] time [end_noise] [sil] facs2da2 0 206880 "cover" add p false start * "cover" add p end of word 2db 18 Only a few plants and insects live in the middle of the cold continent facs2db2 [noise] only a few [begin_noise] plants [end_noise] and insects live [noise] in the middle [noise] of [begin_noise] /DH AX/ of the [end_noise] cold continent [sil] facs2db2 0 222343 "of the" add w repeat 2dc 17 Animals live along the coast and in nearby oceans facs2dc2 animals live /AX/ /L AO NG/ the coast and nearby oceans [noise] [noise] facs2dc2 0 173940 "along" add p false start * "in" del w 2di 15 They dive for food in nearby waters facs2di2 [noise] they [begin_noise] dive [end_noise] for /F/ food [human_noise] in nearby waters [begin_noise] [end_noise] facs2di2 0 252252 "food" add p false start 2dl 14 But they spend most of their time in water facs2dl2 [noise] [begin_noise] but [end_noise] they spend most of their /T/ of their time in the water [sil] facs2dl2 0 204010 "of their" add w repeat "in water" add w between words 1ab 42 Lightning moves through the air fadf1ab2 /L AE L AY TD N IX NG/ moves through the /IY R/ fadf1ab2 0 127488 add n before sentence; "Lightning" add p's before word, false start, del p middle of word, OOV; "air" sub p beginning of word, OOV; 1ae 44 It can harm trees and buildings fadf1ae2 [noise] it can hurt harm trees and buildings [noise] fadf1ae2 0 127680 add n before sentence; "harm" sub w, replacement, add w after word, restart; add n after sentence; 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe fadf1ag2 [noise] if a /L AY TD N IX NG S SH/ storm [noise] comes through are four things [noise] you can do [noise] to stay safe [crosstalk] fadf1ag2 0 321494 add n before sentence; "lightning" del p middle of word, OOV; "storm" add p's before word, false start(s), add after word; "there" sub w, replacement; "things" add n after word; "do" add n after word; add n after sentence, whisper; 1an 43 The winds spin around and around fadf1an2 spins /AX R AW N AE N R AW N/ and [noise] /AX R AW N/ fadf1an2 0 105576 "spin" del w's before word, add p end of word; "around" del p end of word; "around" sub w, replacement, add w's after word, restart; 1ap 39 Dust storms happen in very dry places fadf1ap2 [noise] /D/ dust [noise] /SH/ shrinks [noise] storms /HH AE P IX/ in [noise] very dry places [crosstalk] fadf1ap2 0 246050 add n before sentence; "Dust" add p before word, false start; "storms" add p's before word, false start, add n after word; sub w, replacement, add w after word, restart;"happen" del p end of word; add n after sentence, whisper; 1aq 37 The storms have big winds fadf1aq2 [noise] /DH IX SH CH CH T AO R M/ [noise] have big winds fadf1aq2 0 227120 add nbefore senence; "The" sub p end of word, OOV; "storms" add p before word, false start,del p end of word, add n after word; 1as 39 Sometimes it is hard to see in dust storms fadf1as2 [noise] sometimes it is hard to see in dust /CH/ [noise] storms [noise] fadf1as2 0 200466 add n before sentence; "storm" add p before word, false start; add n after sentence; 1bb 38 People use trash to make new things fadf1bb2 [cut] /L/ use trash to make new new things fadf1bb2 0 103540 "People" del p's beginning of word; "new" add w after word, restart; 1be 38 They use worms to eat the food in the garbage fadf1be2 [noise] they use /W W/ worms to eat the food in the /G AA R B IX CH/ fadf1be2 0 246790 add n before sentence; "worms" add p's before word, false start(s), add p end of word; "garbage" sub p end of word; 1bj 36 Some people recycle plastic bottles fadf1bj2 [noise] some people recycle /P P L IH Z IX KD/ bottles plastic bottles fadf1bj2 0 210805 add n before sentence; "plastic" ad p before word, false start, sub p's middle of word, add w after word, restart; 1bs 28 In California people are working to keep seal homes clean and safe fadf1bs2 [noise] california people all [noise] work to keep /S/ [noise] seal seals home clean /AX N/ safe [crosstalk] fadf1bs2 0 246790 add n before setence; "California" del w before word; "are" sub w, replacement,add n after word; "working" del p's end of word; "seals" add p's before word, false start(s), add n before word; "homes" del p end of word; add n after sentence; 1bu 27 Scientists are working to protect many kinds of ocean animals fadf1bu2 /S/ [whisper] [crosstalk] [whisper] /S AY IX N T IX S/ [noise] are /W ER IH NG/ [noise] to protect many kinds of /AE/ ocean plants [noise] fadf1bu2 0 374854 "Scientists" add p before word, false start, add w's before word, whisper, del p end of word, add n after word; "working" del p middle of word, add n after word; "ocean" add p before word, false start; "animals" sub w, replacement; add n after word 1bv 27 Sea turtles live in the ocean fadf1bv2 sea travelers [noise] live in the /OW SH IX N/ turtles live in the /OW S IX N [begin noise]OW SH IX N [end noise]/ fadf1bv2 0 284142 "turtles" sub w, replacement, add n after word; "ocean" add w's after word, restart ("ocean" add p before word, false start); add n after sentence; 1ck 20 A tropical rain forest has many tall trees fadf1ck2 a /T [noise] T [noise] R IH P AX L/ tropical [noise] rain forest [noise] has many [noise] /T [noise] AA L/ trees [crosstalk] fadf1ck2 0 354844 "tropical" add p's before word, false starts(s), add n after word; "forest" add n after word; "many" add n after word; add n after word, whisper; 1cl 20 Until now scientists could not examine the tops of the trees fadf1cl2 /UW N T IX/ /N/ now /S AY AX N T IX S/ could not /EH K S EH K S M EY N/ the tops of the tree fadf1cl2 0 299034 "Until" sub p beginning of word, del p end of word; "now" add p before word, false start, add n after word; "scientists" del p end of word;"examine" add p's before word, false start(s), del p middle of word, sub p end of word; "trees" del p end of word; 1cp 16 It gets lots and lots of rain fadf1cp2 [noise] it gets /L AO S/ and /L AO S/ of rain lots and lots of rain [noise] fadf1cp2 0 167166 add n before sentence; "lots" del p end of word; "lots" del p end of word; "rain" add w's after word, restart;add n after sentence; 1cs 17 The frog's bright colors let other animals know its skin gives off poison fadf1cs2 [noise] the frog's bright colors let [noise] let other animals know its skin gives /AH F/ fadf1cs2 0 290812 add n before sentence; "let" add n after word, add w after word, restart; "off" sub p beginning of word; del w after word; 1ct 15 Bugs live in the rain forest fadf1ct2 bugs live in the /F/ rain forest [noise] [crosstalk] [noise] fadf1ct2 0 151848 "rain" add p before word, false start; add n after sentence; 1cu 17 Other animals will not eat the stink bug because it tastes bad fadf1cu2 [noise] other /EH N IX M AX L Z/ will not eat the /S [noise] S S T IH N/ [cut] fadf1cu2 0 200165 add n before sentence; "animals" sub p beginning of word; "stink" add p's before word, false start(s), sub p middle of word, del p end of word, del w's after word; 2ak 26 The scientists will try to save them fahe2ak2 the /S AY N S T IH S/ will /S/ try to save them fahe2ak2 0 100560 "scientists" add p middle of word, del p end of word; "will" add p beginning of word false start; 2al 27 They catch a few butterflies fahe2al2 they catch a /F UW/ they catch a /F L UW/ [noise] [sil] [human_noise] they catch a few butterflies [sil] fahe2al2 0 192808 "they catch a few" fasle start ('few' del p end of word); "they catch a few" false start ('few' add p beginning of word); add n middle of sentence; 2bm 26 A butterfly wing is a two sided thing fahe2bm2 a butterfly wing [human_noise] is a two /S AY D/ [noise] sided thing [sil] fahe2bm2 0 98923 "sided" add w beginning of word false start; 2bp 27 Help is coming for Rwanda fahe2bp2 help is coming for /W AX/ Rwanda fahe2bp2 0 71760 "rwanda" add p before word false start; 2da 19 Thick ice and snow cover Antarctica all the time fahe2da2 [noise] thick ice and snow /K AX V ER IH NG/ [sil] cover Antarctica all the time [sil] fahe2da2 0 140225 "cover" add w before word false start; 2df 16 Out of water penguins must waddle and hop across the ice fahe2df2 out of the water [begin_noise] penguins [end_noise] must /W EH/ waddle and hop across the ice [sil] fahe2df2 0 108450 "waddle" add p before word false start; 2dj 16 Sheathbills have a hard covering called a sheath on their bills fahe2dj2 [noise] /SH IY TH B IH L Z/ have a hard covering [human_noise] called a sheath on their /B AE K/ on their bills [sil] fahe2dj2 0 182383 "bills" sub w replacement, add w's after word restart; 2dn 14 Icefish live in the cold water near Antarctica fahe2dn2 [begin_noise] /AY S F IH SH/ [end_noise] live in cold [sil] [begin_noise] in the cold [end_noise] /N/ water near Antarctica [noise] [sil] fahe2dn2 0 162342 "cold" del w before word, add w's after word restart ("cold" add p end of word); 1ab 42 Lightning moves through the air fahj1ab2 [cut]/UW V Z/ /L AY TD N IX NG/ moves through the air [noise] fahj1ab2 0 140948 "moves" del w before word, del p beginning of word, add w's after word, restart("Lightning" sub p middle of word, OOV);add n after sentence; 1al 43 Spring brings many kinds of weather fahj1al2 [noise] spring /B IH NG/ [noise] /S/ spring brings [begin_noise] /IH N IY/ /K AY N DD/ [end_noise] of weather [noise] fahj1al2 0 200466 add n before sentence;"brings" del p beginning of word, del p end of word, add w's after word, restart; "many" del p beginning of word; "kinds" del p end of word; add n after sentence; 1an 43 The winds spin around and around fahj1an2 [noise] the /W IH N/ /S/ spin /S P IH N Z/ /AH R AW N/ /AE N/ /EY R AW N/ [noise] fahj1an2 0 169672 add n before sentence; "winds" del p end of word; "spin" add p end of word, add w after word, restart; add n after sentence; 1aq 37 The storms have big winds fahj1aq2 [cut]/AO R M Z/ have the storms have [noise] big /W IH N S/ [noise] fahj1aq2 0 171828 "storms" del p's beginning of word; "have" add w's after word, restart; add n after sentence, whisper; 1av 41 When water covers streets and goes into houses it is called a flood fahj1av2 [noise] when water covers streets /AE N/ goes into houses [human_noise] it is [begin_noise] /K AO L/ [end_noise] it is [begin_noise] called [end_noise] a flood [sil] fahj1av2 0 257742 add n before sentence; "and" del p end of word; "houses" add n after word; "it is called" add w's after words, repeat; 1az 39 Experts say that's good news fahj1az2 /EH K S P ER TD/ say /DH AE TD/ /N/ [noise] good news that's good /N UW S/ [noise] fahj1az2 0 200466 "Experts" del p end of word; "that's" del p end of word; "good" add p before word;"news" add w's after word, restart; add n after sentence; 1bb 38 People use trash to make new things fahj1bb2 [noise] people [begin_noise] /Y/ [end_noise] use trash to make [noise] new /TH EH NG S/ [sil] fahj1bb2 0 198396 add n before sentence; "use" add p before word, false start; "things" sub p middle of word, OOV; 1be 38 They use worms to eat the food in the garbage fahj1be2 [noise] they use worms to /IY/ /T/ the garbage food in the /G AA R B IH CH/ [noise] fahj1be2 0 242484 add n before setence; "food" sub w, replacement, add w after word, restart; "garbage" sub p's end of word, OOV;add n after sentence; 1ca 23 They play and jump in the water fahj1ca2 [noise] they jump [human_noise] they [begin_noise] play [end_noise] and jump in the water [noise] fahj1ca2 0 169672 add n before sentence;"play" sub w, replacement, add n after word, add w's after word, restart; add n after sentence; 1cc 23 They use their long flippers to swim fahj1cc2 [noise] they [noise] they use [begin_noise] their long flippers [end_noise] to swim [noise] fahj1cc2 0 191716 add n before sentence;"They" add w after word, repeat; add n after sentence; 1ce 22 Sea otters live in the ocean fahj1ce2 [noise] sea /AX/ /OW DD AXR S/ live in the /OW SH IX N/ fahj1ce2 0 215784 add n before sentence; "otters" add p before word, false start, sub p beginning of word; "ocean" sub p middle of word, OOV; 1cf 21 Otters swim on their backs fahj1cf2 [noise] /AO AXR/ /OW DD AXR S/ swim [noise] on their backs [noise] fahj1cf2 0 182758 add n before sentence; "Otters" add p before word, false start, sub p beginning of word;"swim" add n after word; add n after sentence; 1cj 21 Sometimes other fish will not eat a fish because it tastes bad fahj1cj2 [noise] /S AH M/ sometimes other fish will not eat [human_noise] a fish because it /T EY S T IX Z/ bad [noise] fahj1cj2 0 242484 add n before sentence; "Sometimes" add p's before word, false start; "eat" add n after word; "tastes" add p end of word; add n after sentence; 1cl 20 Until now scientists could not examine the tops of the trees fahj1cl2 until now /S AY AH N T IX S/ /W OW L/ not [noise] /IX/ [begin_whisper] /IX/ [end_whisper] explain [human_noise] the [sil] /D AX/ tops of /D AX/ trees [crosstalk] [human_noise] fahj1cl2 0 370185 "scientists" del p end of word; "could" sub w, replacement; "examine" add n before word, add p before word, false start, sub w, replacement, add n after word; "the" add w after word, repeat("the" sub p beginning of word, OOV);add n after sentence, whisper; 1cm 20 Now they use walkways that hang in tall treetops fahj1cm2 [noise] now they use walkways to hang [human_noise] in tropical tree /T R AO P AX L/ [human_noise] in tall /T R IY T AA P S/ [crosstalk] [noise] [noise] fahj1cm2 0 342895 add n before sentence; "that" sub w, replacement; "tall" sub w, replacement;"trees" del p end of word, add w's after word, restart(s)("tall" sub w, replacement;); add n after sentence, whisper; 1cu 17 Other animals will not eat the stink bug because it tastes bad fahj1cu2 [noise] other animals will not eat the skunk /B IY/ bug [sil] stink bug because it /T EY S T IX Z/ bad fahj1cu2 0 319493 add n before sentence;"stink" sub w, replacement;"bug" add p's before word, add w's after word, restart; "tastes" add p end of word; 1cx 15 They have sharp bills that are used to crack seeds and fruit fahj1cx2 they have sharp /B IH L/ bills that are [noise] [human_noise] used to crack seeds and fruit [human_noise] fahj1cx2 0 299483 "bills" add p's before word, false start; "are" add n after word; add n after sentence; 1dc 12 Some scientists talk to the people who live in rain forests fahj1dc2 [noise] some scientists talk to people [human_noise] [sil] the people [sil] to the people [human_noise] who live in the rain forests [sil] fahj1dc2 0 290812 add n before sentence; "to" del w after word;"people" add w's after word, restart(s), add n after word; "in" add w after word; 1dd 12 The scientists want to learn how to make new medicines fahj1dd2 [noise] the /S AY AX N T IX S/ want to learn how to make new /M EH D AX S IX Z/ medicines [noise] fahj1dd2 0 209438 add n before sentence; "scientists" del p end of word; "medicines" del p end of word, add w after word, restart; add n after sentence; 1dg 13 They have learned something new about the Stegosaurus fahj1dg2 [noise] they have /L ER N/ [begin_noise] something new [end_noise] about /S/ the /S/ /TS/ /S T EH G AX/ /T AO R AX S/ [noise] fahj1dg2 0 235804 add n before sentence; "learned" del p end of word; "the" add p before word, false start; "Stegosaurus" add p's before word, false start(s), sub p middle of word; add n after sentence; 1di 11 There were some open places fahj1di2 /TH EH R/ were some open /P L EY S/ places fahj1di2 0 205076 "There" sub p beginning of word; "places" del p end of word, add w after word, restart; 1dq 8 Not long ago scientists found a dinosaur egg fahj1dq2 long ago /D AY N AH S AO R/ [human_noise] /EH/ /S AY AX N T IX S/ /F AW N/ /S AY AX N T IX S/ /F AW N/ a dinosaur egg [human_noise] fahj1dq2 0 231449 "long" del w before word; "scientists" add w's before word, del p end of word, add w's after word, restart("scientists" del p end of word;);"found" del p end of word; add n after sentence; 1du 8 Many kinds of animals live in zoos fahj1du2 many [begin_noise] kinds [end_noise] of animals live in the zoos [sil] in zoos fahj1du2 0 180757 "in" add w after word;"zoos" add w's after word, restart; 1dv 6 In some zoos cooks fix food for the animals fahj1dv2 [noise] /S/ in some zoos [human_noise] [begin_noise] cooks fix food for [end_noise] the animals [noise] fahj1dv2 0 238119 add n before sentence, "In" add p before word, false start; add n after sentence; 3eb 4 One doctor says loud noises are like strong hurricane winds fahj3eb2 one doctor says /L AW N/ noises are like strong /HH ER AH K EY N S/ winds [human_noise] [begin_noise] /AO NG/ [end_noise] hurricane winds [noise] fahj3eb2 0 257742 "loud" sub p end of word; "hurricane" add p end of word; "winds" add n after word, add w's after word, restart;add n after sentence; 3ee 4 Music should not be played so loud that you can't hear a friend talk in a normal voice fahj3ee2 [noise] music should not be played so /L AH/ that you can [human_noise] hear a friend /T AX/ you [begin_noise] /K AE N N AO TD/ [end_noise] [human_noise] you [begin_noise] /K AE N TD/ [end_noise] hear a [begin_noise] /V R EH N DD/ talk [end_noise] in a normal voice [noise] fahj3ee2 0 359384 add n before sentence; "loud" sub p middle of word; "can't" add n after word; "talk" del p's end of word, add w's after word, restart(s)("can't" add p end of word, add n after word;); 3eg 4 For many years scientists wondered if meat-eating Tyrannosaurus rex had ever eaten Triceratops fahj3eg2 for many [human_noise] for many years /S AY AX N T IX S/ /W AH N D ER/ [human_noise] if /M IY/ /IY DD IH NG/ [human_noise] /T R AY S EH R AX T AA P/ rex [human_noise] had [human_noise] ever /IY DD IH NG/ /T R IX/ eaten /T R AY/ /T R IH/ /T EH R AX T AA P S/ [noise] fahj3eg2 0 431549 "many" add w's after word, restart; "scientists" del p end of word; "wondered" del p end of word, add n after word; "meat-eating" sub p middle of word, OOV, add n after word;"Tyrannosaurus" sub w, replacement; "had" add n before word, add n after word; "eaten" sub p's end of word, add p after word, false start, add w after word, restart; "Triceratops" add p's before word, false start(s), sub p's beginning of word; add n after sentence; 3eh 4 They knew T rex munched on some dinosaurs but they didn't know if it had munched on Triceratops fahj3eh2 [noise] they [noise] know /T/ [begin_noise] rex /M/ [end_noise] /M AH N SH TD/ on [human_noise] some dinosaurs [human_noise] but they did not know if it /M AH SH DD/ on /T EH R IX T AO P S/ [human_noise] fahj3eh2 0 341504 add n before sentence; "They" add n after word; "knew" sub w, replacement; "munched" add p before word, false start, sub p middle of word; "on" add n after word; "dinosaurs" add n after word; "didn't" add p end of word; "it" del w after word; "munched" del p middle of word; "Triceratops" del p's beginning of word; add n after sentence; 3el 4 The scientist said a T rex had made the marks fahj3el2 the /S AY AX N T IX S/ said a [sil] a /T/ rex had many [sil] many [noise] /M/ had made the marks [sil] fahj3el2 0 279720 "scientist" del p end of word; "a" add w after word, restart; "made" sub w, replacment, add w's after word, restart(s)("made" sub w, replacement; "made" add p before word, false start;); 3eo 4 He put the mold next to T rex tooth fossils and they matched fahj3eo2 [noise] he put the /M OW L/ next to /T/ rex /F/ tooth fossil and [human_noise] they [begin_noise] matched [end_noise] fahj3eo2 0 253460 add n before sentence; "mold" del p end of word; "tooth" add p before word, false start; "fossils" del p end of word; "and" add n after word; add n after sentence; 3ep 4 Do people in your family ever ask what you did in school today fahj3ep2 did people in your family ever ask what did you do [begin_noise] did you [end_noise] do in school today [noise] fahj3ep2 0 238119 "Do" sub w, replacement; "you did" sub w, words switched, add w after word, add w's after word, restart;add n after sentence; 3es 4 All they need to do is turn on a computer that's hooked up to their children's school fahj3es2 they need [noise] to do is turn on a computer [human_noise] that's hooked up /T EH R/ to their children's school [noise] fahj3es2 0 275471 "they" del w before word; "computer" add n after word; "to" add p's before word, false start; add n after sentence; 3et 4 Families can use the computer to find out what homework their kids have fahj3et2 [noise] families can use the computer to find out /W AH TS/ /W AH TS/ homework [human_noise] /W AH TS/ homework their kids have [whisper] fahj3et2 0 277472 "what" add p end of word, add w after word, repeat;"homework" add w's after word, repeat("what" add p end of word);add n after sentence, whisper; 3eu 4 They can learn what grades their kids are getting too fahj3eu2 they can learn what grades their /CH IH L/ /D EH R/ kids are /G EH T IH NG/ too [noise] fahj3eu2 0 209438 "their" add p's after word, false start, add w after word, restart("their" sub p beginning of word, OOV); "getting" sub p middle of word, OOV; add n after sentence; 3ew 4 Families can check on this week's school lunch menu fahj3ew2 [noise] families /S/ families can check on [human_noise] this week's school lunch menu [sil] fahj3ew2 0 253460 "Families" add w after word, repeat; "on" add n after word; 3ex 4 Kids can use the home-school computer to send get-well messages to sick classmates at home too fahj3ex2 kids can /G Y UW Z/ the /HH OW M S K UH L/ computer to send /G IH TD/ /G EH TD W EH L/ messages to sick [human_noise] classmates [human_noise] at home too fahj3ex2 0 312823 "use" add p beginning of word; "get-well" add p's before word, false start; "sick" add n after word; 1am 43 Tornadoes bring rain and big winds fajb1am2 [noise] tornadoes [begin_noise] bring rain [end_noise] /B IH/ [begin_noise] bring rain and big winds [end_noise] fajb1am2 0 253460 add n before sentence; "rain" add p's after word,add w's after word, false start; add n end of sentence; 1ao 43 They blow a long thin cloud down to the ground fajb1ao2 [noise] [begin_noise] they blow [end_noise] a long [noise] [begin_noise] thin [end_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] cloud down [end_noise] to the /G R AW N/ [noise] fajb1ao2 0 246790 add n before sentence;"thin" add n before word, add p before word, false start, add n after word; "ground" del p end of word; add n after sentence; 1bo 35 Then more people use them fajb1bo2 [begin_noise] then [end_noise] more [begin_noise] people [end_noise] use them [noise] fajb1bo2 0 143190 "Then" add p before word, false start; add n after sentence; 1ck 20 A tropical rain forest has many tall trees fajb1ck2 a /T R AE F IH K AH L/ rain forest [human_noise] [begin_noise] has many [end_noise] [human_noise] /T EY L/ tall [begin_noise] trees [end_noise] fajb1ck2 0 220440 "tropical" sub p's middle of word; "many" add n after word; "tall" add n before word, sub p middle of word, add w after word, restart; 1ay 39 Now a lot more people recycle cans bottles and paper famb1ay2 not a /L/ [noise] not a [human_noise] lot [human_noise] more people [human_noise] recycling cans [human_noise] bottles /AE N/ paper [crosstalk] famb1ay2 0 310392 "Now" sub w replacement; "a" add p and w's after word restart; "more" add n before word; "recycle" sub w replacment, add n before word; "bottles" add n before word; "and" del p end of word; add whisper end of sentence; 1bk 37 Workers use parts of the bottles to make clothing famb1bk2 /W ER K/ used [noise] [begin_noise] parts [end_noise] [human_noise] of the bags to [human_noise] make /K L AO TH IH NG K S/ [human_noise] [crosstalk] famb1bk2 0 357658 "workers" del p's end of word; "use" add p end of word; "parts" add p before word false start; "bottles" sub w replacement; "clothing" sub p middle of word OOV, add p end of word; add whisper end of sentence; 1bn 37 After the people use the bikes they give them back famb1bn2 /AE F ER/ after the [begin_noise] people [end_noise] [human_noise] use /DH IH/ the [human_noise] bikes [human_noise] they give them [begin_noise] /B AE/ [end_noise] [human_noise] famb1bn2 0 363584 "after" del p middle of word, add w after word repeat; "use" add n before word; "the" sub p end of word OOV, add w after word repeat; "back" del p end of word; add whisper end of sentence; 1am 43 Tornadoes bring rain and big winds famm1am2 [noise] /T/ [noise] [noise] tornadoes bring [noise] rain /AE N/ [begin_noise] big [end_noise] winds [sil] famm1am2 0 215635 "tornadoes" add p false start * "and" del p end of word 2al 27 They catch a few butterflies famp2al2 they put they catch a few butterflies [noise] famp2al2 0 109892 "They" add words before word, restart ("catch" sub word); 2ap 25 After a while new butterflies form famp2ap2 [noise] after a while new /B AH DX ER F/ new butterflies form [noise] famp2ap2 0 146060 add n before sentence;"new" add words before word, restart ("butterflies" del p's end of word);add n after sentence; 2bs 26 They carry food water and medicine to the people of Rwanda famp2bs2 [noise] /DH AH/ carry /F UW/ they [begin_noise] carry [end_noise] food [human_noise] water and medicine to the [begin_noise] people [end_noise] of Rwanda famp2bs2 0 201552 add n before sentence; "They" add words before word, restart ("They" del p end of word);"water" add n before word; 2ch 23 People travel on dirt roads to a marketplace famp2ch2 people travel on /D IY R/ /T/ on dirt roads [human_noise] to a marketplace [noise] famp2ch2 0 154512 "on" add words before word, restart ("dirt" sub p middle of word, del p end of word);"to" add n before word; add n after sentence; 2cu 17 Many penguin fathers gather in a big circle famp2cu2 many /P IH JH AH N/ fathers [human_noise] gather /IH/ [noise] in a big [human_noise] circle [noise] [crosstalk] famp2cu2 0 123318 "penguin" sub word;"gather" add n before word;"in" add p before word, false start;"circle" add n before word; 2cw 18 They keep the eggs warm until the baby penguins break out of the eggs famp2cw2 they keep the eggs warm until the baby /P IH JH/ [human_noise] penguin breaks out of the [begin_noise] eggs /S/ [end_noise] famp2cw2 0 124062 "penguin" add p, n before word, false start; 1ae 44 It can harm trees and buildings farg1ae2 it can /HH/ harm trees /AE N TD/ [noise] /B IH W D IX N K S/ [noise] farg1ae2 1167 235345 "harm" add p before word, false start; "and" sub p end of word, add n after word;"buildings" sub p middle of word, sub p's end of word, OOV; add n end of sentence; 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe farg1ag2 if a /L/ if a /L AY TD N IX N KD/ storm comes there [noise] are four things [noise] you can do [noise] to to stay [noise] safe farg1ag2 525 349125 "lightning" del p's end of word, add w's after word, restart("lightning" sub p end of word, sub p middle of word, OOV); "there" add n after word;"things" add n after word;"to" add n before word, add w after word, restart;"stay" add n after word; 1am 43 Tornadoes bring rain and big winds farg1am2 [cut] /OW Z/ bring [noise] rain [noise] and big wings winds [noise] farg1am2 0 235950 "Tornadoes" del p's beginning of word;"rain" add n before word, add n after word;"winds" sub p end of word, add word after word, restart;add noise end of sentence; 1av 41 When water covers streets and goes into houses it is called a flood farg1av2 [cut] when [noise] water [crosstalk] covers [noise] /S/ [crosstalk] streets [noise] and goes onto houses [noise] it it is [noise] called [noise] a /F L AH/ [cut] farg1av2 0 427427 "water" add n before word;"covers" add n before word, whisper, add n after word;"streets" add p before word, false start, add n before word, whisper, add n after word;"into" sub w replacement;"it" add n before word, add w after word, repeat;"is" add n after word;"a" add n before word;"flood" del p end of word; 1bc 39 Then not as much trash piles up farg1bc2 [cut] /EH N/ not [noise] as much trash /P/ [noise] piles up farg1bc2 0 227850 "Then" del p beginning of word;"not" add n after word; "piles" add p before word, false start, add n before word; 1bf 38 The worms turn the food into a special kind of soil farg1bf2 the /W/ [noise] the worms turn [noise] the food into [noise] a special [noise] kind of [noise] [begin crosstalk] /S/ [end crosstalk] soil farg1bf2 0 438219 "The" add p after word, add n after word, add w after word, repeat; "turn" add n after word;"into" add n after word;"kind" add n before word;"soil" add n before word, whisper, add p before word, false start; 1bk 37 Workers use parts of the bottles to make clothing farg1bk2 [begin noise] works use [end noise] parts [noise] of [noise] the bottles [noise] to make [noise] /K/ [noise] farg1bk2 0 262131 "Workers" del p's end of word; "Workers use" add n to words; "parts" add n after word; "of" add n after word; "bottles" add n after word; "make" add n after word; "clothing" add p before word, false start, add n before word, del word; 1bu 27 Scientists are working to protect many kinds of ocean animals farg1bu2 [noise] scientists [noise] are working [noise] to /P R/ [noise] [crosstalk] protect [noise] many kinds of ocean animals farg1bu2 0 394197 "Scientists" add n before word, add n after word;"working" sub p end of word, add n after word;"protect" add p before word, false start, add n before word, add n after word 1bv 27 Sea turtles live in the ocean farg1bv2 [noise] sea [noise] /T T ER T AX L Z/ live in the ocean [noise] farg1bv2 0 331835 "Sea" add n before word,"turtles" add n before word, add p before word, false start, sub p middle of word, OOV; add n after sentence; 1ca 23 They play and jump in the water farg1ca2 they play /IX N/ and jump in the water farg1ca2 0 211122 "and" add p's before word, false start; 2ap 25 After a while new butterflies form fcks2ap2 [noise] [begin_noise] after [end_noise] a while new [begin_noise] /B AH DX ER F R AY/ [end_noise] new [begin_noise] butterflies form [end_noise] fcks2ap2 0 125780 add n before sentence;"new" add words before word, restart ("butterflies" del p's end of word); 2ba 26 A butterfly starts as an egg fcks2ba2 [noise] a butterfly starts in an egg [sil] starts as an egg [noise] fcks2ba2 0 152076 add n before sentence;"starts" words before word, restart ("an" sub word); add n after sentence; 2bc 26 One butterfly can lay eggs fcks2bc2 [noise] one [begin_noise] butterfly [end_noise] can lay /T UW/ one butterfly can lay /T UW/ /HH AH N D R EH DD/ eggs fcks2bc2 0 158746 add n before sentence;"one" add words before word, restart ("200" del p's end of word); 2bd 26 A caterpillar hatches from each egg fcks2bd2 [noise] a [begin_noise] caterpillar /HH AE CH/ [end_noise] a [begin_noise] caterpillar [end_noise] hatches from each egg [noise] fcks2bd2 0 143190 add n before sentence;"A" add words before word, restart ("hatches" del p's end of word); 2bi 26 It makes a shell around the caterpillar fcks2bi2 [noise] it makes a [noise] it makes a shell around the [begin_nosie] caterpillar [end_noise] fcks2bi2 0 134734 add n before sentence;"It" add words before word, restart;add n afer sentence; 2bk 27 Inside the shell the caterpillar body changes fcks2bk2 [noise] inside the shell the [begin_noise] /K AE DX AH/ [end_noise] the shell the [begin_noise] /K AE DX AXR P IH L ER/ [end_noise] body changes [noise] fcks2bk2 0 141370 add n before sentence;"the" add words before word, restart ("caterpillar" del p's end of word);add n after sentence; 2bn 25 On top its colors are bright fcks2bn2 [noise] [begin_noise] on top [end_noise] of /IH/ /TS/ colors are [begin_noise] /B R AY/ [end_noise] /TS/ [begin_noise] on top [end_noise] its colors are /B R AY/ fcks2bn2 0 177952 add n before sentence;"On" add words before word, restart ("its" add word before word);"bright" del p end of word; 2bs 26 They carry food water and medicine to the people of Rwanda fcks2bs2 [noise] /DH EY/ [begin_noise] they carry [end_noise] food water and medicine for [human_noise] to [begin_noise] the people [end_noise] [human_noise] of [begin_noise] Rwanda [end_noise] [noise] fcks2bs2 0 217128 add n before sentence;"They" add p's before word, false start;"to" add word,n before word;"of" add n before word;add n after sentence; 2bz 24 Now people from other countries have gone to Africa fcks2bz2 [noise] now [sil] now [begin_noise] people [end_noise] from other countries [begin_noise] have gone [end_noise] to Africa fcks2bz2 0 146965 add n before sentence;"Now" add word before word, restart; 2cg 25 Schools in Rwanda did not have room for all the children fcks2cg2 [noise] schools in /R AH N AA/ [begin_noise] Rwanda [end_noise] did not have [human_noise] [begin_noise] room [end_noise] for all the children [noise] fcks2cg2 0 152076 add n before sentence;"Rwanda" add p's before word, false start;"room" add n before word;add n after sentence; 2ch 23 People travel on dirt roads to a marketplace fcks2ch2 [noise] [begin_noise] people /T R AE V AH L D/ [end_noise] on dirt roads [begin_noise] to make [end_noise] their [begin_noise] marketplace [end_noise] to make a [begin_noise] marketplace [end_noise] [noise] fcks2ch2 0 188576 add n before sentence;"travel" add p end of word;"to" add words before word, restart ("a" sub word);add n after sentence; 2ci 24 At the market they find things they need but can't make or grow themselves fcks2ci2 [noise] [noise] [human_noise] the market they find things [human_noise] [begin_noise] but [end_noise] in the market they find things [human_noise] they need [begin_noise] but they [end_noise] [sil] [begin_noise] can't [end_noise] make or grow themselves fcks2ci2 0 266800 "At" add words before word, restart ("the" del word before word;"things" del word after word, add n after word;"but" del word before word), sub word;"they" add n before word;"can't" add word before word; 2ck 22 The mountain gorillas are endangered fcks2ck2 [noise] the /M AW N T AH N Z/ /G ER IH L AH/ [noise] the mountain gorillas are endangered [noise] fcks2ck2 0 142545 add n before sentence;"The" add words before word, restart ("mountain" add p end of word; "gorilla" del p's end of word); add n after sentence; 2cv 18 They snuggle together to block the wind fcks2cv2 [noise] they snuggle together in /N/ the [begin_noise] block of wind [end_noise] to [begin_noise] block [end_noise] the wind [human_noise] [noise] fcks2cv2 0 125396 add n before sentence;"to" add words before word, restart ("to" add word before word, sub word;"the" sub word);add n after sentence; 2cy 19 Antarctica is the continent at the southern end of our planet fcks2cy2 [noise] Antarctica is the /K AA R/ /K/ continent at the southern end of our planet [noise] fcks2cy2 0 133926 add n before sentence;"continent" add p's before word, false start;add n after sentence; 2da 19 Thick ice and snow cover Antarctica all the time fcks2da2 thick ice /AE N/ snow /K AH V ER Z/ Antarctica [begin_noise] all [end_noise] [human_noise] the /W EY/ all the time [noise] fcks2da2 0 189428 "and" del p end of word;"cover" add p end of word;"the" add n before word,add words before word, restart ("time" sub word, OOV);add n after sentence; 2df 16 Out of water penguins must waddle and hop across the ice fcks2df2 [noise] out of the water [begin_noise] /P EY N W IH N/ penguins [end_noise] must /W AA D EH L/ [human_noise] and [begin_noise] hop across [end_noise] the ice [noise] fcks2df2 0 161229 add n before sentence;"water" add word before word;"penguins" add p's before word, false start;"waddle" add n after word sub p middle of word, OOV;add n after sentence; 2dh 17 Sheathbills line on Antarctica during summer fcks2dh2 [noise] [begin_noise] /SH IY TH B IH L Z/ [end_noise] [human_noise] line the /AA R T IH K/ during the summer Antarctica during the summer [human_noise] fcks2dh2 0 170180 add n before sentence;"line" del word after word;"Antarctica" add words before word, restart ("Antarctica" add word before word, del p's beginning and end of word;"summer" add word before word);"summer" add word before word; add n after sentence; 2di 15 They dive for food in nearby waters fcks2di2 [noise] they dive for food nearby [sil] waters in the nearby waters [noise] fcks2di2 0 152988 add n before sentence;"in" add words before word, restart ("nearby" del word before word);"nearby" add word before word;add n after sentence; 2dj 16 Sheathbills have a hard covering called a sheath on their bills fcks2dj2 [noise] /SH IY TH B IH L Z/ have /HH/ a hard covering [human_noise] [begin_noise] called [end_noise] a [begin_noise] /SH IY TH B IH L/ [end_noise] on their bills called a sheath on their bills fcks2dj2 0 238119 add n before sentence;"a" add p before word;"called" add n before word, add words before wrod, restart ("sheath" add word after word); 1ad 43 Lightning can hurt people fclj1ad2 lightning /K AH K AE/ can hurt people fclj1ad2 0 196614 "can" add p's before word, false start, del p end of word; 1af 42 Stay away from lightning fclj1af2 /S S/ stay away from lightning fclj1af2 0 90180 "Stay" add p before word, false start; 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe fclj1ag2 if a lightning storm comes [noise] there /W/ are four things you can do to say stay say /HH EH L S S/ stay /HH EH L/ stay safe fclj1ag2 0 494838 "are" add p before word;"stay" add words, p's before word, restarts, false starts; 1ao 43 They blow a long thin cloud down to the ground fclj1ao2 they blew a long /DH DH IH/ thin [noise] cold clear /D AW/ to the ground [crosstalk] fclj1ao2 0 279552 "blow" sub word;"thin" add p's before word, false start, add n after word;"cloud" add word before word, sub word;"down" del p end of word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1ar 39 The winds blow dust and dirt around fclj1ar2 [noise] the winds blew dirt i mean dust /AE N/ [noise] /D ER/ around [crosstalk] [noise] fclj1ar2 0 216756 add n before sentence;"blow" sub word;"dust" add words before word, restart ("dust" sub word, add words after word);"and" del p end of word;"dirt" del p end of word;add n after sentence; 1av 41 When water covers streets and goes into houses it is called a flood fclj1av2 covers /S/ streets /AE N/ go into [noise] /HH AW S IX/ it is call a floor /DD/ fclj1av2 0 190564 "covers" del all words before word;"streets" add p before word, false start;"and" del p end of word;"goes" del p end of word;"into" add n after word;"houses" del p end of word;"called" del p end of word;"flood" sub word; 1aw 40 Recycling is helping our Earth fclj1aw2 /R IY S L AY K R IY S AY K L IX N/ [noise] is helping other /ER F/ [noise] fclj1aw2 0 156745 "Recycling" add p's before word, false start, del p end of word, add n after word;"our" sub word; "Earth" sub p end of word;add n after sentence; 1bd 38 Some people recycle food garbage fclj1bd2 [cut] /P UW L/ recycle food /G AA R/ garbage bags fclj1bd2 0 179214 "people" del word before word, del p's beginning of word;"food" del p end of word;"garbage" add p's before word, false start, add word after word; 2an 25 They put a plant in each cage fclm2an2 [noise] they they put a /P L AE N/ in each cage [sil] fclm2an2 0 156510 "they" add p false start 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe fcmm1ag2 if a lightning /S/ storm comes [human_noise] /DH EH W/ are four things [human_noise] you can do to stay /S T EY/ safe [sil] fcmm1ag2 0 307440 "there" sub p end of word OOV; "safe" add p's before word false start; 1ao 43 They blow a long thin cloud down to the ground fcmm1ao2 they blow a long thin cloud [human_noise] /DH EH/ down to the ground fcmm1ao2 0 219555 "cloud" add p before word false start; 1ap 39 Dust storms happen in very dry places fcmm1ap2 [noise] /D IH S/ [sil] /D IH S/ [crosstalk] dust storms happen in [sil] very dry places fcmm1ap2 0 314746 "Dust" add w's before word false start, add n before word; 1az 39 Experts say that's good news fcmm1az2 /EH X P AX R TS/ stay [sil] say that good [noise] news [begin_noise] [end_noise] fcmm1az2 0 525280 "experts" sub p middle of word OOV; "say" sub w replacement, add w after word repeat; "that's" del p end of word; add n end of sentence; 1bi 37 The sign shows that the paper is made from used paper fcmm1bi2 the sign shows that the papers [sil] /P EY P AX L/ is made from [sil] used /P EY P AX L/ fcmm1bi2 0 297038 "paper" sub w replacement, add w after word repeat (del p end of word); "paper" del p end of word; 1bt 26 They want more seals to live in the ocean fcmm1bt2 [noise] they wait they wait /M AO R AX/ seals to [noise] /L IH F/ in the ocean [noise] fcmm1bt2 0 355240 add n before sentence; "want" sub w replacement, add w's after word restart ("want "sub w replacement); "more" sub p middle of word OOV; "live" add p end of word; add n end of sentence; 1bu 27 Scientists are working to protect many kinds of ocean animals fcmm1bu2 /S AY IX N T IH N S/ are /W AH K IH NG/ [sil] to [crosstalk] protect many kinds of oceans animals ocean animals [sil] fcmm1bu2 0 357275 "scientists" sub p end of word OOV; "working" sub p middle of word OOV; "protect" add n before word, del p beginning of word; "ocean" add p end of word; "animals" add w's after word restart; 1ci 21 They sometimes eat ocean plants fcmm1ci2 they /S AH M T AY M/ [human_noise] they sometimes eat [sil] ocean plants [sil] fcmm1ci2 0 92910 "sometimes" del p end of word, add w's after word restart; 1cn 18 They are finding new plants and animals that live in the tall treetops fcmm1cn2 [noise] they are /F/ finding new plants [human_noise] and [begin_noise] animals [end_noise] that live in the [sil] tall tropicals [noise] [human_noise] fcmm1cn2 0 396762 add n before sentence; "finding" add p before word false start; "animals" add n before word; "treetops" sub w replacement; add n end of sentence; 1co 16 A tropical rain forest is a warm wet place fcmm1co2 a tropical /W EY N/ forest [human_noise] is a [noise] /W AA R M/ wet place [noise] warm wet place fcmm1co2 0 307487 "rain" sub p beginning of word OOV; "warm" del p middle of word, add w's after word restart; 1cr 17 Many animals like the frog live there too fcmm1cr2 many animals like the /F/ /F W AO G/ [human_noise] /L AY/ [begin_noise] live [end_noise] there [begin_noise] too [end_noise] fcmm1cr2 0 305855 "frog" add p beginning of word false start, sub p middle of word OOV; "live" sub w replacement, add n after word, add w after word repeat; "too" add n before word; 1de 12 The medicines could help make sick people feel better fcmm1de2 they /M/ the medicine could help make [human_noise] sick people feel /B EH T AO R/ fcmm1de2 0 240120 "the" sub w replacement, add w after word repeat; "medicines" del p end of word; "better" sub p middle of word OOV; 1dm 10 They say some mother dinosaurs laid eggs fcmm1dm2 [noise] they say mother dinosaurs /L EY/ laid [begin_noise] eggs [end_noise] fcmm1dm2 0 308167 add n before sentence; "mother" del w before word; "laid" add p's before word false start; add n end of sentence; 1do 8 Then they covered them with dirt or plants fcmm1do2 [noise] they [noise] then they covered [begin_noise] them with [end_noise] /D AH R TD/ or plants fcmm1do2 0 273378 "they" add w's after word restart; 1dp 8 Baby dinosaurs hatched from the eggs fcmm1dp2 baby dinosaurs /IH CH DD/ from [noise] hatched from the eggs fcmm1dp2 0 231336 "hatched" sub w replacement; "from" add w's after w restart; 1aa 43 Storms in the spring can bring lightning fcmp1aa2 /S T AO R M S/ in the /S P/ [noise] [begin_whisper] okay [end_whisper] storms in the /S/ spring can bring lightning [noise] [sil] fcmp1aa2 0 162500 "Storms in" add n false start; "spring" add n false start 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe fcmp1ag2 if [begin_noise] a [end_noise] lightning storm [begin_noise] comes [end_noise] there are four things [sil] [noise] you [begin_noise] can [end_noise] /S/ do [noise] to stay safe [begin_noise] [end_noise] fcmp1ag2 0 205870 "you" add n before word; "do" add n false start 1ak 41 Turn off the television or computer fcmp1ak2 [begin_noise] turn [end_noise] off the televisions computer turn off the television or the [begin_noise] computer [end_noise] fcmp1ak2 0 127008 "television or computer" add n false start; "or computer" add w between words 1am 43 Tornadoes bring rain and big winds fcmp1am2 /T AO R N EY D OW/ [sil] tornadoes bring rain and big winds [sil] [noise] fcmp1am2 0 110656 "Tornadoes" add n false start 1aq 37 The storms have big winds fcmp1aq2 [begin_noise] /S T/ [end_noise] the storms [begin_noise] have [end_noise] [sil] big winds [sil] fcmp1aq2 0 92843 "The" add n false start 1ar 39 The winds blow dust and dirt around fcmp1ar2 [noise] the /W IH N/ [sil] the winds blow dust [begin_noise] and dirt [end_noise] around [sil] fcmp1ar2 0 105260 "The winds" add n false start 1bj 36 Some people recycle plastic bottles fcmp1bj2 [noise] some people /R IY S K/ /P L AE S/ recycle plastic bottles [sil] fcmp1bj2 0 117068 "recycle" add n false start 1bs 28 In California people are working to keep seal homes clean and safe fcmp1bs2 in California [begin_noise] people [end_noise] are working to keep seal [sil] seal homes [begin_noise] clean [end_noise] and safe [sil] fcmp1bs2 0 134390 "seal" add w repeat 1bz 24 They are friendly animals fcmp1bz2 /DH AA R/ are friendly animals [human_noise] [noise] they are friendly animals [noise] [sil] fcmp1bz2 0 102740 repeat sentence false start 1ce 22 Sea otters live in the ocean fcmp1ce2 [noise] /S IY/ [sil] sea [begin_noise] otters live [end_noise] in the ocean [noise] [sil] [noise] fcmp1ce2 0 103092 "Sea" add n false start; "ocean" add n after word 1ck 20 A tropical rain forest has many tall trees fcmp1ck2 a [sil] a tropical rain /F/ forest has [human_noise] many tall trees [sil] fcmp1ck2 0 134478 "A" add w repeat 1cl 20 Until now scientists could not examine the tops of the trees fcmp1cl2 [noise] until the scientists [sil] could [sil] not [sil] /EH G Z AE M/ [sil] the tops of tall [sil] [begin_noise] of the [end_noise] tall trees fcmp1cl2 0 233058 "Until" add n before word; "now" sub w replacement; "examine" del p end of word; "the trees" add n false start, add w between words 1cm 20 Now they use walkways that hang in tall treetops fcmp1cm2 [noise] now they use /W AA K W EY Z/ [sil] that bring [noise] [sil] that [sil] [noise] hang [sil] [noise] in tall /T R IY T AA P S/ [sil] fcmp1cm2 0 210496 "Now" add n before word; "walkways" sub p middle of word; "that hang" add n false start 1cr 17 Many animals like the frog live there too fcmp1cr2 [noise] many animals like the /F R AO/ [sil] like [sil] the frog live there too [noise] fcmp1cr2 0 118668 "like the frog" add n false start 1cz 14 They jump from one tree to another looking for fruit fcmp1cz2 they [begin_noise] jump [end_noise] up [sil] they jump [begin_noise] from [end_noise] one [human_noise] tree to another looking for fruit [sil] fcmp1cz2 0 142692 "They jump from one" add n false start 1dh 12 The hard plates on its back did not grow in two even rows fcmp1dh2 [noise] /DH EY H G/ [sil] the hard [sil] [noise] [noise] plates on its back did not grow [sil] [begin_noise] into [end_noise] [human_noise] in two /R AX/ [sil] even rows [sil] fcmp1dh2 0 258796 "The" add n false start; "in two" add n false start 1dj 13 The dinosaur also had sharp spikes at the end of its tail for fighting fcmp1dj2 [noise] the dinosaur [sil] /S/ also had sharp spikes [human_noise] at the end of [sil] its [sil] [begin_noise] tail [end_noise] for [noise] [noise] fighting [noise] [noise] fcmp1dj2 0 286708 "The" add n before word; "dinosaur" add p end of word; "also" add n false start; "fighting" add n false start, add n after word 1dk 12 Scientists say they find dinosaur bones in the ground fcmp1dk2 [noise] [sil] scientists say [sil] they /F/ /F AY N/ dinosaur bones in the ground [sil] [noise] fcmp1dk2 0 142128 "find" add n false start, del p end of word 1dl 11 They learn more about dinosaurs from the bones fcmp1dl2 [noise] they learn more about dinosaurs from their bone from the bones [sil] fcmp1dl2 0 68015 "the bones" add n false start 1aa 43 Storms in the spring can bring lightning fdjf1aa2 listening [noise] storm is the /S/ [human_noise] storms in the spring can bring /L AY DX N IY NG/ [noise] fdjf1aa2 0 235804 add w's before sentence; add n before sentence;"Storms" del p end of word; "in" sub w, replacement; "the" add n after word, add w's after word, restart; "lightning" sub p middle of word, OOV; add n after sentence; 1ab 42 Lightning moves through the air fdjf1ab2 [noise] /L IH S/ /L AY DX N IH NG/ moves through the air [sil] fdjf1ab2 0 143190 add n before sentence; "Lightning" add p's before word, false start, sub p middle of word, OOV; 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe fdjf1ag2 if a /L AY DX N IY NG/ storm comes here [human_noise] there are [begin_noise] four [end_noise] things you can do to stay [human_noise] safe [noise] fdjf1ag2 0 227120 "lightning" sub p middle of word, OOV;"there" sub w, replacement, add w after word, restart; "stay" add n after word; add n after sentence; 1ao 43 They blow a long thin cloud down to the ground fdjf1ao2 the /B OW L/ the /B OW L/ /IX N/ they blow in [human_noise] they blow a long [noise] thin cloud down [human_noise] to the /G R AW N/ [noise] fdjf1ao2 0 329840 "They" sub w, replacement; "blow" sub w, replacement, add w's after word, restart(s); "a" sub w, replacement, add w's after word, restart; "thin" add p before word, false start; "down" add n after word; "ground" del p end of word; add n after sentence; 1ap 39 Dust storms happen in very dry places fdjf1ap2 /D AH S/ storms happen in /F/ very /D R AH AY/ [begin_noise] places [end_noise] [noise] fdjf1ap2 0 169672 "Dust" del p end of word; "very" add p before word, false start; "dry" sub p end of word, OOV; add n after sentence; 1at 40 Heavy rain fills rivers with water fdjf1at2 heavy rain falls [sil] fills rivers with water [noise] fdjf1at2 0 158746 "fills" sub w, replacement, add w after word, restart; add n after sentence; 1bc 39 Then not as much trash piles up fdjf1bc2 then not [noise] as much trash /P IY L/ piles up [noise] fdjf1bc2 0 198396 "as" add n before word; "piles" add p's before word, false start; add n after sentence; 1br 29 Seals live in the oceans fdjf1br2 /S IY/ seals live in the /OW SH IH N/ [sil] fdjf1br2 0 130065 "Seals" add p's before word, false start; "oceans" sub p middle of word, OOV, del p end of word; 1bs 28 In California people are working to keep seal homes clean and safe fdjf1bs2 [noise] /IX/ in California people are working to keep /S IY L Z/ [human_noise] /HH OW M/ clean [human_noise] and safe [sil] fdjf1bs2 0 211439 "In" add p before word, false start; "seal" add p end of word, add n after word; "homes" del p end of word; "clean" add n after word; 1cm 20 Now they use walkways that hang in tall treetops fdjf1cm2 [noise] now they use walkways [human_noise] /D AE T/ /HH AH NG/ [human_noise] that hang [begin_noise] in tall [end_noise] /T R IY T AA P S/ [noise] [noise] fdjf1cm2 0 319493 add n before sentence; "walkways" add n after word; "that" sub p beginning of word;"hang" sub p middle of word, add n after word; add w's after word, restart; "tall" add n after word; add n after sentence; 1cs 17 The frog's bright colors let other animals know its skin gives off poison fdjf1cs2 /F R AO G/ /B R AY/ [human_noise] [noise] bright the [begin_noise] frog's [end_noise] bright colors let other animals know [human_noise] its skin gives [noise] /AH V/ /P OY/[cut] fdjf1cs2 0 209438 "The" del p beginning of word; "frog's" del p end of word; "bright", add n after word, add w's after word, restart(s); "know" add n after word; "gives" del p end of word, add n after word;"off" sub w, replacement; "poison" del p's end of word; 1cu 17 Other animals will not eat the stink bug because it tastes bad fdjf1cu2 other animals will not eat the /S/ [begin_whisper] stink bug [end_whisper] stink bug because [human_noise] it /T EY S/ bad /B AE/ [noise] fdjf1cu2 0 290812 "stink" add p before word, false start, add w after word, whisper, add w after word, restart; "because" add n after word; "tastes" del p end of word; "bad" del p end of word; add n after sentence; 1du 8 Many kinds of animals live in zoos fdjf1du2 /M IH M IY/ [begin_noise] kinds [end_noise] of the animals live in the [sil] live in zoos [noise] fdjf1du2 0 167417 "Many" sub p middle of word, add n end of word; "of" add w after word; "in" add w after word, add w's after word, restart; add n after sentence; 1dw 7 Zebras eat hay and giraffes eat carrots fdjf1dw2 zebras /IY/ hay and [noise] giraffes /IY/ /K AA R/ carrots [noise] [human_noise] [noise] fdjf1dw2 0 346173 "eat" del p end of word; "carrots" add p's before word, false start; add n after sentence; 2dz 8 When you jump rope you get exercise that helps your heart fdjf2dz2 when you jump rope you get /EH K S/ [noise] [begin_whisper] /EH K/ [end_whisper] [noise] fdjf2dz2 0 178488 "exercise" add p's before word, false start, del p's end of word, add n after word, del w's after word; 3eg 4 For many years scientists wondered if meat-eating Tyrannosaurus rex had ever eaten Triceratops fdjf3eg2 for many years /S AY AH N T IH N S/ /W AH N D ER/ if meat-eating [human_noise] /T R AA N IH S AO R AX S/ /R EH K S/ [human_noise] had ever /EY IH N/ [sil] [begin_whisper] /T/ /T/ [end_whisper] [human_noise] /T R EH Z T AO P/ [noise] /T R AY AH S AO R AX S/ tops fdjf3eg2 0 510922 "scientists" sub p's end of word; "wondered" del p end of word; "meat-eating" add n after word; "Tyrannosaurus" del p beginning of word; "rex" add n after word;"eaten" sub w, replacement; "Triceratops" add p's before word, false start(s), sub p's middle of word, add w after word, restart(sub p's middle of word); add n after sentence; 3eh 4 They knew T rex munched on some dinosaurs but they didn't know if it had munched on Triceratops fdjf3eh2 they know [human_noise] /T/ /R EH K S/ /M AH CH/ /M AH CH D IH D/ [noise] [human_noise] on some dinosaurs but they /D IH D/ [human_noise] /IX N/ didn't know if [human_noise] it had munched on [human_noise] [begin_whisper] /T/ /T/ [end_whisper] [noise] /T/ /R EH K S/ /T AO P S/ [noise] fdjf3eh2 0 504919 "knew" sub w, replacement, add n after word; "munched" del middle of word, add w after word, restart(del p middle of word, add p end of word); "didn't" sub w, replacement, add n after word, add w after word, restart; "Triceratops" add n before word, add p's before word, false start(s), sub p's middle of word; add n after sentence; 3ek 4 The bone had huge tooth marks in it fdjf3ek2 the bone had /B AH G/ [sil] /HH AH G/ [noise] /T OW TH/ /T UW TH/ huge teeth marks on it [noise] fdjf3ek2 0 293252 "huge" sub w, replacement, add w after word, restart; "tooth" sub p middle of word, add w's after word, restart(s);"in" sub w, replacement; add n after sentence; 3en 4 Then he pulled the clay mold out of the tooth holes fdjf3en2 /DH IH N/ they [sil] /DH IH N/ he pulled [noise] the clay [human_noise] mold [begin_noise] out of [end_noise] the [begin_noise] /T IY F/ [end_noise] [human_noise] holes fdjf3en2 0 211439 "Then" sub p middle of word, OOV; "he" sub w, replacement, add w's after word, restart; "clay" add n after word; "mold" add p before word, false start;"tooth" sub w,replacement; 3eo 4 He put the mold next to T rex tooth fossils and they matched fdjf3eo2 he put the mold next to the /T/ /R EH K S/ tooth [human_noise] /F AO S IX S/ [human_noise] [noise] /F OW/ fossils [human_noise] and /DH IH N/ matched and they matched [human_noise] fdjf3eo2 0 380952 "fossils", add p's before word, false start(s), add n after word; "they" sub w, replacement;"matched" add w's after word, restart; add n after sentence; 3eq 4 Many kids hear that question every day fdjf3eq2 [noise] many /K AY N/ many [noise] kids hear [human_noise] that question every day [sil] fdjf3eq2 0 202768 add n before sentence; "kids" sub p's end of word, add w's after word, restart; "hear" add n after word; 3ev 3 The home-school computer has other uses fdjf3ev2 [noise] [begin_noise] /TH IH/ the [end_noise] [human_noise] home-school computer has other /Y UW Z IH Z/ fdjf3ev2 0 196098 add n before setence; "The" add p's before word, false start; "uses" sub p middle of word; 1ae 44 It can harm trees and buildings fdnc1ae2 [begin_noise] it /K AE/ harm /TH EY IX NG S/ /AE/ and /B IH L/ buildings [end_noise] fdnc1ae2 0 264528 add n to sentence; "can" del p end of word; "trees" sub w, replacement; "and" add p before word, false start; "buildings" add p's before word, false start; 1ad 43 Lightning can hurt people fdrr1ad2 /W EH R AY HH EH/ [crosstalk] [noise] [crosstalk] lightning can [noise] /HH HH EH L TD/ people [crosstalk] did i /N AH DD/ use one /D IY Z/ sentence [noise] [crosstalk] fdrr1ad2 0 531310 "Lightning" add n before word (whisper);"can" del p end of word, add n after word;"hurt" add p before word false start,sub p middle of word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe fdrr1ag2 [whisper] [noise] it /EH/ a [noise] lighting [noise] time [noise] come [noise] there were funny [noise] adding you [noise] can do to sew away [noise] /W AH S D AE T B AH IX N/ for /R AY/ here [noise] [crosstalk] fdrr1ag2 0 785214 add n before sentence (whisper);"If" sub p end of word;"a" add p before word false start, add n after word;"lightning" del p middle of word, add n after word;"storm" sub w replacement, add n after word;"comes" del p end of word, add n after word;"are" add p beginning of word;"four" sub w replacement;"things" add n before word (whisper), sub word replacement;"can" add n before word, del p end of word;"stay" sub word replcement;"safe" sub word replacement;add n after sentence (whisper); 2ab 27 A blue butterfly flew by fejm2ab2 [noise] a [begin_noise] butterfly flew [end_noise] a blue [begin_noise] /B AH DX ER F R AY/ [end_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] flew [end_noise] by [sil] fejm2ab2 0 280407 add n before sentence; "butterfly" del w before word, add w's after word restart("butterfly" del p end of word); 2ai 26 Scientists thought all the blue butterflies had died fejm2ai2 [begin_noise] /S AY IX N T IH N TS/ [end_noise] /S AY IX N T IH S/ thought the blue /B AH DH ER F L AY S/ [human_noise] had died [human_noise] [sil] fejm2ai2 0 169464 "scientists" sub p end of word OOV, add n beginning and end of word; add w after word repeat; "the" del w before word; "butterflies" sub p middle of word OOV, add n end of word; 2am 26 Then they put them in a cage fejm2am2 [noise] they [sil] put [noise] then they put them in a cage [sil] fejm2am2 0 117096 add n before sentence; "they" del w before word; "put" add w's after word restart; 2av 26 Rain forests have the most different kinds of butterflies fejm2av2 rain /F AO R EH S T/ has [human_noise] rain [begin_noise] /F AO R EH S T/ [end_noise] have [begin_noise] the most [end_noise] different kinds [human_noise] of [begin_noise] /B AH DX ER F R AY Z/ [end_noise] [sil] fejm2av2 0 168756 "forests" del p end of word, add n end of word; "have" sub w replacement, add n end of word, add w's after word restart ("forests" del p end of word); "kinds" add n end of word; "butterflies" add n end of word; 2bg 25 Sticky juice comes out of the caterpillar fejm2bg2 [begin_noise] sticky juice comes from [end_noise] [human_noise] [sil] out of caterpillar [sil] out of the [begin_noise] /K AE L ER P IH L AXR/ [end_noise] [sil] fejm2bg2 0 202539 "comes" add w after word; "of" del w after word; "caterpiller" add w's after w restart; 2bj 25 A caterpillar with a shell around it is called a pupa fejm2bj2 the caterpillar [human_noise] with a [begin_noise] shell [end_noise] around [human_noise] it is called a [human_noise] /P AA PD/ /P Y UW P AH/ [noise] fejm2bj2 0 237996 "a'" sub w replacement; "shell" add n beginning of word; "pupa" add p before word false start; 2bo 25 But turned upside down its colors are brown black pale yellow or white fejm2bo2 [noise] but /CH ER N/ [begin_noise] upside [end_noise] down [human_noise] /D OW N/ it [human_noise] /D OW N/ its colors are brown [human_noise] black pale yellow or white [sil] fejm2bo2 0 336835 add n before sentence; "turned" del p end of word; "upside" add n middle of word; "down" add w's after word restart; 2bq 25 Planes fly to Africa fejm2bq2 planes /F R AY/ [noise] fly from Africa [sil] fejm2bq2 0 73248 "fly" sub w replacement, add w after word repeat; "to" sub w replacement; 2ca 25 They want to help Rwandans get well and return to their homes fejm2ca2 they want to help [begin_noise] /R OW W AA N D AX/ [end_noise] /R AH W AA N D OW S/ get well and return to their homes [begin_noise] [end_noise] fejm2ca2 0 355421 "rwandans" del p end of word, add w after word repeat; 2cc 23 Some farmers grow coffee grow bananas or raise cattle fejm2cc2 some farmers [human_noise] [begin_noise] grow [end_noise] coffee [human_noise] from bananas or [human_noise] /R EY S/ cattle /K EH DX AX L/ [sil] fejm2cc2 0 215460 "grow" sub w replacement; "raise" sub p end of word OOV; "cattle" add w after word repeat; 1at 40 Heavy rain fills rivers with water ffpk1at2 [noise] /HH AA R V IY/ rain /F F AO/ /F AO L S/ [human_noise] rivers with water [crosstalk] ffpk1at2 0 231449 add n before sentence;"Heavy" sub p middle of word;"fills" add p's before word false start, sub p middle of word, add n after word;add n after setnence (whisper); 1au 42 If the river gets too deep water goes onto the land ffpk1au2 [noise] if the river goes too deep [human_noise] water goes on the land [noise] onto the land ffpk1au2 0 304776 add n before sentence;"gets" sub word replacement;"onto" add words before word restart ("onto" del p's end of word); 1ax 39 Long ago not many people recycled ffpk1ax2 [begin_noise] long [end_noise] [noise] [begin_noise] long [end_noise] ago [human_noise] not many [begin_noise] people record [end_noise] [sil] ffpk1ax2 0 246648 add n before sentence;"Long" add w before word repeat;"recycled" sub word replacement; 1ay 39 Now a lot more people recycle cans bottles and paper ffpk1ay2 [noise] now [human_noise] a [noise] lot of now a [human_noise] lot more [begin_noise] people [end_noise] record /K EY N S/ [human_noise] /B AH T UH L Z/ and paper [noise] [whisper] did I mess up [noise] ffpk1ay2 0 480760 "Now" add words before word restart ("more" sub word);"recycle" sub word replacement;"cans" sub p middle of word, add n after sentence;add n after setnence (whisper); 1bb 38 People use trash to make new things ffpk1bb2 [begin_noise] people [end_noise] [begin_noise] use to [end_noise] /T UW S/ [human_noise] /AE/ to make [human_noise] new [begin_crosstalk] new things [end_crosstalk] ffpk1bb2 0 328164 add n before sentence;"to" de w before word;"to" add words before word repeats, add p before word;"new" add word before word repeat;add n after sentence; 1bf 38 The worms turn the food into a special kind of soil ffpk1bf2 the worms turn the food into a special [noise] /K IX/ [begin_noise] kind of [end_noise] soil [noise] ffpk1bf2 0 320930 "kind" add p before word false start;add n after sentence; 1bk 37 Workers use parts of the bottles to make clothing ffpk1bk2 workers use /P EY/ /P EY R T S/ of [noise] parts of the bottles to make [begin_noise] /K L OW V IH NG/ [end_noise] [noise] ffpk1bk2 0 314230 "parts" add words before word restart ("parts" add w before word repeat, sub p middle of word);add n after sentence; 1bp 30 Oceans are big bodies of water ffpk1bp2 /OW SH IH N/ [human_noise] are [begin_noise] /OW SH IH N Z/ are big /B AO R T ER/ /B AO R T ER IX Z/ [end_noise] [human_noise] of /W AO DX/ bodies of /W AO T ER/ [human_noise] [human_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] [end_noise] ffpk1bp2 0 390780 "Oceans" add words before word restart ("Oceans" del p end of word);"bodies" add w's before word ("bodies" add word before word repeat, sub word replacement "water" sub p middle of word, del p end of word), sub p middle of word;"water" sub p middle of word; 1bs 28 In California people are working to keep seal homes clean and safe ffpk1bs2 [noise] in /K EH R AH L/ in /K EH R AH L AY N AH/ people [human_noise] and work [begin_noise] people [end_noise] are working [human_noise] to help seal homes [human_noise] [begin_noise] clean [end_noise] and safe [noise] [noise] ffpk1bs2 0 416832 add n before sentence;"In" add words before word restart ("California" sub word replacement);"California" sub word replacement;"people" add words before word restart ("are" sub word;"working" del p's end of word);"keep" sub word replacement;add n after sentence; 1bt 26 They want more seals to live in the ocean ffpk1bt2 [crosstalk] [noise] they want more /S IY L/ /S S IY L Z/ to live in /N AX/ ocean [noise] [crosstalk] ffpk1bt2 0 201068 add n before sentence;"seals" add w before word repeat (del p end of word);"the" sub p beginning of word; add n after sentence; 1bu 27 Scientists are working to protect many kinds of ocean animals ffpk1bu2 /S AY AX N T IX S/ are working to [noise] /P AA R T/ [noise] [human_noise] many /K AY N Z/ [sil] many /K AY N Z/ of /OW SH IX N/ animals [begin_noise] [end_noise] ffpk1bu2 0 369288 "Scientists" del p middle of word;"protect" sub word replacement, add n after word;"many" add w's before word restart;"ocean" sub p middle of word; 1bw 26 Mother sea turtles swim to land only to lay eggs ffpk1bw2 [begin_noise] [noise] mother sea /T ER M IX N AH L Z/ /S W IH M Z/ [human_noise] to [human_noise] /L AE/ [begin_noise] land [end_noise] only to lay eggs [human_noise] [end_noise] ffpk1bw2 0 330966 add n during sentence;add n before sentence;"turtles" sub p middle of word, add p end of word;;"swim" add p end of word, add n after word;"land" add p before word false start;add n after sentence; 1by 23 Dolphins live in the ocean ffpk1by2 [begin_noise] /D OW/ dolphins live in the ocean [noise] [end_noise] ffpk1by2 0 174150 add n during sentence;"Dolphins" add p's before word false start;add n after sentence; 1cf 21 Otters swim on their backs ffpk1cf2 [begin_noise] otters /S W IH M PD S/ on the backs [crosstalk] on their backs [end_noise] ffpk1cf2 0 266508 add n during sentence;"swim" add p end of word;"on" add w's before word restart ("their" sub w replacement); 1cj 21 Sometimes other fish will not eat a fish because it tastes bad ffpk1cj2 sometimes other fish will not [human_noise] eat [human_noise] fish [human_noise] because it /T EY S/ it /T EY S/ /B EY DD/ [noise] [noise] ffpk1cj2 0 306612 "eat" del w after word;"it" add w's before word restart ("tastes" del p end of word);add n after sentence; 1ck 20 A tropical rain forest has many tall trees ffpk1ck2 a /T ER P IH DX AX L/ a /T ER M IH DX AX L/ rain /F AO R IX S/ has many [begin_noise] tall trees [end_noise] ffpk1ck2 0 239190 "A" add w's before word restart ("tropical" sub word replacement);"troppical" sub word replacement;add n after sentence; 1cm 20 Now they use walkways that hang in tall treetops ffpk1cm2 now the use now they use [human_noise] [noise] walkways that /HH EY NG K/ in tall /T R IY Z T AA P S/ [noise] [noise] ffpk1cm2 0 366064 "Now" add w's before word restart ("they" sub word replacement);"treetops" add p middle of word;add n after sentence; 1co 16 A tropical rain forest is a warm wet place ffpk1co2 a /T ER M P IH D AX L/ a /T ER M IH N AX L/ rain /F AO R IX S/ is a warm wet place [noise] ffpk1co2 0 288378 "A" add words before word restart ("tropical" sub w replacement);"tropical" sub w replacement;add n after sentence; 1cr 17 Many animals like the frog live there too ffpk1cr2 [noise] many animals [begin_noise] like the [end_noise] /F R AO K/ /L IH F/ [noise] there too [begin_whisper] live there too [end_whisper] [noise] ffpk1cr2 0 302151 add n before sentence;"live" add w's before word restart; 1cu 17 Other animals will not eat the stink bug because it tastes bad ffpk1cu2 [begin_noise] other animals will not eat [human_noise] the /S T EY N K/ /S T EY N K IY/ /B AE G/ because [human_noise] it /T EY/ it /T EY S/ bad [end_noise] ffpk1cu2 0 309424 "stink" add w after w repeat (add p end of word);"bug" sub p middle of word;"it" add w's before word restart ("tastes" del p end of word);; 2aw 25 Butterflies eat only nectar fjbg2aw2 [noise] butterflies eat only /N/ [noise] nectar [noise] fjbg2aw2 0 182252 add n beginnin of sentence;"nectar" add p before word, false start, add n before word; 2bk 27 Inside the shell the caterpillar body changes fjbg2bk2 [noise] inside the shells the caterpillar's body changing changes fjbg2bk2 0 179010 add n beginning of sentence;"shell" add end of word;"caterpillar" add p end of word; "changes" add w (sub p end of word), repeat; 2bm 26 A butterfly wing is a two sided thing fjbg2bm2 a butterfly's a butterfly wing [noise] is two /S AY DD AX D/sided thing [noise] fjbg2bm2 0 179280 "butterfly" sub p end of word, add w after word, repeat;"a" del word; "sided" del p middle of word; 2bo 25 But turned upside down its colors are brown black pale yellow or white fjbg2bo2 [noise] but turned /AH/ upside down [noise] its colors are brown black /Y EH/ pale [noise] yellow and white or white fjbg2bo2 0 230090 add n beginning of sentence; "upside" add p's before word, false start; "pale" add p's before word, restart;"or" sub word, replacement;"white", add words after word, restart; 2bt 26 Rwanda is a country in Africa fjbg2bt2 /R R W AA N D IX/ is a country in africa fjbg2bt2 0 96048 "Rwanda" add p before word, false start, sub p middle of word; 2bu 27 The country had a war fjbg2bu2 [noise] the country had [noise] a /W AA R/ war fjbg2bu2 0 137448 add n beginning of sentence; "had" del p end of word, add n after word; "war" sub p middle of word, add w after word, restart; 2ci 24 At the market they find things they need but can't make or grow themselves fjbg2ci2 [noise] at the market they find things [noise] they need but can not can't [noise] make or grow themselves fjbg2ci2 0 223440 add n eginning of sentence; "they" add n before word; "can't" sub w, replacement, add w after word, repeat, add n after word; 2ck 22 The mountain gorillas are endangered fjbg2ck2 [noise] the /M AW N TD/ the /M AW N T IX N/ gorillas [noise] are endangered fjbg2ck2 0 139860 add n beginning of sentence; "mountain" del p's end of word, add w's after word, restart; 2cr 22 An emperor penguin mother lays an egg in winter fjbg2cr2 [noise] the emperor penguin [noise] /M/ mother lays an egg in the winter [noise] fjbg2cr2 0 164008 add n beginning of sentence; "An" sub w, replacement;"mother" add n before word, add p before word, false start; "winter" add before word; add n after sentence; 2cw 18 They keep the eggs warm until the baby penguins break out of the eggs fjbg2cw2 [noise] they keep the eggs warm until the baby penguins [noise] break out with break /AW D AX/ the eggs fjbg2cw2 0 192270 add n beginning of sentence;"penguins" add p end of word;"of" sub w replacement, add w's after word, restart("of" sub p's, OOV);"eggs" add p end of word; 2db 18 Only a few plants and insects live in the middle of the cold continent fjbg2db2 only a few plans and /IH N G S EH IH N S EH K S/live in the middle of the cold continent [crosstalk] fjbg2db2 0 257076 "plants" add p midde of word;"insects" del p's end of word, add word after word, restart;add n after sentence, whisper; 2aa 25 A scientist walked through a field fjcs2aa2 [noise] a /S EH N/ a /S AY DD/ [noise] a scientist walked through a field fjcs2aa2 0 173826 add n before sentence;"A" add p's before word. restart; ("scientist" sub p middle of word, del p end of word); 2ae 24 Once many blue butterflies lived in California fjcs2ae2 [noise] once may once many blue butterflies lived in california fjcs2ae2 0 157482 add n before sentence;"once" add words before word, restart ("many" sub p middle of word, del p end of word); 2aj 24 Now they say some of the butterflies are alive fjcs2aj2 [noise] now they say some of /DH/ the butterflies are alive fjcs2aj2 0 116200 add n before sentence;"the" add p before wrod, false start;"alive" add n end of word; 2am 26 Then they put them in a cage fjcs2am2 they put them in /K EY/ in a cage [noise] fjcs2am2 0 104562 "they" del word before word;"in" add words before word, restart ("cage" del word before word, del p end of word);add n after sentence; 2aq 26 Scientists let most of them fly away fjcs2aq2 [noise] scientists /S/ [noise] let most of them /F EH L IX/ fly away [noise] fjcs2aq2 0 110888 add n before sentence;"scientists" add p end of word, add n after word;"fly" add p's before word, false start;add n after sentence; 2au 25 Butterflies live almost everywhere in the world fjcs2au2 [noise] butterflies live /M/ almost everywhere in the world [noise] fjcs2au2 0 444210 add n before sentence;"almost" add p before word, false start;add n after sentence; 2bp 27 Help is coming for Rwanda fjcs2bp2 is coming for for /R ER/ [cut] fjcs2bp2 0 47040 "is" del word before word;"for" add word before word, restart; "Rwanda" del p's end of word; 2bq 25 Planes fly to Africa fjcs2bq2 [noise] plants planes fly to africa [noise] fjcs2bq2 0 282384 "Planes" add word before word, restart, add n before word;add n after sentence; 2ca 25 They want to help Rwandans get well and return to their homes fjcs2ca2 [noise] they want to help /R UW W AA N D AX Z/ [noise] rwandans get well [noise] and return [noise] to their homes fjcs2ca2 0 284142 add n before sentence;"Rwandans" add word before word, false start, add n before word;"and" add n before word;"return" add n after word; 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe fjdk1ag2 [noise] if a lightning [begin_whisper] /S T/ /S T AO R M/ [end_whisper] /S T AO R/ [begin_noise] comes [end_noise] [begin_noise] there are [end_noise] four [sil] [noise] fjdk1ag2 0 429374 add n before sentence;"storm" add p before word false start, add n before word (whisper), del p end of word, add n after word;"four" del all words after word, add n after word; 1an 43 The winds spin around and around fjdk1an2 the winds [begin_whisper] /S P/ /S P R IH/ /S P R IH N S/ /S/ [end_whisper] the winds [human_noise] [begin_noise] spin [end_noise] [noise] [begin_whisper] away [end_whisper] [begin_noise] /AH R AW N/ [end_noise] /AE N/ [noise] /A R AW N/ [human_noise] [noise] fjdk1an2 0 670672 "The" add w's before word restart ("winds" add n after word (whisper));"around" add n before word (whisper);"around" del p end of word;"and" del p end of word;"around" del p end of word;add n after sentence; 1as 39 Sometimes it is hard to see in dust storms fjdk1as2 [begin_whisper] /S AH M TH IH NG/ [end_whisper] [crosstalk] [begin_noise] sometimes [end_noise] [human_noise] it is [human_noise] [noise] fjdk1as2 0 325134 "Sometimes" add p before word false start, add n before word (whisper);"is" del all w's after word;add n after sentence; 1ay 39 Now a lot more people recycle cans bottles and paper fjdk1ay2 [begin_whisper] now [end_whisper] [human_noise] now a [human_noise] lot more [begin_noise] people [end_noise] [human_noise] /R AX/ /R AH/ [begin_noise] /R AH S AY K AH L/ [end_noise] cans bottles [human_noise] /AE N/ [human_noise] /P AA R P AA R/ fjdk1ay2 0 497707 add n before sentence (whisper);"lot" add n before word;"recycle" add p before word false start,sub p middle of word;"and" del p end of word;"paper" add p's before word false start, sub p middle of word, del p end of word; 1ba 39 It is good because recycling helps keep the Earth cleaner fjdk1ba2 [begin_noise] it [end_noise] is [begin_noise] good [end_noise] because [begin_noise] recycling [end_noise] [human_noise] helps keep the Earth /K L IY N/ cleaner [human_noise] [noise] fjdk1ba2 0 351828 "cleaner" add p's before word false start;add n after sentence; 1bc 39 Then not as much trash piles up fjdk1bc2 [begin_noise] then [end_noise] not [begin_noise] as [end_noise] [human_noise] [sil] /M AH S/ /M AH S/ trash [begin_whisper] /P AO L Z/ [end_whisper] /P AO L Z/ up [noise] [noise] [begin_whisper] did christal get one [end_whisper] [human_noise] fjdk1bc2 0 669956 "much" add n before word, add p's before word false start, sub p end of word;"piles" add n before word (whisper), del p middle of word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1be 38 They use worms to eat the food in the garbage fjdk1be2 [noise] /AO M/ [noise] [begin_whisper] /DH AE TD/ [end_whisper] they [human_noise] use [begin_noise] worms to eat [end_noise] [begin_noise] the /F UW/ [end_noise] [human_noise] in the garbage [noise] [begin_whisper] /G L OW/ that's disgusting [end_whisper] fjdk1be2 0 582750 add n before sentence;"They" add p before word false start, add n after word;"food" del p end of word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1bf 38 The worms turn the food into a special kind of soil fjdk1bf2 the [begin_noise] worms [end_noise] [begin_whisper] /T R AE/ /T R AE SH/ [end_whisper] [crosstalk] [begin_whisper] turn [end_whisper] [crosstalk] [begin_noise] turn [end_noise] [human_noise] the [begin_noise] food into [end_noise] [human_noise] [begin_whisper] /AX/ [end_whisper] a [begin_noise] special [end_noise] [sil] kid [human_noise] of /S M AA R T S/ /S L AA/ [human_noise] /S L/ slug [human_noise] /S/ [human_noise] [human_noise] [human_noise] /S L AH/ /S L/ [human_noise] /S/ [human_noise] /S AO/ /S AO W/ [human_noise] [noise] fjdk1bf2 0 937387 "turn" add n before word (whisper), add n after word;"kind" sub word;"soil" add p's before word false start, add n before word,sub word replacement;add n after sentence; 1bg 36 The soil is used to help gardens grow fjdk1bg2 the soil [sil] [begin_noise] is [end_noise] /AX/ under [begin_noise] to [end_noise] [sil] /P L/ [human_noise] [begin_whisper] /P L EY/ /P L EY/ [human_noise] /P/ /T/ [human_noise] /HH/ /HH EH/ [begin_noise] help [end_noise] [end_whisper] [begin_noise] help [end_noise] garbage grow [begin_whisper] how could garbage grow [end_whisper] [noise] fjdk1bg2 0 762660 "used" sub word relacement;"help" add p's before word false start, add n before word (whisper);"gardens" sub word replacement;add n after sentence (whisper); 1bh 37 Some paper has an important sign on it fjdk1bh2 /S/ [begin_noise] some people [end_noise] [human_noise] has an [begin_noise] /AH M/ /AH M/ /AH M/ /AH M/ [end_noise] [human_noise] /AH M/ /AH M/ /AH M/ /AH M/ /AX/ fjdk1bh2 0 304608 "Some" add p before word false start;"paper" sub word replacement;"an" sub p beginning of word, del all words after word;add n after sentence; 1bi 37 The sign shows that the paper is made from used paper fjdk1bi2 [begin_whisper] okay [end_whisper] [human_noise] /DH/ [begin_noise] the /S/ /S IH L/ /S IH L IX N/ [end_noise] [crosstalk] the /S AY N DD/ [human_noise] shops [human_noise] that the [begin_noise] people [end_noise] [human_noise] is made from [human_noise] /Y UW/ under people [noise] fjdk1bi2 0 621775 add n before sentence(whisper);"The" add w's before word restart ("sign" sub word);"sign" add p end of word;"shows" sub word replacement;"paper" sub word replacement;"from" add n after word;"used" sub word replacement;"paper" sub word replacement;add n after sentence; 1bk 37 Workers use parts of the bottles to make clothing fjdk1bk2 [begin_whisper] /K EY/ [end_whisper] [noise] /AH M/ /W ER K/ /W ER K/ /W AA R K S/ /W ER K S/ under [begin_whisper] /P AA R F S UW T S/ [end_whisper] [human_noise] [begin_noise] /P AA R S AX N Z/ [end_noise] of the [begin_noise] /B AA DX AX L/ [end_noise] [begin_noise] to make [end_noise] [begin_whisper] cleaning [end_whisper] [crosstalk] [begin_noise] /K L OW DH/ [end_noise] [noise] [noise] [human_noise] [crosstalk] fjdk1bk2 0 602536 add n before sentence(whisper);"Workers" add p's before word false start, del p's middle of word;"use" sub word replacement;"parts" add n before word (whisper), sub word replacement;"bottles" del p end of word;"clothing" add n before word (whisper), sub p end of word;add n after sentence; 1bm 37 They fix up old bikes and let other people use them fjdk1bm2 /DH AE TD/ /DH IH/ they [human_noise] [begin_noise] /F/ fix [end_noise] up [human_noise] /OW L/ bikes /AE N/ [human_noise] /L/ /L AA/ /L/ [human_noise] /L IH T/ [begin_noise] /L IH T/ [end_noise] over /AO R/ other [begin_noise] people [end_noise] [human_noise] us [human_noise] /Y UW/ use [sil] them [noise] fjdk1bm2 0 1011743 "They" add p's before word;"old" add n before word, del p end of word;"and" del p end of word, add n after word;"let" add p's before word false start, add w before word repeat, sub p middle of word;"other" add word before wod;"use" add p's before word false start, add w before word repeat;add n after sentence; 1ac 40 It sometimes hits the ground fjtr1ac2 it something [human_noise] [begin_noise] /HH IH T/ [end_noise] /IH TS/ [begin_noise] it [end_noise] [human_noise] something /HH IH T/ the /G R AW N/ [crosstalk] [begin_noise] [end_noise] fjtr1ac2 0 282987 "It" add words before word, restart ("sometimes" sub word, add n after word;"hits" del p end of word), add word before word, false start;"sometimes" sub word;"ground" del p end of word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe fjtr1ag2 [begin_noise] if a [end_noise] lightning [human_noise] storm [human_noise] [begin_noise] comes [end_noise] [human_noise] there [human_noise] are [human_noise] four [begin_noise] things [end_noise] you [begin_noise] can do [end_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] to stay /F/ [end_noise] safe [begin_noise] [end_noise] fjtr1ag2 0 462391 add n before sentence;"storm" add n after word;"do" add n after word;"safe" add p before word, false start;add nafter sentence; 1an 43 The winds spin around and around fjtr1an2 [noise] /S P/ [begin_noise] /P S/ spin around [end_noise] and around [noise] [crosstalk] fjtr1an2 0 166160 add n before sentence;"spin" del all words before word, add p's before word, false start;add n after sentence (whisper); 1ap 39 Dust storms happen in very dry places fjtr1ap2 /D AH S/ [noise] /S T/ [begin_crosstalk] storms [human_noise] /HH AE P EY N/ /N IX/ [end_crosstalk] fjtr1ap2 0 234150 "Dust" del p end of word; "storms" add p's before word, false start;"happen" sub p end of word, add p after owrd, del all words after word; 1ar 39 The winds blow dust and dirt around fjtr1ar2 [noise] the /W IH N D OW Z/ blow [begin_noise] dirt [end_noise] [human_noise] /AE N/ [begin_noise] /UW P S/ [end_noise] [human_noise] the /W IH N D OW/ /B L/ the /W IH N D OW S/ blow [human_noise] [begin_noise] /D AH/ [end_noise] fjtr1ar2 0 342528 add n before sentence;"The" add words before word, restart ("winds" sub word; "dust" sub word);"winds" sub word; "dust" del p end of word, del all words after word; 1av 41 When water covers streets and goes into houses it is called a flood fjtr1av2 /W AO T ER/ [human_noise] [noise] /G AH/ [begin_noise] /K AX/ [end_noise] /K AO/ fjtr1av2 0 142155 "water" del word before word, sub p middle of word, add n after word;"covers" add p's before word, false start, del p's end of word, del all words after word; 1az 39 Experts say that's good news fjtr1az2 /EH K S P ER T/ [begin_noise] [human_noise] [end_noise] /EH S P ER/ experts [human_noise] [begin_noise] /S EY DD/ [end_noise] /DH AE K S/ [begin_noise] /DH AE S/ [end_noise] [begin_noise] good [end_noise] news [noise] [noise] [sil] fjtr1az2 0 297482 "Experts" add p's before word, false start;"say" add p end of word;"that's" add p's before word, false start, del p middle of word; 1ba 39 It is good because recycling helps keep the Earth cleaner fjtr1ba2 it is good [begin_noise] because [end_noise] recycling helps [human_noise] [noise] [begin_noise] /K L IY/ /K L IY/ /K L IY P/ [end_noise] [crosstalk] the [human_noise] /ER F/ fjtr1ba2 0 388689 "keep" add n before word, add p's before word, false start, add p middle of word, add n after word (whisper);"Earth" sub p end of word, del word after word; 1bf 38 The worms turn the food into a special kind of soil fjtr1bf2 worms [begin_noise] turn [end_noise] the food into [human_noise] a special /K IH D Z/ of [human_noise] /S OW/ /S/ /S OW/ [begin_noise] /L AO/ [end_noise] [noise] [noise] fjtr1bf2 0 360460 "worms" del word before word;"into" add n after word;"kind" sub word;"soil" add p's before word, false start, sub p middle of word, add p end of word;add n after sentence; 1bj 36 Some people recycle plastic bottles fjtr1bj2 [noise] some people recycle [human_noise] /P L AE S D IH G/ /B AA TD/ /P L AE S T IH K/ /B AA DX AH L S/ [sil] fjtr1bj2 0 230136 add n before sentence;"plastic" add words before word, restart ("plastic" del p end of word;"bottles" del p's end of word); 1bk 37 Workers use parts of the bottles to make clothing fjtr1bk2 [cut]/K ER Z/ use [human_noise] [noise] workers [human_noise] use [human_noise] [begin_noise] /P IY S/ [end_noise] of the bottles to [begin_noise] make /K L OW DH IH NG K/ [end_noise] [sil] fjtr1bk2 0 471276 "Worker" adds word before word, restart("Workers" del p's beginning of word);"part" add n before word,sub word; 1bp 30 Oceans are big bodies of water fjtr1bp2 bodies are big [begin_noise] /B AO/ [end_noise] [human_noise] no [human_noise] [begin_whisper] I mean [end_whisper] [begin_noise] oceans [end_noise] are big bodies of water [crosstalk] fjtr1bp2 0 312062 "oceans" add words before word, restart ("bodies" del all words before word;"of" sub word, add word after word, del all words after word; add words after word); 2ay 25 Butterflies carry pollen from one flower to another fkep2ay2 [noise] [begin_noise] butterflies /K/ [end_noise] carry the [begin_noise] pollen [end_noise] from [human_noise] one [begin_noise] flower [end_noise] to another [human_noise] [sil] fkep2ay2 0 147150 add n before sentence; "carry" add p before word false start; "pollen" add w before word; add n beginning of word; 2bq 25 Planes fly to Africa fkep2bq2 [noise] /P L/ [sil] planes fly to Africa [sil] [noise] fkep2bq2 0 101711 "planes" add p before word false start; 2bu 27 The country had a war fkep2bu2 [noise] the /K AH/ [sil] the country had a war [sil] fkep2bu2 0 97026 "country" del p's end of word, add w's after word restart; 2bz 24 Now people from other countries have gone to Africa fkep2bz2 now [begin_noise] people [end_noise] [begin_noise] from [end_noise] other /K AH N T R IY/ [human_noise] countries have gone [human_noise] to Africa [sil] fkep2bz2 0 175545 "countries" del p end of word; add w after word repeat; 1am 43 Tornadoes bring rain and big winds fkmn1am2 tornadoes bring big bring rain and big winds fkmn1am2 0 173584 "bring" add w after word, add w after word restart; 1ao 43 They blow a long thin cloud down to the ground fkmn1ao2 they blow /L/ long [noise] [begin_whisper] /K EY/ [end_whisper] fkmn1ao2 0 139128 "long" del w before word, add p before word false start; rest off text; 1aq 37 The storms have big winds fkmn1aq2 /D S/ /D S T/ storms have big /W IH N TS/ fkmn1aq2 0 109200 "storms" del w before word, add p before word false start; "winds" del p end of word; 1as 39 Sometimes it is hard to see in dust storms fkmn1as2 [begin_noise] sometimes [end_noise] /IH TS/ /HH ER D/ [human_noise] to /S/ /T/ it's [begin_noise] hard [end_noise] to see in dust storms [noise] fkmn1as2 0 251900 "it" sub w replacement, del w after word; "hard" sub p middle of word not in CMUICT, add w's after word restart; 1au 42 If the river gets too deep water goes onto the land fkmn1au2 [noise] if a river /G EH/ gets too deep /W AO ER/ goes [begin_noise] in [end_noise] on [human_noise] /IH N T UW/ the land [sil] fkmn1au2 0 162445 "the" sub w replacement; "gets" add p before word false start; "water" del p middle of word; "onto" add p's before word false start, sub p beginning of word replacment; 1aw 40 Recycling is helping our Earth fkmn1aw2 [noise] recycling helps our /ER/ is [begin_noise] helping our [end_noise] Earth fkmn1aw2 0 164724 add n before sentence; "is helping" sub w replacment; "earth" del p's end of word, add w's after word restart; 1ax 39 Long ago not many people recycled fkmn1ax2 /L EY N G/ [noise] long ago not many people /R IY S AY K UW L/ fkmn1ax2 0 121720 "long" add p before word false start; "recycled" del p end of word; 1ay 39 Now a lot more people recycle cans bottles and paper fkmn1ay2 now a lot /M OW/ more people recycle cans /B UH DX AXR Z/ bottles and /P EY P ER Z/ [noise] [human_noise] [human_noise] fkmn1ay2 0 291346 "more" add p before word false start; "bottles" add w before word false start; "paper" add p end of word; add n end of sentence; 1az 39 Experts say that's good news fkmn1az2 [cut]/K S P ER T S/ say [begin_noise] /DH AE T/ good [end_noise] news [human_noise] that's good news fkmn1az2 0 116735 "experts" del p beginning of word; "that" del p end of word; "news" add w's after word restart; 1ba 39 It is good because recycling helps keep the Earth cleaner fkmn1ba2 it's it is good because [begin_noise] recycling [end_noise] helps [human_noise] keep the Earth cleaner [noise] fkmn1ba2 0 229227 "it is" sub w replacement, add w's after word restart; 1bb 38 People use trash to make new things fkmn1bb2 people help [noise] [noise] people use trash to make new things [sil] fkmn1bb2 0 125345 "use" sub w replacement, add w's after word restart; 1bf 38 The worms turn the food into a special kind of soil fkmn1bf2 worms turn /IX/ to /F/ [human_noise] /IH N/ the worms turn the food into a special kind of soil fkmn1bf2 0 185760 "worms" del w before word; "the" add p before word false start, sub w's replacement, add w's after word restart; 1bg 36 The soil is used to help gardens grow fkmn1bg2 /D AX/ [begin_noise] /S OW L/ [end_noise] is /S/ the [begin_noise] soil is used [end_noise] to help /D AX/ ground /D AX/ gardens grow fkmn1bg2 0 144088 "soil" sub p end of word OOV; "is" add w's after word restart; "gardens" sub w's before word replacement; 1bh 37 Some paper has an important sign on it fkmn1bh2 some [sil] paper has an /IH M P AO R IX N/ sign [begin_noise] /AO/ [end_noise] sign [begin_noise] on [end_noise] it [sil] fkmn1bh2 0 126450 "important" del p's end of word; "sign" add p after word, add w after word repeat; 1bj 36 Some people recycle plastic bottles fkmn1bj2 some people recycle plastic [sil] plastic bottles fkmn1bj2 0 175942 "plastic" add w after word repeat; 1bk 37 Workers use parts of the bottles to make clothing fkmn1bk2 [cut]/ER K ER Z/ use parts of /D AX/ /B AA AH L Z/ to make /DH R UW/ clothing [noise] [noise] fkmn1bk2 0 136315 "workers" del p beginning of word; "the" sub p beginning of word OOV; "bottles" del p middle of word; "clothing" add p before word false start; 1bn 37 After the people use the bikes they give them back fkmn1bn2 after the people use the bikes [human_noise] they give them [begin_noise] /AH M/ back [end_noise] they give them /DH EH M/ back [sil] fkmn1bn2 0 183736 "the" sub p beginning of word OOV; "them" del p beginning of word; "back" add w's after word restart; 1bw 26 Mother sea turtles swim to land only to lay eggs fkmn1bw2 mother sea /T ER AH L Z/ [noise] /L/ /P S W IH M/ to [human_noise] /L/ mother sea /T ER AH L Z/ swim to /L AE N/ only to lay eggs fkmn1bw2 0 236307 "turtles" del p middle of word; "swim" add p before word; "to" a w's after word restart; "land" del p end of word; 1bx 27 Then they go back into the water fkmn1bx2 they then they go back /TS/ into the water [noise] fkmn1bx2 0 137772 "they" add w's after word restart; "into" add p before word; 1ci 21 They sometimes eat ocean plants fkmn1ci2 they [begin_noise] sometimes eat /AH/ ocean plants [end_noise] fkmn1ci2 0 146578 "ocean" add p before w false start; 1cl 20 Until now scientists could not examine the tops of the trees fkmn1cl2 until now [begin_noise] /S AY AH N T IH S/ [end_noise] could not /EH K S/ [human_noise] examine the top of /D AX/ trees fkmn1cl2 0 167184 "scientists" del p end of word; "examine" add p before word false start; "top" del p end of word; "the" sub p beginning of word OOV; 1cm 20 Now they use walkways that hang in tall treetops fkmn1cm2 they use walkways to hang /D AX/ [noise] [human_noise] they use walkways to hang in /D AX/ tall /T R IY T AA P S/ [noise] fkmn1cm2 0 213840 "they" del w before word; "that" sub w replacement; "hang" add p after word, add w's after word restart; "tall" add w before word; 1cn 18 They are finding new plants and animals that live in the tall treetops fkmn1cn2 they are finding new plants and animals [begin_noise] that [end_noise] live in [human_noise] the tall /T R IY S AO PD/ [noise] /T R IY T AA P S/ [noise] fkmn1cn2 0 281392 "treetops" sub/del p's end of word, add w after word repeat; add n after sentence; 1cr 17 Many animals like the frog live there too fkmn1cr2 many [begin_noise] /AE N IH M AH L Z/ [end_noise] like the /F L AA/ [human_noise] like the frog [begin_noise] live there [end_noise] too [noise] fkmn1cr2 0 165410 "animals" del p middle of word; "frog" add p before word false start, add w's after word restart; 1cs 17 The frog's bright colors let other animals know its skin gives off poison fkmn1cs2 the /F R AO G Z/ bright colors let the other animals know [human_noise] it has its skin gives off poison fkmn1cs2 0 207206 "other" add w before word; "its" sub w's replacement, add w after words restart; 1cu 17 Other animals will not eat the stink bug because it tastes bad fkmn1cu2 other animals will not eat [noise] the /S/ stink /B AH G Z/ because it /T EY S/ bad [noise] fkmn1cu2 0 229460 "stink" add p before word false start; "bug" add p end of word; "tastes" del p end of word; 1cw 14 They also live in the rain forest fkmn1cw2 they are they also live in the rain /F AO R S T/ fkmn1cw2 0 161936 "they" add w before word false start; "forest" del p middle of word; 1cx 15 They have sharp bills that are used to crack seeds and fruit fkmn1cx2 they have sharp bills /DH EH/ are used to crack /S/ seeds and fruits [sil] fkmn1cx2 0 144078 "that" del p end of word; "seeds" add p beginning of word false start; 1dd 12 The scientists want to learn how to make new medicines fkmn1dd2 the /S AY AX N T IH S/ /W AA N TS/ want to know [human_noise] how to make new medicines [noise] fkmn1dd2 0 216108 "scientists" del p end of word; "want" add p end of word, add w after word restart; "learn" sub w replacement; 1de 12 The medicines could help make sick people feel better fkmn1de2 the /M EH D IX S AH N Z/ [human_noise] could help make [begin_noise] people [end_noise] [human_noise] sick feel [sil] feel better fkmn1de2 0 198516 "medicines" del p middle of word; "sick people" words switched; "feel" add w after word repeat; 1df 12 Scientists keep learning new things about dinosaurs fkmn1df2 /S AY AX N T IH/ /S/ /K EH/ [human_noise] [noise] keep learning new things [human_noise] about dinosaurs fkmn1df2 0 162137 "scientists" del p end of word; "keep" add p before word false start; 1dh 12 The hard plates on its back did not grow in two even rows fkmn1dh2 they /HH ER D/ /P L AE/ [noise] it /HH/ [human_noise] its hard plates on its back did not grow [human_noise] in /TD/ [noise] in two even rows fkmn1dh2 0 263146 "plates" w's before word off text; "in" add w after word repeat; 1dj 13 The dinosaur also had sharp spikes at the end of its tail for fighting fkmn1dj2 the /D AY N AH S AO R S/ [noise] [human_noise] the [begin_noise] /D AY N AH S AA R/ also [end_noise] had sharp spikes at the end of [human_noise] its tail for fighting [noise] [noise] fkmn1dj2 0 299145 "dinosaur" add p end of word, add n after word, add words after w restart; 1dk 12 Scientists say they find dinosaur bones in the ground fkmn1dk2 [noise] /S AY AX N T IH S/ say that [noise] that /DH/ /DH/ they /F/ find dinosaur bones [human_noise] in the /G R AW N Z/ fkmn1dk2 0 329550 "scientists" del p end of word; "they" sub w replacement & add w repeat; "they" add p before w false start; "ground" add p end of word; 1dn 9 They laid the eggs in the ground fkmn1dn2 they /L EY/ [noise] they [begin_noise] laid eggs on in the ground [end_noise] fkmn1dn2 0 133380 "laid" del p end of word, add w's after word restart; "eggs" del w before word; "in" sub w replacement, add w after word restart; 2ax 25 Nectar is the juice inside flowers fkrh2ax2 [noise] nectar is the [noise] is the juice inside flowers [noise] fkrh2ax2 0 144978 add n before sentence;"the" add w's after word, restart; 2bj 25 A caterpillar with a shell around it is called a pupa fkrh2bj2 a caterpillar with a shell around it is called /AH PD/ [cut] fkrh2bj2 0 138567 "pupa" add p before word, false start; 2ce 24 Children start school when they are seven years old fkrh2ce2 [noise] /CH/children start school when they are seven years old fkrh2ce2 0 189810 add n beginning of sentence; "Children" add p before word, false start; 2cg 25 Schools in Rwanda did not have room for all the children fkrh2cg2 [noise] schools in rwanda /D IX/ did not have room for all the children fkrh2cg2 0 205436 add n beginning of sentence;"did" add p before word, false start; 2cp 23 A scientist studied emperor penguins in Antarctica fkrh2cp2 [noise] a /S AY AY N T IX S TD/ studied emperor penguins in [noise] Antarctica fkrh2cp2 0 290605 add beginning of sentence;"Antarctica" add p before word; false start; 2cq 22 He found out how the birds keep their babies warm fkrh2cq2 [noise] he found out [noise] how /DH/ the birds keep their /B/ babies warm [noise] fkrh2cq2 0 238428 add n beginning of sentence;"out" add n after word;"babies" add p before word, false start; add n after sentence; 2cz 17 It is the coldest place on Earth fkrh2cz2 it is the coldest planet on earth place on earth fkrh2cz2 0 152514 add n beginning of sentence;"place" sub word, replacement;"Earth" del p end of word, add w's after word, restart; 2di 15 They dive for food in nearby waters fkrh2di2 [noise] they /D IH/ dive for food in nearby waters [noise] fkrh2di2 0 161172 add n beginning of sentence;"dive" add p before word, false start; 2dj 16 Sheathbills have a hard covering called a sheath on their bills fkrh2dj2 [noise] /SH IY/ sheath bills have hard /B AE/ hard covering called a sheath on their bills fkrh2dj2 0 258408 add n beginning of sentence;"Sheathbills"add p's before word, false start;"hard" del w before word; add w after word, restart (add p after word, false start); 2do 13 The shiny fish are the color of ice fkrh2do2 [noise] they the shy fish are the color of ice [whisper] fkrh2do2 0 216125 add n beginning of sentence;"The" sub w, replacement, add w after word, restart;"shiny" sub w, replacement;add w's after sentence, whisper; 2dq 12 Is watching television bad for your heart fkrh2dq2 [noise] is watching television bad for your /HH EH L/ heart fkrh2dq2 0 145854 add n beginning of sentence;"heart" add p's before word, false start; 2dt 14 The doctors found that many kids do not run or jump or play outdoor games as often as they should fkrh2dt2 [noise] the doctors found /TH/ [noise] that many kids do not run or jump or play outdoor games as /AO F T AX N/ as they should fkrh2dt2 0 251748 add n beginning of sentence; "that" add p before word, false start,add n before word; 3ac 2 In their free time they enjoy the same games and TV programs that everyone else does flac3ac2 free time they enjoy the same games and t v programs [noise] that every else does everyone else does flac3ac2 0 202878 "free" del two words before word;"that" add n before word;"everyone" add words before word, restart("everyone" del p's end of word); 3ah 2 Some people work extra hard to be sure their traditions are not forgotten flac3ah2 some people work extra hard to be sure they [noise] their traditions are not forgotten flac3ah2 0 153180 "their" add word before word, false start, add n before word; 3bg 2 Each boy will live completely alone for two years flac3bg2 [noise] each boy will live completely alone for /EH/ for two years [noise] flac3bg2 0 180950 add n before sentence; "for" add words before wrod, restart ("for" add p's after word);add n after sentence; 3ch 2 Astronauts don't eat food that makes crumbs since they would float around the space station flac3ch2 [noise] astronauts don't eat food that makes crumbs [noise] since they would float around the space /SH/ station flac3ch2 0 224940 add n before sentence;"crumbs" add n after word;"station" add p's before word, false start; 1ae 44 It can harm trees and buildings flas1ae2 [noise] it can /HH/ harm trees and buildings flas1ae2 0 130582 "harm" add p before word false start; "buidlings" del p end of word; 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe flas1ag2 if a lightning storm comes [noise] there are four things [noise] you can do to /S/ stay safe flas1ag2 0 230300 "there" add n before word; "you" add n before word; "stay" add p before word false start; 1am 43 Tornadoes bring rain and big winds flas1am2 [noise] /T AO R N/ tornadoes [noise] bring rain and big winds flas1am2 0 186584 add n before sentence; "Tornadoes" add p's before word false start; "bring" add n before word; "winds" del p end of word; 1aw 40 Recycling is helping our Earth flas1aw2 [noise] recycling is /HH AE/ helping our earth [noise] flas1aw2 0 453420 add n before sentence;"Recycling" del p end of word; "helping" add p's before word, false start; add n end of sentence; 1bf 38 The worms turn the food into a special kind of soil flas1bf2 [noise] the worms turn the worms turn the food into [noise] a special kind of soil flas1bf2 0 193673 add n before sentence; "The worms turn" add words before sentence, restart; "a" add n before word; 1bn 37 After the people use the bikes they give them back flas1bn2 after the people use the bikes they /G/ [noise] give them [noise] back flas1bn2 0 161414 "people" add n middle of word; "give" add p before word, false start; "them" add n end of word"; 1cf 21 Otters swim on their backs flas1cf2 [noise] otters swim in their backs on their backs flas1cf2 0 172640 add n before sentence; "on their backs" add words before, restart, ("on" sub word); 1br 29 Seals live in the oceans flbb1br2 seals live /IH/ in the ocean flbb1br2 0 125584 "in" add p's before word, false start;"ocean" del p end of word; 1ad 43 Lightning can hurt people flmw1ad2 [noise] lightning hit people [noise] /L AA/ lightning can hit people [noise] [crosstalk] flmw1ad2 0 168170 add n before sentence;"Lightning" add words before word, restart ("hurt" del word before word, sub word);"hurt" sub word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1ae 44 It can harm trees and buildings flmw1ae2 [noise] /IH T/ it can harm [begin_noise] trees [end_noise] and buildings [noise] flmw1ae2 0 171450 add n before sentence;"It" add p's before word, false start;add n after sentence; 1af 42 Stay away from lightning flmw1af2 [noise] /S/ /S/ stay away from lightning [noise] flmw1af2 0 134936 add n before sentence;"Stay" add p's before word, false start;add n after sentence; 1an 43 The winds spin around and around flmw1an2 [cut]/N TS/ /S P R IY/ /S P R IH N/ [crosstalk] spin [human_noise] /AH R AW N/ /AE N/ around [crosstalk] flmw1an2 0 208059 "winds" del word before word;"spin" add p's before word, false start, add n before word (whisper), add n after word;"around" del p end of word;"and" del p end of word; 1ao 43 They blow a long thin cloud down to the ground flmw1ao2 /DH AH/ they blow a long /DH IH N/ cloud flmw1ao2 0 148070 add n before sentence;"spin" add p's before word, false start, add n before word (whisper), add n after word;"around" del p end of word;"and" del p end of word; 1as 39 Sometimes it is hard to see in dust storms flmw1as2 [noise] sometimes it is hard to see in [human_noise] /S/ in /D AH S TS/ /S T/ storms [crosstalk] [human_noise] flmw1as2 0 360460 add n before sentence;"in" repeat word;"dust" del p end of word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1ax 39 Long ago not many people recycled flmw1ax2 [noise] long [begin_noise] ago [end_noise] not many people /V/ /R IY S AY K AX L/ [noise] [noise] [human_noise] flmw1ax2 0 174348 add n before sentence;"recycled" add p before word, false start;add n after sentence (whisper); 1ay 39 Now a lot more people recycle cans bottles and paper flmw1ay2 lots more people [human_noise] recycled /K/ [noise] [crosstalk] cans [human_noise] bottles /AE N/ paper [crosstalk] flmw1ay2 0 321776 "lot" del all words before word;"recycle" add n before word, add p end of word;"cans" add p before word, false start, add n before word (whisper) ,add n after word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1bc 39 Then not as much trash piles up flmw1bc2 then not /AH/ as much trash picks up [noise] flmw1bc2 0 236157 "as" add p befoer word, false start;"piles" sub word;add n after sentence; 1be 38 They use worms to eat the food in the garbage flmw1be2 [begin_noise] they [end_noise] they use [human_noise] worms to eat the food [human_noise] in the [begin_noise] /G AA R B EH DD TH/ [end_noise] flmw1be2 0 238833 "They" repeat word;"worms" add n before word;"food" add n after word; 1bi 37 The sign shows that the paper is made from used paper flmw1bi2 [cut]/AX/ /S IH/ sign [human_noise] /S/ shows that people is made from used people [noise] flmw1bi2 0 174609 "The" del p beginning of word;"sign" add p's before word, false start, add n after word;"paper" del word before word, sub word;"paper" sub word;add n after sentence; 1bk 37 Workers use parts of the bottles to make clothing flmw1bk2 /K S/ use [noise] /P L AA/ plants [human_noise] flmw1bk2 0 141792 "use" del word before word, add p before word;"parts" add p's before word, false start, sub word, del all words after word; 1bn 37 After the people use the bikes they give them back flmw1bn2 bikes they give /DH AH M/ them bike [crosstalk] flmw1bn2 0 114408 "bikes" del all words before word;"them" add p's before word, false start;"back" sub word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1ab 42 Lightning moves through the air flsh1ab2 [crosstalk] [human_noise] lightning moves the I mean lightning [begin_noise] through [end_noise] the air [crosstalk] [sil] [noise] [noise] [noise] [begin_crosstalk] [begin_noise] [crosstalk] [human_noise] [end_noise] [end_crosstalk] flsh1ab2 0 2507550 add n before sentence (whisper);"Lightning" add words before word restart ("through" sub word replacement), add n before word (whisper);"through" del word before word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1ac 40 It sometimes hits the ground flsh1ac2 is [begin_noise] /S AH M TH/ [end_noise] is [human_noise] [begin_noise] it [end_noise] [begin_noise] sometimes [end_noise] [human_noise] /HH EY TS/ the ground hits the ground [crosstalk] flsh1ac2 0 228480 "It" add p's before word false start;"hits" add n before word,add words before word restart ("hits" sub p middle of word);add n after sentence (whisper); 1am 43 Tornadoes bring rain and big winds flsh1am2 [noise] [begin_noise] tornadoes bring [end_noise] [human_noise] tornadoes [begin_noise] bring rain [end_noise] and big [begin_noise] winds [end_noise] [noise] flsh1am2 0 239687 add n before sentence;"Tornadoes" add w's before word restart;add n after sentence (whisper); 1an 43 The winds spin around and around flsh1an2 [begin_noise] the winds [end_noise] [sil] the [begin_noise] winds [end_noise] /S P/ /S K IH N DD/ [begin_noise] around the [end_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] around and around [end_noise] [noise] flsh1an2 0 399464 "The" add w's before word restart; "spin" sub p middle of word, add p end of word;"around" add w' s before word restart ("around" add w after word);add n after sentence; 1ao 43 They blow a long thin cloud down to the ground flsh1ao2 they [begin_noise] blow [end_noise] a long /DH/ [begin_noise] /DH EH N/ [end_noise] [begin_noise] cloud [end_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] down [end_noise] to the ground [noise] [sil] flsh1ao2 0 274645 "thin" add p before word false start, sub p middle of word;"down" add n before word; 1at 40 Heavy rain fills rivers with water flsh1at2 /HH EH F/ heavy [human_noise] [begin_noise] rain /F/ [end_noise] /F AA L Z/ [human_noise] /R IH V ER/ with water [noise] [noise] flsh1at2 0 208370 "Heavy" add p's before word false start;"fills" add p before word false start, sub p middle of word;"rivers" add n before word, del p end of word;add n after sentence; 1av 41 When water covers streets and goes into houses it is called a flood flsh1av2 [noise] [begin_noise] when /W AO T ER/ [end_noise] /K EY V S/ /S/ /SH R IY T/ /SH R IY TS/ and goes [human_noise] into houses [human_noise] it /K AO/ [human_noise] it is /K AO W/ a flood [noise] [begin_whisper] that's one of my spelling words [end_whisper] [crosstalk] flsh1av2 0 437562 add n before sentence;"water" sub p middle of word;"covers" sub word replacement;"streets" add p before word false start, add word before word repeat (sub p middle of word), sub p middle of word;"into" add n before word;"it" add w's before word restart ("called" del w before word,del p's end of word);add n after sentence (whisper); 1ay 39 Now a lot more people recycle cans bottles and paper flsh1ay2 [noise] not a lot /M/ more [begin_noise] people /R IY S AY K AH L DD/ [end_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] cans /B AA T AH L Z/ and paper [end_noise] [noise] [noise] [noise] flsh1ay2 0 252967 add n before senence;"Now" sub word replacement;"more" add p before word false start;"recycle" add p end of word, add n after word;"bottles" sub p middle of word;add n after sentence; 1az 39 Experts say that's good news flsh1az2 [noise] explorers [begin_noise] say say [human_noise] that's /K/ that's [end_noise] good news [sil] flsh1az2 0 216108 add n before senence;"Experts" sub word replacement;"say" add w before word repeat;"that's" add w before word repeat, add p before word; 1ba 39 It is good because recycling helps keep the Earth cleaner flsh1ba2 [noise] its [noise] it is good [begin_noise] because [end_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] /R IY S AY K L IH NG K/ [end_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] helps keep [end_noise] the /ER F/ [begin_noise] /K L IY N/ [end_noise] [noise] flsh1ba2 0 274290 add n before sentence;"It" add w before word repeat;"helps" add n before word;"Earth" sub p end of word;"cleaner" del p end of word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1bc 39 Then not as much trash piles up flsh1bc2 [begin_noise] then [end_noise] not as much [begin_noise] trash [end_noise] [begin_whisper] /B L/ /B L AA/ [end_whisper] [crosstalk] [noise] /P AE IX L Z/ up [begin_whisper] that was bad [end_whisper] [crosstalk] flsh1bc2 0 356972 "piles" add p's before word false start, del p middle of word, add n before word (whisper);add n after sentence (whisper); 1be 38 They use worms to eat the food in the garbage flsh1be2 [noise] [begin_noise] they use /W AO R M/ [end_noise] [noise] they use /W AO R M Z/ to eat the food [human_noise] in the garbage [crosstalk] [whisper] flsh1be2 0 302569 add n before sentence;"They" add words befoe word restart ("worms" sub p middle of word);"food" add n after word;add n after sentence (whisper); 2ae 24 Once many blue butterflies lived in California fmaa2ae2 [noise] once many /B UW/ blue butterflies [noise] lived in california fmaa2ae2 0 222111 add n beginning of sentence; "blue" add p's before word, false start;"lived" add n before word; 2ai 26 Scientists thought all the blue butterflies had died fmaa2ai2 /S AH S AY N T IX S/ thought all the butterflies had died fmaa2ai2 0 220110 "Scientists" add p's before word, false start, del p end of word; "the" del w after word; 2ak 26 The scientists will try to save them fmaa2ak2 [noise] the scientists [noise] will try to save them fmaa2ak2 0 160506 "will" add p before word, false start; 2av 26 Rain forests have the most different kinds of butterflies fmaa2av2 rain forests have the /M/ most kinds of butterflies [noise] fmaa2av2 0 174895 "most" add p before word, false start, del w after word; add n after sentence; 2bo 25 But turned upside down its colors are brown black pale yellow or white fmaa2bo2 but turned upside down its colors are /B R AY/ are /B R AY/ are brown black pale yellow or white fmaa2bo2 0 287477 "brown", "brown" add p's before word, false start, add w's after word, restart(s); 2bq 25 Planes fly to Africa fmaa2bq2 [noise] planes fly /T [noise] / to africa [noise] fmaa2bq2 0 153180 "to" add p before word, false start;add n after sentence; 1ac 40 It sometimes hits the ground fmbb1ac2 [noise] it /S AH M T AY M DH H ER/ [noise] /HH ER/ heats the ground fmbb1ac2 0 469604 add n before sentence;"sometimes" sub p end of word;"hits" add p's before word. false start,sub word; 1af 42 Stay away from lightning fmbb1af2 /S AH/ [noise] /S/ stay away from lightning [noise] fmbb1af2 0 216790 "Stay" add p's before word, false start;add n after sentence; 1ak 41 Turn off the television or computer fmbb1ak2 [noise] turn off the /T EH L IX V IH N T/ television or the computer fmbb1ak2 0 199500 add n before sentence;"television" add p's before word, false start;"computer" add word before word; 1am 43 Tornadoes bring rain and big winds fmbb1am2 [noise] /T AO R N EY M OW Z/ [noise] bring [noise] big [noise] tornadoes bring rain and big wind fmbb1am2 0 320048 add n before sentence; "Tornadoes" add words before word, restart ("big" del two words before word), sub p's middle of word;"bring" del p middle of word;"winds" del p end of word; 1ao 43 They blow a long thin cloud down to the ground fmbb1ao2 they blow a long thin [crosstalk] /K L K L AW/ down to the ground fmbb1ao2 0 285714 "cloud" add p before word, false start, del p end of word; 1au 42 If the river gets too deep water goes onto the land fmbb1au2 if the water if the river gets too deep [noise] water goes /IH N T IX/ onto the land fmbb1au2 0 287712 "If" add words before word, restart ("river" sub word);"water" add n before word;"onto" add p's before wrod, false start; 1ax 39 Long ago not many people recycled fmbb1ax2 long ago [noise] not many people people recycled fmbb1ax2 0 207206 "not" add n before word;"people" repeat word; 1ay 39 Now a lot more people recycle cans bottles and paper fmbb1ay2 now a lot more more people [noise] recycle cans bottles [noise] /AE N/ paper fmbb1ay2 0 276075 "more" add p's before word, false start;"people" add n after word;"and" add n before word, del p end of word; 1bc 39 Then not as much trash piles up fmbb1bc2 [noise] then [noise] not as much [noise] /T R AE S/ piles /AH/ up [noise] fmbb1bc2 0 296370 "Then" add n before word;"trash" add n before word, sub p end of word;"up" add p before wrod, false start, sub p end of word; 1bf 38 The worms turn the food into a special kind of soil fmbb1bf2 [noise] the the worms [noise] turn [noise] the food [noise] into [noise] a special kind of soil fmbb1bf2 0 243390 add n before sentence;"The" repeat word;"turn" add n before word,add n after word; "into" add n before word; add n after word; 1bj 36 Some people recycle plastic bottles fmbb1bj2 some [noise] some people recycle [noise] plastic bottles fmbb1bj2 0 201699 "Some" repeat word, add n after word;"plastic" add n before word; 1bm 37 They fix up old bikes and let other people use them fmbb1bm2 an /TH/ they /M EY/ [noise] fix up old bikes and let /P IY/ [noise] /AH D AXR/ people use /DH AH M/ fmbb1bm2 0 297687 "They" add p's before word, false start;"fix" add p's before word;"other" add n, p's before word, sub p middle of word;"them" sub p middle of word; 1bw 26 Mother sea turtles swim to land only to lay eggs fmbb1bw2 [noise] mother sea turtles [noise] swim to lay [noise] any only [noise] to lay eggs only to lay eggs fmbb1bw2 0 394416 add n beforesentence;"swim" add n before word;"land" sub word; "only" add words before word, restart; 2ag 25 People built houses fmfh2ag2 [noise] people built /HH/ houses fmfh2ag2 0 135604 add n beginning of sentence; "houses" add p before word, false start; 2al 27 They catch a few butterflies fmfh2al2 [noise] they /K EH CH/ a flew they /K EH CH/ a few butterflies fmfh2al2 0 148741 add n beginning of sentence; "few" add p middle of word, add w's after word, restart; 2ay 25 Butterflies carry pollen from one flower to another fmfh2ay2 [noise] butterflies carry pollen [noise] from one flower to the [noise] to another flower fmfh2ay2 0 188376 add n beginning of sentence; "pollen" add n after word; "to" add w's after word, restart; "another" add w after word; 2ba 26 A butterfly starts as an egg fmfh2ba2 [noise] a butterfly starts [noise] as an egg fmfh2ba2 0 141858 add n beginning of sentence; "as" add p before word, false start; 2bk 27 Inside the shell the caterpillar body changes fmfh2bk2 [noise] inside the shell a [noise] the caterpillar [noise] body's changes fmfh2bk2 0 190190 add beginning of sentence; "the" sub w, replacement, add n after word, add w after word, restart;"body" add n before word, add p end of word; 2bm 26 A butterfly wing is a two sided thing fmfh2bm2 [noise] a butterfly's wings are a two sided things fmfh2bm2 0 187812 add n beginning of sentence; "butterfly" add p before word, false start, add p end of word;"wing" add p end of word; "is" sub w, replacement; "thing" add p end of word; 2bs 26 They carry food water and medicine to the people of Rwanda fmfh2bs2 [noise] /D EY/ carry food [noise] water [noise] and /M EH D IX/ and medication to the [noise] people of rwanda [noise] fmfh2bs2 0 285476 add n beginning of sentence; "water" add n before word, add n after word; "medicine" del p's end of word, add w's after word, restart(sub w, replacement);"the" add n after word;add n after sentence; 2bu 27 The country had a war fmfh2bu2 [noise] the country /HH AE/ had a war fmfh2bu2 0 119880 add n beginning of sentence;"had" add p's before word, false start; 2cl 23 Before the war many people came to Rwanda to see the gorillas fmfh2cl2 [noise] before the war many people [noise] came /T AXR/ to rwanda [noise] to see the gorillas [noise] fmfh2cl2 0 225774 add n beginning of sentence;"people"add n after word;"to" add p's before word, false start(s); "Rwanda" add n after word; 2cq 22 He found out how the birds keep their babies warm fmfh2cq2 he found out the birds [noise] the birds keep their babies warm fmfh2cq2 0 203796 "the" del w before word; "birds" add w's after word, restart; 2cr 22 An emperor penguin mother lays an egg in winter fmfh2cr2 an emperor penguins mothers mother [noise] lay [noise] an egg in the winter fmfh2cr2 0 203796 "penguin" add p end of word; "mother" add p end of word, add w after word, restart; "lays" del p end of word, add n after word; "winter" add w before word; 1ay 39 Now a lot more people recycle cans bottles and paper fmra1ay2 now a /L AA/ now a /L AA T S/ more people recycle /K AE N/ [sil] /B AA T UH L S/ /AE N/ /P EY/[cut] fmra1ay2 0 478044 "lot" add w's after word restart; "cans" del p end of word; "bottles" add pause before wordm, sub p middle of word OOV; "and" del p end of word; 1be 38 They use worms to eat the food in the garbage fmra1be2 [noise] they use /W HH/ /W AA R/ worms to eat [noise] the food /AE N/ the garbage [noise] fmra1be2 0 273509 add n before sentece; "worms" add p's before word false start; "eat" add n after word; "in" sub w replacement; add n end of sentence; 1bf 38 The worms turn the food into a special kind of soil fmra1bf2 the worms [begin_noise] turn [end_noise] the /F UW/ into [human_noise] a special kind of /S OW L/ soil fmra1bf2 0 284648 "food" del p end of word; "soil" add p's before word false start; 1bh 37 Some paper has an important sign on it fmra1bh2 /P IH/ paper [human_noise] has an important [human_noise] /S/[cut] fmra1bh2 0 110644 "paper" del w before word, add p before w false start; "sign" del p's end of word and all w's after word; 1cr 17 Many animals like the frog live there too fmra1cr2 many animals like to [sil] like /F R AA/ the /F R AA K S/ [human_noise] live there too fmra1cr2 0 225810 "the" sub w replacement, add w's after word restart; "frog" add p end of word; 1cs 17 The frog's bright colors let other animals know its skin gives off poison fmra1cs2 the /F R AO G S/ /B R AA T/ [sil] colors /L AY/ let other animals know its skin [human_noise] gives a fmra1cs2 0 384622 "bright" sub w replacement; "let" sb w replacment, add w after word repeat; "off" sub w replacement, del w after word; 1cu 17 Other animals will not eat the stink bug because it tastes bad fmra1cu2 other animals will not eat the /S T IH K/ [sil] stink [human_noise] bug because it tastes bad fmra1cu2 0 383318 "stink" sub w replacement, add w after word repeat; 1aa 43 Storms in the spring can bring lightning fmtg1aa2 [noise] /AH M/ [noise] /S/ [noise] storms in the spring can bring [noise] lightning fmtg1aa2 0 295240 "Storms" add n before word, add p's before word, false start;"lightning" add n before word; 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe fmtg1ag2 [noise] if if a lightning storm comes [noise] there are four things [noise] you can do to stay safe fmtg1ag2 0 377210 add n before sentence;"If" repeat word;"there" add n before word; "you" add n before word; 1al 43 Spring brings many kinds of weather fmtg1al2 [noise] spring brings many kinds of /W/ of weather fmtg1al2 0 203541 add n before sentence; "of" add p's before wrod, restart; 1am 43 Tornadoes bring rain and big winds fmtg1am2 [noise] tornadoes bring rain and big /W/ and big winds [noise] fmtg1am2 0 232400 add n before sentence; "and" add p's before wrod, restart;add n after sentence; 1ar 39 The winds blow dust and dirt around fmtg1ar2 [noise] the winds blow dust and /D/ dirt around [noise] fmtg1ar2 0 238320 add n before sentence;"dirt" add p's before wrod, false start; add n after sentence; 1as 39 Sometimes it is hard to see in dust storms fmtg1as2 [noise] /S/ sometimes it is her it is hard [noise] to see in dust storms fmtg1as2 0 255420 add n before sentence;"Sometimes" add p before word, false start;"it" add words before word, restart ("hard" sub p middle of word);"to" add n before word; 1at 40 Heavy rain fills rivers with water fmtg1at2 /HH/ heavy rain fills rivers [noise] with water fmtg1at2 0 189707 add n before sentence;"Heavy" add p before word, false start;"with" add n before word; 1au 42 If the river gets too deep water goes onto the land fmtg1au2 [noise] /IH/ if the river gets too deep too deep [noise] water goes into the land fmtg1au2 0 255461 add n before sentence;"If" add p before word, false start;"too" add words before word, restart;"water" add n before word; "onto" sub word; 1av 41 When water covers streets and goes into houses it is called a flood fmtg1av2 [noise] /W/ when water covers streets and goes into houses [noise] it is called a flood fmtg1av2 0 282012 add n before sentence;"When" add p before word, false start;"it" add n before word; 1ba 39 It is good because recycling helps keep the Earth cleaner fmtg1ba2 it is good it is good because [noise] recycling help [noise] keep the earth cleaner fmtg1ba2 0 291935 "It" add words before word, restart;"recycling" add n before word;"keep" add n before word; 1bf 38 The worms turn the food into a special kind of soil fmtg1bf2 [noise] the worms turn the /F UW/ the worms turn the food [noise] into a a special kind of soil fmtg1bf2 0 306888 add n before sentence;"The" add words before word, restart;"into" add n before word;"a" repeat word; 1ap 39 Dust storms happen in very dry places fnjs1ap2 /D AH/ /D AH S TS/ storms happen [sil] in every dry [begin_noise] places [end_noise] [sil] fnjs1ap2 0 132288 "dust" add p false start * "dust" add p middle of word * "very" sub w replacement 1ay 39 Now a lot more people recycle cans bottles and paper fnjs1ay2 /N/ now a lot more people recycle cans bottles /AE N/ paper [sil] fnjs1ay2 0 127566 "now" add p false start * "and" del p end of word 1ba 39 It is good because recycling helps keep the Earth cleaner fnjs1ba2 /IH T S/ good because recycling [begin_noise] helps keep the [end_noise] Earth /K L IY/ [begin_noise] cleaner [end_noise] fnjs1ba2 0 126087 "it" del w after word * "it" sub w replacement * "cleaner" add p false start 1bg 36 The soil is used to help gardens grow fnjs1bg2 the soil /Y UW Z/ is used to help [begin_noise] gardens grow [end_noise] fnjs1bg2 0 109551 "soil" del p end of word * "soil" add p end of word * "is" add w repeat 1bq 30 Many plants and animals live in the oceans fnjs1bq2 /N AE/ many plants /AE N/ animals live in the ocean [sil] fnjs1bq2 0 109896 "many" add p false start * "and" del p end of word 1br 29 Seals live in the oceans fnjs1br2 /S/ seals live in the ocean [sil] fnjs1br2 0 108618 "seals" add p false start * "oceans" del p end of word 1bu 27 Scientists are working to protect many kinds of ocean animals fnjs1bu2 /S AY N T IH TS TS/ are working to protect many kinds of ocean [begin_noise] animals [end_noise] fnjs1bu2 0 143705 "scientists" add p repeat, end of word 1cj 21 Sometimes other fish will not eat a fish because it tastes bad fnjs1cj2 /S/ sometimes other fish will not eat a fish because it tastes bad [noise] fnjs1cj2 0 141655 "sometimes" p false start 1cl 20 Until now scientists could not examine the tops of the trees fnjs1cl2 until now scientists could not /EH K/ [noise] [noise] examine [human_noise] the tops of the trees [sil] fnjs1cl2 0 176894 "exam" p false start 1dt 8 Scientists say the bones of the baby are still inside the egg fnjs1dt2 scientist say the bones of the baby /D AY N AX S/ of the baby are still inside the egg fnjs1dt2 0 147628 "baby" add p after w * "of the baby" add w repeat 1dz 2 Wild animals find their own food fnjs1dz2 wild /AE N IH M EY L/ [noise] animals find their own food fnjs1dz2 0 87230 "wild animals" add p false start 1ea 1 Bears eat meat fish and plants fnjs1ea2 [noise] bears eat /M/ meat fish and plants [noise] [noise] fnjs1ea2 0 110220 "meat" add p false start 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe fnxs1ag2 [noise] if a /L AY DX N IH NG/ storm comes /D EH R/ [human_noise] are four /D IH NG Z/ you can do [human_noise] /S TH/ to stay /S EY/ safety [crosstalk] fnxs1ag2 0 321494 add n before sentence; "lightning" sub p middle of word, OOV; "there" sub p beginning of word, OOV, add n after word;"things" sub p beginning of word, OOV; "to" add n before word, add p before word, false start;"safe" add w after word; add n after sentence, whisper; 1al 43 Spring brings many kinds of weather fnxs1al2 [begin_noise] spring /B R IH N/ /K S/ spring brings [end_noise] many [begin_noise] kinds [end_noise] of weather [noise] fnxs1al2 0 178488 "brings" del p end of word, add w's after word, restart; 1am 43 Tornadoes bring rain and big winds fnxs1am2 /T AO R/ [crosstalk] tornadoes bring rain and [human_noise] big /W IH N/ [noise] [crosstalk] [noise] fnxs1am2 0 200466 "Tornadoes" add p's before word, false start, add n before sentence, whisper; "and" add n after word;"winds" del p's end of word;add n after sentence; 1bb 38 People use trash to make new things fnxs1bb2 [noise] people use /T R AE S TS/ [human_noise] /T R AE S/ to make new things [crosstalk] [noise] fnxs1bb2 0 169672 add n before sentence; "trash" sub p end of word, OOV, add w after word, add p after word, repeat("trash" sub p end of word, OOV); add n after sentence (whisper); 1bd 38 Some people recycle food garbage fnxs1bd2 [cut]/P AX L/ [begin_noise] /R IY S IX/ [end_noise] [human_noise] some [begin_noise] people [end_noise] recycle [sil] food /G AA R/ garbage bag fnxs1bd2 0 227120 "Some" add w's before word,add n before sentence; "garbage" add p's before word, false start, add w after word; 1bg 36 The soil is used to help gardens grow fnxs1bg2 [noise] /D AX/ /S OY/ /D AX/ soil is [human_noise] used to help /G AA R IH N Z/ grow [crosstalk] fnxs1bg2 0 180757 add n before sentence; "The" sub p beginning of word, OOV; "soil" add p before word, false start, add w before word, restart("The" sub p beginning of word, OOV;);"is" add n after word; "gardens" sub p middle of word, OOV; add n after sentence, whisper; 1bh 37 Some paper has an important sign on it fnxs1bh2 some [begin_noise] /P/ paper [end_noise] has [begin_noise] /IH M P AO R IH N/ [end_noise] [human_noise] /S AY N Z/ on it [crosstalk] [noise] fnxs1bh2 0 167417 "paper" add p before word, false start; "has" del w after word; "important" sub p middle of word, OOV, del p end of word, add n after word; "sign" add p end of word; add n after sentence, whisper; 1bj 36 Some people recycle plastic bottles fnxs1bj2 [noise] some [begin_noise] people [end_noise] recycle /P L AE/ plastic bottles [crosstalk] fnxs1bj2 0 187427 add n before sentence; "plastic" add p's before word, false start;add n after sentence, whisper; 1bk 37 Workers use parts of the bottles to make clothing fnxs1bk2 /W ER K S/ use [begin_whisper] /P EY N/ [end_whisper] [crosstalk] parts of /D AX/ /B AA DX AX L/ [human_noise] to [begin_noise] make /K L IY N IY NG/ [end_noise] /K L AA/ clothing [crosstalk] fnxs1bk2 0 383525 "Workers" del p's end of word; "parts" add p before word, false start, add n before word, whisper; "the" sub p beginning of word, OOV; "bottles" del p end of word, add n after word; "clothing" sub w, replacement, add w after word, restart(add p before word, false start; ); add n after sentence, whisper; 1br 29 Seals live in the oceans fnxs1br2 /F L IY/ [noise] /S IY Z/ live in /D AX/ /OW SH IH N/ [crosstalk] fnxs1br2 0 200466 "Seals" add p before word, false start, sub w, replacement; "the" sub p beginning of word, OOV; "oceans" del p end of word; add n after sentence, whisper; 1aa 43 Storms in the spring can bring lightning fsaa1aa2 [begin_noise] /S/ [end_noise] [sil] storms [noise] [crosstalk] [noise] in the [noise] [begin_whisper] /S/ spring [end_whisper] [begin_noise] spring [end_noise] [human_noise] /K AE N T/ [human_noise] bring [noise] fsaa1aa2 0 382264 add n before sentence;"Storms" add p before word, false start, add n after word;"spring" add n before word (whisper);"can" add n before word, add p end of word, add n after word;"bring" del word after word; 1ad 43 Lightning can hurt people fsaa1ad2 [noise] /L AY T IH NG/ [begin_noise] can [end_noise] /L AY TD N IH NG/ [noise] can hurt people [human_noise] [crosstalk] [human_noise] fsaa1ad2 0 168421 add n before sentence;"Lightning" add words before word, restart ("Lightning" del p middle of word);add n after sentence (whisper); 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe fsaa1ag2 [noise] if I [human_noise] [begin_noise] if a [end_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] lightning [end_noise] storm [human_noise] comes there [human_noise] are four [human_noise] things you can do not [human_noise] /S T/ /EY/ /S/ /S/ safe [begin_whisper] do not say /S T EY F/ /S T EY F/ /S/ [end_whisper] fsaa1ag2 0 479673 add n before sentence;"If" add words before word, restart ("a" sub word);"comes" add n before word;"are" add n before word;"to" sub word, add n after word; add nafter sentence (whisper); 1ak 41 Turn off the television or computer fsaa1ak2 /DH EY R N/ [begin_noise] off [end_noise] the [human_noise] telephone [human_noise] /AA R/ [human_noise] or [noise] fsaa1ak2 0 223446 "Turn" sub p's middle of word;"television" sub word; "or" repeat word, del word after word; 1al 43 Spring brings many kinds of weather fsaa1al2 spring /M EY/ [human_noise] [begin_noise] spring [end_noise] brings [human_noise] many kids of winter [noise] [noise] fsaa1al2 0 207225 "Spring" add words before word, restart ("Spring" add p after word);"brings" add n after word;"kinds" sub word;"weather" sub word;add n after sentence; 1am 43 Tornadoes bring rain and big winds fsaa1am2 [noise] tornadoes bring [human_noise] /R EY/ rain /AE N/ [begin_noise] big winds [end_noise] fsaa1am2 0 225116 add n before sentence;"rain" add n before word, add p's before word, false start;"and" del p end of word;add n after sentence; 1ao 43 They blow a long thin cloud down to the ground fsaa1ao2 they /D R AW N/ a long [noise] /DH EH N/ [noise] /K L AE/ /K L AW N/ /K L AY N/ [human_noise] fsaa1ao2 0 196098 "blow" sub word;"long" add n end of word;"thin" sub p middle of word, add n after word;"cloud" add p's before word, false start, sub word, add nafter word, del all words after word; 1ar 39 The winds blow dust and dirt around fsaa1ar2 winds [noise] /G R AW/ [human_noise] [noise] [human_noise] /B AH S T/ [noise] and [human_noise] [begin_noise] /B R R IH S T/ [end_noise] and /B R IH T/ [human_noise] [noise] under [noise] fsaa1ar2 0 372744 "winds" del word before word;"blow" sub word, add n after word;"dust" sub p beginning of word;"and" add words before word, restart ("dirt" sub word);"dirt" sub word;"around" add n before word, sub word;add n after sentence; 1as 39 Sometimes it is hard to see in dust storms fsaa1as2 [noise] /S AH M IH T/ [human_noise] /S AH M/ /S/ [human_noise] it [noise] is [begin_noise] hard hard [end_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] to see [end_noise] in /B AH S T/ storms [begin_noise] in both storms [end_noise] fsaa1as2 0 503004 add n before sentence;"Sometimes" del p end of word, add n after word, add word after word repeat (del p's end of word);"hard" repeat word, add n after word;"in" add word before word, restart ("dust" sub p beginning of word);"dust" sub word; add n after sentence; 1au 42 If the river gets too deep water goes onto the land fsaa1au2 [begin_noise] if [end_noise] the /R IH V ER Z/ [human_noise] [noise] get [human_noise] too [begin_noise] deep [end_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] /W/ /W AA/ /W ER/ [end_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] /G EH/ /G IH S/ onto [end_noise] [human_noise] the /L HH/ land fsaa1au2 0 466900 "rivers" add p end of word, add n after word;"gets" add n after word;"water" add n before word,add p's before word, false start, del p middle of word;"goes" add p's before word, false start, sub word;"onto" add n after word; 1aw 40 Recycling is helping our Earth fsaa1aw2 [human_noise] [human_noise] [human_noise] /R IY/ recycling is [begin_noise] happening [end_noise] on Earth [noise] fsaa1aw2 0 239777 add n before sentence;"Recycling" add p's before word, false start;"helping" sub word;"our" sub word;add n after sentence; 1ay 39 Now a lot more people recycle cans bottles and paper fsaa1ay2 [begin_noise] people [end_noise] recycle [sil] cans [human_noise] bottles [noise] and [begin_noise] /P ER EY/ paper [end_noise] [begin_whisper] and paper [end_whisper] [human_noise] [noise] [human_noise] fsaa1ay2 0 421508 add n before sentence;"people" del all words before word;"bottle" add n before word, add n after word;"and" add words before word, restart ("paper" del p's end of word);add n after sentence (whisper); 1ba 39 It is good because recycling helps keep the Earth cleaner fsaa1ba2 it is good [sil] /B AH/ /B OW TH/ [human_noise] recycling happens [human_noise] keep the Earth [noise] clean [begin_whiper] /ER/ [end_whisper] /K L IY R/ [begin_whisper] clear clean [end_whisper] fsaa1ba2 0 459540 "because" add p before word, false start, sub word;"helps" sub word;"cleaner" add p's before word, false start, sub word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1bg 36 The soil is used to help gardens grow fsaa1bg2 [noise] the soil is [sil] /AH S T/ /AH S T/ [human_noise] to [human_noise] help [human_noise] gardens grow [noise] [noise] fsaa1bg2 0 262917 add n before sentence;"used" sub p's beginning of word, add word after word repeat, add n after word;"gardens" add n before word;add n after sentence; 1bk 37 Workers use parts of the bottles to make clothing fsaa1bk2 [cut]/ER K S/ [sil] us [begin_noise] /P AA/ parts [end_noise] [human_noise] of the bottles [human_noise] [begin_noise] to make [end_noise] fsaa1bk2 0 211008 "Workers" del p's beginning of word, add p end of word;"use" sub word replacement;"parts" add p before word false start, add n after word;"bottles" add n after word;"make" del word after word; 1bm 37 They fix up old bikes and let other people use them fsaa1bm2 [begin_whisper] fix [end_whisper] they fix [begin_noise] up [end_noise] [human_noise] old bikes and [human_noise] [begin_noise] let [end_noise] [human_noise] [noise] /AO R DH/ other [begin_noise] /P IY/ /P IY P ER/ [end_noise] people [human_noise] us them [sil] as them [noise] fsaa1bm2 0 483120 add n before sentence (whisper);"let" add n before word, add n after word;"other" add p's before word false start, add word after word repeat;"people" add p's before word false start, add n after word;"use" add words before word restart ("use" sub word replacement);"use" sub word replacement; 1an 43 The winds spin around and around fsam1an2 the /W IH N/ [begin_noise] the [end_noise] winds [human_noise] /S/ [sil] spin around [human_noise] and around [sil] fsam1an2 0 212892 "The" add p false start; "spin" add n before word; "and" add n before word 1aq 37 The storms have big winds fsam1aq2 [noise] the storms /HH AE BD/ [begin_noise] big [end_noise] /W/ [begin_noise] /W IH N S/ [end_noise] [sil] fsam1aq2 0 90602 "The" add n before word, "have" del p end of word, "winds" add n false start 1av 41 When water covers streets and goes into houses it is called a flood fsam1av2 [noise] when /W AA DX ER/ [noise] covers [human_noise] streets and [human_noise] goes into houses [human_noise] it is [human_noise] called [human_noise] a [begin_noise] /F L/ flood [end_noise] [noise] fsam1av2 0 255918 "When" add n before word; "water" del p middle of word; "covers" add n before word; "streets" add n before word; "called" add n before word; "flood" add n false start 1az 39 Experts say that's good news fsam1az2 [noise] experts say [human_noise] /DH EH TD/ that's good news [sil] fsam1az2 0 79040 "that's" add n false start 1bf 38 The worms turn the food into a special kind of soil fsam1bf2 [noise] the worms turn [human_noise] the food [human_noise] into [human_noise] a special kind of [sil] [crosstalk] soil fsam1bf2 0 208760 "The" add n before word; "the" add n false start; "soil" add n false start 1bi 37 The sign shows that the paper is made from used paper fsam1bi2 the sign /HH/ [noise] shows [human_noise] that the [begin_noise] paper [end_noise] [human_noise] is made [begin_noise] from [end_noise] news paper fsam1bi2 0 166608 "shows" add n false start, "that" add n before word; "used" sub w replacement 1br 29 Seals live in the oceans fsam1br2 /S/ /S/ seals [begin_noise] live [end_noise] [human_noise] in the oceans [sil] fsam1br2 0 81812 "Seals" add n false start; "in" add n before word 2bd 26 A caterpillar hatches from each egg fser2bd2 [noise] a caterpillar hatches from an egg from each egg [noise] fser2bd2 0 135198 add n before sentence; "each" add words before, restart ("each" sub word); add n after sentence; 2bk 27 Inside the shell the caterpillar body changes fser2bk2 [noise] inside the shell the /K AE T AXR B IH L AXR Z/ the caterpillar body changes [noise] fser2bk2 0 146520 add n before sentence;"the" add words before word, restart ("caterpillar" sub p middle of word, add p end of word);add n after sentence; 2bp 27 Help is coming for Rwanda fser2bp2 [noise] help /IH S/ coming for /R R/ [noise] rwanda [noise] fser2bp2 0 414730 add n before sentence;"is" sub p end of word; "Rwanda" add p before word, false start; add n after sentence; 2bs 26 They carry food water and medicine to the people of Rwanda fser2bs2 they they carry food water and medicine to the people of rwanda fser2bs2 0 128731 "They" repeat word; 2cd 23 Most grow only enough food to feed their own families fser2cd2 most grow only enough food to feed /N EH R/ to feed their own families [noise] fser2cd2 0 147849 "to" add words before word, restart ("feed" add p's after word); add n after sentence; 2cn 22 The land is rocky and has many hills fser2cn2 the land is the land is rocky and has many hills fser2cn2 0 144970 "The" add words before word, restart; 2cp 23 A scientist studied emperor penguins in Antarctica fser2cp2 a scientist studied emperor penguins in ant in antarctica [noise] fser2cp2 0 152304 "in" add words before word, restart ("Antarctica" del p's end of word); add n after sentence; 2dh 17 Sheathbills line on Antarctica during summer fser2dh2 sheath bills line on line on antarctica during the summer [noise] fser2dh2 0 178356 "line" add words before word, restart; "summer" add word before word;add n after sentence; 2do 13 The shiny fish are the color of ice fser2do2 [noise] they are the shiny the shiny fish are the color of ice [noise] fser2do2 0 141648 add n before sentence;"The" add words before word, restart ("The" sub word, add word after word;"shiny" add word before word);add n after sentence; 2du 12 The kids watch television or play video games instead fser2du2 the kids the kids watch television or play video games instead [noise] fser2du2 0 163968 "the" add words before word, restart; add n after sentence; 2dw 8 They need to exercise their hearts and other parts of their bodies fser2dw2 [noise] they need exercise they need to exercise their hearts and other parts of their bodies [noise] fser2dw2 0 162992 add n before sentence; "They" add words before word, restart ("need" del word after word);add n after sentence; 2ee 2 Doctors use the money to find out more about hearts fser2ee2 [noise] doctors use the money to /F/ the money to find out more about hearts [noise] fser2ee2 0 169672 add n before sentence;"the" add word before word, restart ("find" del p's end of word);add n after sentence; 2eo 1 The potatoes are called chipetas fser2eo2 the potatoes are called /CH IH P CH IH P EH T AX Z/ [noise] fser2eo2 0 152460 "chipeta" add p's before word, false start; add n aftter sentence; 2ep 1 Some scientists say they make more healthful potato chips fser2ep2 [noise] some scientists say they make more /HH/ healthful potato chips [noise] fser2ep2 0 168170 add n before sentence;"healthful" add p before wrod, false start; add n after sentence; 2aq 26 Scientists let most of them fly away fsjs2aq2 [noise] /S AY N T IX S L EH D/ let most of them fly away [noise] fsjs2aq2 0 336490 add n beginning of sentence; "Scientists" del p end of word; "let" sub p end of word, add w after word, restart; add n after sentence; 2bd 26 A caterpillar hatches from each egg fsjs2bd2 [noise] a /K [noise] DX AXR P IH L AXR HH [noise] CH IX Z/ from one each egg [noise] fsjs2bd2 0 178756 add n beginning of sentence; "caterpillar" add n beginning of word; "hatches" add n beginning of word; "each" sub w, replacement, add w after word, restart; add n after sentence; 2bz 24 Now people from other countries have gone to Africa fsjs2bz2 [noise] now people from other countries have gone to /HH EH/ africa fsjs2bz2 0 154512 add n beginning of sentence; "Africa" add p before word, false start; 2cp 23 A scientist studied emperor penguins in Antarctica fsjs2cp2 [noise] a /S [noise] N T IX S TD/ studied th emperor penguins in [noise] /AE AA R N T/ antarctica [noise] fsjs2cp2 0 273470 add n beginning of sentence;"scientist" add n middle of word; "emperor" add w before word; "Antarctica" add n before word; add p's before word, false start(s);add n after sentence; 2cy 19 Antarctica is the continent at the southern end of our planet fsjs2cy2 [noise] /AE N TD AA R T IX K AH/ is the /K AO N TD IX N IX N TD AH/ at the [noise] southern end of our planet [noise] fsjs2cy2 0 192096 add n beginning of sentence; "Antarctica" del p beginning of word; "continent" del p middle of word; "at" add p before word, false start; "the" add n after word; add n after sentence; 2dd 16 Penguins are good swimmers fsjs2dd2 [noise] penguins are good /S/ swimmers fsjs2dd2 0 117216 add n beginning of sentence; "swimmers" add p's before word, false start; 2dk 17 Crabeater seals are the fastest seals on land fsjs2dk2 [noise] crabeater /S IH L/ seals [noise] are the /F AE S T IX S/ seals on land fsjs2dk2 0 158935 add n beginning of sentence; "seals" add p's before word, false start, add n after word; "fastest" del p end of word; 2dr 14 It can be bad if you watch it too much doctors say fsjs2dr2 [noise] it can be bad if you watch it too much /D AA R TD/ doctors say fsjs2dr2 0 161172 add n beginning of sentence; "doctors" add p before word, false start; 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe fslw1ag2 [noise] [begin_noise] if a if a [end_noise] lightning storm comes [human_noise] there are four things you can do to stay safe [human_noise] [noise] fslw1ag2 0 342225 add n before sentence; "a" add w after word restart; add n after sentence; 1ak 41 Turn off the television or computer fslw1ak2 [noise] turn off the /T EH L AH ZH IH N/ television or computer [crosstalk] fslw1ak2 0 226767 add n before sentence; "television" add w before word false start; 1aq 37 The storms have big winds fslw1aq2 [noise] the /S/ /S T AO R M Z/ have big winds fslw1aq2 0 133128 add n before sentence; "storms" add p beginning of word false start; 1at 40 Heavy rain fills rivers with water fslw1at2 [noise] [crosstalk] heavy rain [human_noise] /F AH L Z/ [human_noise] fills rivers with water [crosstalk] fslw1at2 0 260952 add n before sentence; "fills" sib w replacment, add w after word repeat; add n after sentence; 1av 41 When water covers streets and goes into houses it is called a flood fslw1av2 [noise] when water covers [human_noise] streets /AE N/ goes into houses [human_noise] it is /K AO L/ it is [human_noise] called [begin_noise] a flood [end_noise] fslw1av2 0 356865 add n before sentence; "and" del p end of word; "called" del p end of word, add w's after word restart; add n end of sentence; 1az 39 Experts say that's good news fslw1az2 [crosstalk] [human_noise] /IH K/ /EH S/ experts /S T EY/ [human_noise] that's /K/ good news [crosstalk] fslw1az2 0 235500 "experts" add p's before word false start; "say" add p middle of word; "good" add p before word false start; 1be 38 They use worms to eat the food in the garbage fslw1be2 [noise] they use /W AO R M Z/ worms to eat the food [human_noise] in the garbage [human_noise] [noise] fslw1be2 0 395352 "worms" sub p middle of word OOV, add w after word repeat; add n end of sentence; 1bi 37 The sign shows that the paper is made from used paper fslw1bi2 [noise] the [begin_noise] sign shows [end_noise] that the [begin_noise] paper [end_noise] is made /F R AH/ from [human_noise] used [begin_noise] paper [end_noise] [noise] fslw1bi2 0 232900 add n bnefore sentence; "from" add p's before word false start; add n after sentence; 1bp 30 Oceans are big bodies of water fslw1bp2 /AH/ oceans are big [sil] bodies for water [noise] fslw1bp2 0 254560 "oceans" add p before word false start; "bodies" add pause before word; "of" sub w replacement; 1br 29 Seals live in the oceans fslw1br2 [noise] /S/ [human_noise] /S EY L Z/ live in the oceans [noise] fslw1br2 0 250328 add n before sentence; "seals" add p before word false start, sub p middle of word OOV; add n end of sentence; 1cf 21 Otters swim on their backs fslw1cf2 [noise] /AH DH ER Z/ /AH D ER Z/ /TS W IH M/ on their [sil] backs [noise] [noise] fslw1cf2 0 184404 add n before sentence; "otters" add ws before word false start, sub p beginning of word OOV; add n end of sentence; 1ch 21 Brightly colored fish live in the ocean fslw1ch2 [noise] birthday /K AH L ER/ [sil] /B R AY T/ brightly /K AH L ER DD/ fish live in the ocean [noise] [noise] fslw1ch2 0 372345 add n before sentence; "brightly" sub w replacement; "colored" del p end of wod, add w's after wrd restart; add n end of sentence; 1cl 20 Until now scientists could not examine the tops of the trees fslw1cl2 [begin_noise] until [end_noise] /N UH/ now scientists [human_noise] could not [sil] /IX/ /IH K S S/ /IH K S M AH IX N/ [begin_noise] the tops [end_noise] of [human_noise] the trees [crosstalk] [human_noise] fslw1cl2 0 349162 "now" add w before word false start; "examine" add p's before word false start, del p middle of word; "trees" add n end of word; 1cm 20 Now they use walkways that hang in tall treetops fslw1cm2 now they use [begin_noise] walkways [end_noise] [human_noise] that [begin_noise] hang [end_noise] [human_noise] in tall /T R/ /T R IY T AA P S/ fslw1cm2 0 315981 "treetops" add p before word false start; 1cu 17 Other animals will not eat the stink bug because it tastes bad fslw1cu2 [noise] other animals [begin_noise] will not [end_noise] eat the skin [human_noise] /B AH/ the /S/ [sil] stink [human_noise] [begin_crosstalk] bug because it [end_crosstalk] tastes bad [human_noise] fslw1cu2 0 713140 add n before sentence; "stink" sub w replacement; "bug" add n before sentence, add w's and n after word restart; "bug...because" add n among words; add n end of sentence; 1cv 14 Macaws are birds that look like parrots fslw1cv2 [noise] /M/ /M AE K UW L Z/ are [human_noise] birds [human_noise] that look like [begin_noise] parrots [end_noise] [crosstalk] [human_noise] [crosstalk] fslw1cv2 0 252008 "macaws" add n and p before word false start; sub p's middle of word OOV; add n end of sentence; 1cz 14 They jump from one tree to another looking for fruit fslw1cz2 [noise] they [crosstalk] /CH/ jump from [noise] one [begin_crosstalk] [begin_noise] tree to another looking for /F R UW/ [end_noise] [end_crosstalk] [noise] fslw1cz2 0 265524 add n before sentence; "they" add n after word; "jump" add p before word false start; "one" add p before word false start; "fruit" del p end of word, add n after word; 1dg 13 They have learned something new about the Stegosaurus fslw1dg2 [noise] they have learned something about the new [human_noise] about new about the /S T EH G AX S AO R AX S/ [human_noise] fslw1dg2 0 254592 add n before sentence; "something" del w after word, add w's after word restart; "stegosaurus" add n end of word; 1dh 12 The hard plates on its back did not grow in two even rows fslw1dh2 [noise] the the /HH/ /HH ER DD/ [begin_noise] plants [end_noise] [human_noise] on its back did not grow [human_noise] in [begin_noise] two [end_noise] even rows fslw1dh2 0 450996 add n before sentence; "the" add w before word false start; "hard" add p beginning of word false start, sub p middle of word OOV; "plates" sub w replacmenrt; "in" add n before word; 1dr 7 It is hard like a rock fslw1dr2 [noise] it /IX/ is /HH AA R/ like a rock [noise] [human_noise] fslw1dr2 0 203118 add n before sentence; "is" add p before word false start; "hard" del p end of word; add n after sentence; 1dw 7 Zebras eat hay and giraffes eat carrots fslw1dw2 [noise] zebras eat hay [human_noise] and /D IH F ER IX N/ [begin_noise] giraffes [end_noise] eat /K/ carrots [begin_whisper] [end_whisper] fslw1dw2 0 265200 add n before sentence; "and" add n before word; "giraffes" sub w replacement, add w after word repeat; "carrots" add p before word false start; add n after sentence; 1ac 40 It sometimes hits the ground fsqh1ac2 it sometimes [human_noise] /HH/ hits the ground [sil] fsqh1ac2 0 107744 "hits" add n false start 1au 42 If the river gets too deep water goes onto the land fsqh1au2 if the river gets too deep [human_noise] water goes [sil] into [sil] onto the land [begin_whisper] to [end_whisper] [sil] fsqh1au2 0 146096 "onto" add n false start 1av 41 When water covers streets and goes into houses it is called a flood fsqh1av2 [noise] when water covers streets and goes [sil] into houses [human_noise] it [sil] is called [human_noise] a /F L/ flood fsqh1av2 0 172334 "houses" add n before word; "flood" add n false start 1az 39 Experts say that's good news fsqh1az2 [noise] [noise] /EH K/ /EH K S P ER IX T S/ experts say [human_noise] that [sil] that's very good news [sil] fsqh1az2 0 190593 "Experts" add n false start; "that's" add w before word; "that's good" add w between words 1bc 39 Then not as much trash piles up fsqh1bc2 then [human_noise] /N/ not as much trash [human_noise] piles up [sil] fsqh1bc2 0 105408 "not" add n false start 1bh 37 Some paper has an important sign on it fsqh1bh2 some paper has /AH N/ important /S AX N/ go on [noise] on it [noise] fsqh1bh2 0 185654 "an" sub p beginning of word; "sign" del p end of word; "sign on" add w between words; "it" add n false start 1bo 35 Then more people use them fsqh1bo2 [noise] they [sil] then more people /N Y UW S/ /AH M/ [sil] fsqh1bo2 0 108654 "Then" add n false start, "use" add p beginning of word; "them" del p beginning of word 1bu 27 Scientists are working to protect many kinds of ocean animals fsqh1bu2 [noise] scientists /AX R/ working to [noise] /P R AX/ /P R AA D IH K T/ many kinds of [human_noise] ocean animals [noise] fsqh1bu2 0 235008 "Scientists" add n before word; "are" del p middle of word; "protect" add n false start, sub w replacement 1ca 23 They play and jump in the water fsqh1ca2 they play [human_noise] [noise] and /JH AH M/ in the water [noise] fsqh1ca2 0 116715 "and" add n false start; "jump" sub p end of word 1ch 21 Brightly colored fish live in the ocean fsqh1ch2 [noise] /B R AY TD/ [noise] /L IY NG/ [human_noise] /B R AY TD L IY NG/ colors fish [human_noise] live in the [noise] ocean [noise] fsqh1ch2 0 146302 "Brightly" add n false start, sub p end of word; "colored" sub p end of word 1ck 20 A tropical rain forest has many tall trees fsqh1ck2 a tropical [noise] /R IY N/ [sil] /R IY N/ forest [human_noise] has many tall trees fsqh1ck2 0 109068 "rain" add n false start, sub p beginning of word 1cm 20 Now they use walkways that hang in tall treetops fsqh1cm2 now [noise] they /N Y UW S/ walkways that /HH/ /HH EY/ [human_noise] in tall [sil] /T R IY T AA P S/ [sil] [noise] fsqh1cm2 0 170937 "use" add p beginning of word; "hang" add n false start, del p end of word 1cp 16 It gets lots and lots of rain fsqh1cp2 /IH/ gets lots of [human_noise] lots and lots of rain [sil] fsqh1cp2 0 103114 "It" del p end of word; "lots and lots of" add n false start 1cu 17 Other animals will not eat the stink bug because it tastes bad fsqh1cu2 other animals will not eat the /S/ /S T/ /S T/ stink [human_noise] bug because [human_noise] it tastes very bad [noise] fsqh1cu2 0 223329 "stink" add n false start; "tastes bad" add w between words 2ar 25 They keep a few butterflies in cages to lay more eggs fsrg2ar2 [noise] they /K EH/ keep a few butterflies [noise] in cages to lay more eggs fsrg2ar2 0 129024 add n before sentence;"keep" add p before word, false start;"in" add n before word; 2cg 25 Schools in Rwanda did not have room for all the children fsrg2cg2 [noise] school in schools in rwanda did not have [noise] room for all the children fsrg2cg2 0 207748 add n before sentence;"Schools" add words before word, restart ("Schools" del p end of word);"room" add n before word; 2da 19 Thick ice and snow cover Antarctica all the time fsrg2da2 [noise] thick [begin-noise] ice [end-noise] and snow cover antarctica in all all the time fsrg2da2 0 183044 add n before sentence;"ice" add n middle of word;"all" add words before word, restart ("all" add word before word); 2db 18 Only a few plants and insects live in the middle of the cold continent fsrg2db2 only a few /P L/ plants and insects live in the middle of the cold continent fsrg2db2 0 189240 "plants" add p before word, false start; 2dn 14 Icefish live in the cold water near Antarctica fsrg2dn2 [begin-noise] /AY SH/ ice fish [end-noise] live in the cold water near antarctica fsrg2dn2 0 174492 add n before sentence;"Icefish" add p's, n before word, false start, add n middle of word; 1al 43 Spring brings many kinds of weather fssb1al2 [begin_noise] spring [end_noise] brings many /K AO/ kinds of [human_noise] [begin_noise] weather [end_noise] fssb1al2 0 181168 add n before sentence;"kinds" add p before word false start;"of" add n after word; 1at 40 Heavy rain fills rivers with water fssb1at2 heavy rain /F AA L Z/ [human_noise] rivers with water [noise] /F IY L Z/ rivers with water fssb1at2 0 196308 "fills" add words before word restart ("fills" sub p middle of word, add n after word), sub p middle of word; 1av 41 When water covers streets and goes into houses it is called a flood fssb1av2 when water [human_noise] covers /S T R IY S/ and goes into /HH AW S/ [human_noise] [begin_noise] /HH AW S IH Z/ it [end_noise] is called a [human_noise] /F L OW D/ [noise] [noise] fssb1av2 0 268801 "covers" add n before word;"streets" del p middle of word;"houses" add w before word repeat (del p end of word);"flood" sub p middle of word;add n after sentence; 1ay 39 Now a lot more people recycle cans bottles and paper fssb1ay2 [noise] not a /L/ now a lot more people /R IY S AY K UH L/ [human_noise] /K AE N S/ [human_noise] /B AA T UH L Z/ and paper [noise] fssb1ay2 0 223112 "Now" add w's before word restart ("Now" sub word replacement);"recycle" sub p middle of word;"cans" add n before word, sub p end of word;"bottles" sub p end of word; 1bi 37 The sign shows that the paper is made from used paper fssb1bi2 [begin_noise] the sign [end_noise] shows that [human_noise] the /P EY P ER S/ [sil] the paper is made from [human_noise] used paper [human_noise] [begin_whisper] /S/ /T/ [end_whisper] fssb1bi2 0 290376 add n before sentence;"that" add n after word;"the" add w's before word restart;"used" add n before word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1bj 36 Some people recycle plastic bottles fssb1bj2 [noise] /S TH AH M/ people /R IY S TH AY K AH L/ [sil] [begin_whisper] /AH N/ keep on reading [end_whisper] /Z AH M/ people /R IY S TH AY K AH L/ [human_noise] /P L AE S TH T IH K/ balloons fssb1bj2 0 349650 add n before sentence;"Some" add words before word restart ("some" sub p beginning of word;"recycle" sub p middle of word), add n before word (whisper), sub p beginning of word;"recycle" sub p middle of word;"plastic" sub p middle of word;"bottles" sub w replacement; 1bl 34 Some workers recycle bikes fssb1bl2 /S TH AH M/ /W ER K ER S/ /R IY S TH AY K AH L/ /B AY/ /B AY/ [human_noise] /B AY/ /B AY K IY S/ fssb1bl2 0 221072 "Some" sub p beginning of word;"workers" sub p end of word;"recycle" sub p middle of word;"bikes" add w's before word repeats (del p end of word),add n before word, sub p end of word; 1bp 30 Oceans are big bodies of water fssb1bp2 /OW SH IH N S TH/ [human_noise] are big [noise] [sil] [noise] /B AH D IH S/ of water [human_noise] /B AH D AX L S/ of water [noise] fssb1bp2 0 271208 "Oceans" sub p end of word, add n after word;"bodies" add n before word (whisper), add w's before word restart ("bottle" sub p's end of word), sub word replacement;add n after sentence; 1bq 30 Many plants and animals live in the oceans fssb1bq2 [noise] many /P EY N T S/ /AE N/ [human_noise] and animals live [noise] in the /OW SH IH N/ [noise] fssb1bq2 0 242280 add n before sentence;"plants" sub w replacement;"and" add w before word repeat;"oceans" del p end of word;add n after sentence; 1br 29 Seals live in the oceans fssb1br2 /S IY Z/ /L IH V TH/ [human_noise] live in the /OW SH IH N/ [crosstalk] [begin_whisper] seals seals [end_whisper] [noise] fssb1br2 0 284568 "Seals" sub p beginning of word, sub p end of word;"live" add p's before word false start;add n after sentence (whisper); 1bt 26 They want more seals to live in the ocean fssb1bt2 they /W EX N TD/ they [sil] /W IX N TD/ more /S TH IY L Z/ to live [human_noise] in the ocean [sil] want [begin_whisper] want was this much want [end_whisper] [noise] fssb1bt2 0 406560 "they" add w;s before word restart ("want" sub p middle of word);"want sub p middle of word;"seals" sub p beginning of word, sub p end of word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1ch 21 Brightly colored fish live in the ocean fssb1ch2 [noise] brightly /K AH L AO R S/ colored [human_noise] fish live [human_noise] in the ocean [sil] fssb1ch2 0 221776 add n before sentence;"colored" add wo before word repeat (sub p end of word);"live" add n after word; 1cn 18 They are finding new plants and animals that live in the tall treetops fssb1cn2 [noise] they are /F IY N D IH NG/ new /P L AE N T S/ and /AE N IH M AH L S/ that [human_noise] live [human_noise] in [human_noise] the [human_noise] tall /T R IY S/ /T R IY T AA P S/ fssb1cn2 0 299886 add n before sentence;"finding" sud p's middle of word;"plants" sub p end of word;"animals" sub p end of word;"live" add n before word, add n afte word;"treetops" add p's before word false start; 1cs 17 The frog's bright colors let other animals know its skin gives off poison fssb1cs2 the [human_noise] /F R AO G S/ [human_noise] [begin_noise] bright [end_noise] colors /L EH/ other /AE N IX M AH L S/ now [human_noise] [noise] [sil] [begin_whisper] know [end_whisper] know /IH TS/ skin gives other fssb1cs2 0 394788 "frog's" add n before word, sub p end of word, add n after word;"let" sub p middle of word;"animals" sub p end of word;"know" add w before word, add word before word repeat;"its" sub p end of word;"off" sub w replacement, del all w's after word; 1dg 13 They have learned something new about the Stegosaurus fssb1dg2 [noise] they have learned something new about the [human_noise] [sil] [begin_whisper] /S T EH G AH S AO R AX S/ [end_whisper] /S T EH G AX S AO R AX S/ [sil] fssb1dg2 0 250860 add n before sentence;"Stegosaurus" add w before word repeat; 1dh 12 The hard plates on its back did not grow in two even rows fssb1dh2 the /HH AA R/ /P L AE N T S/ on /IH TS/ back [sil] /D IY/ did not grow in [human_noise] two [sil] even [noise] /R AW S/ rows fssb1dh2 0 387527 "plates" sub w replacement;"its" sub p end of word;"did" add w before word repeat;"in" add n after word;"rows" add w before word repeat (sub p middle of word); 1ae 44 It can harm trees and buildings fsxe1ae2 [begin_noise] it can [end_noise] harm [noise] fsxe1ae2 0 91410 "harm" add p beginning of word false start, del all words after word; 1an 43 The winds spin around and around fsxe1an2 the [human_noise] /W IH N/ [noise] [sil] [begin_noise] the winds [end_noise] [human_noise] spring [begin_noise] /AH R AW N/ [human_noise] the /AH R AW N/ and around [end_noise] [human_noise] [crosstalk] fsxe1an2 0 372000 "wind" del p end of word, add w's after word restart; "spin" add n before word, sub w replacement; "spin...around" add n among words; "around" del p end of word; "and" sub w replacement, add w's after word restart("around" del p end of word); add n end of sentence; 1at 40 Heavy rain fills rivers with water fsxe1at2 [noise] heavy /R EY N Z/ fall [human_noise] rivers [human_noise] with /R EH DH ER/ /W EH DH ER/ [human_noise] [noise] fsxe1at2 0 208940 "heavy" add n before word; "rain" add p end of word; "fills" sub w replacement; "water" sub w replacement, add w after word repeat; 1au 42 If the river gets too deep water goes onto the land fsxe1au2 if the river gets too deep [human_noise] the water gets /AX/ [begin_noise] onto [end_noise] the land [human_noise] [noise] [human_noise] fsxe1au2 0 292800 "water" add w before word; "goes" sub w replacement; "onto" add p before word false start; add n end of sentence; 1bd 38 Some people recycle food garbage fsxe1bd2 /S S AH M/ people [human_noise] recycle food garbage [human_noise] [noise] fsxe1bd2 0 136353 "some" add p beginning of word false start; add n end of sentence; 1bf 38 The worms turn the food into a special kind of soil fsxe1bf2 worms turn the /F/ /F UW D/ [human_noise] into a special [human_noise] kind of [human_noise] /S AO L/ [human_noise] [noise] [noise] fsxe1bf2 0 311751 "worms" del w before word; "food" add p beginning of word false start; "soil" sub p middle of word OOV; add n end of sentence; 1ac 40 It sometimes hits the ground ftdd1ac2 it /S/ it [begin_noise] sometimes [end_noise] hits the /G R AW N/ [noise] ftdd1ac2 0 174870 "It" add word before word repeat, add p before word;"ground" del p end of word;add n after sentence; 1ad 43 Lightning can hurt people ftdd1ad2 /L AY IY/ [sil] /L AY IY NG/ can hurt [begin_noise] people [end_noise] ftdd1ad2 0 149850 "Lightning" add p's before word false start, del p middle of word; 1at 40 Heavy rain fills rivers with water ftdd1at2 [noise] /HH EH B IY/ rain [noise] /F EH L Z/ fills rivers with /W AO T ER/ [sil] [noise] ftdd1at2 0 203072 add n before sentence;"Heavy" sub p middle of word;"fills" add word before word repeat ("fills" sub p middle of word);"water" sub p middle of word; 1bf 38 The worms turn the food into a special kind of soil ftdd1bf2 [noise] the worms turn the food into [human_noise] a special /K AY N/ of /OY L/ I mean soil [noise] ftdd1bf2 0 229448 add n before sentence;"into" add n after word;"kind" delp end of word;"soil" add word before word repeat (del p beginning of word), add n before word (whisper); 1bi 37 The sign shows that the paper is made from used paper ftdd1bi2 [noise] the sign shows that the paper is made from /Y UW/ [sil] /AH S D/ I mean used paper [crosstalk] ftdd1bi2 0 231512 add n before sentence;"used" add p before word false start, add word before word repeat (sub p beginning of word), add n before word (whisper); 1bk 37 Workers use parts of the bottles to make clothing ftdd1bk2 [noise] workers use [begin_noise] parts [end_noise] of the /B AA T AH L Z/ to make /K L OW Z/ [sil] /K L OW DH IH NG/ [noise] ftdd1bk2 0 240261 add n before sentence;"bottle" sub p middle of word;"clothing" add word before word repeat (sub p end of word);add n after sentence; 1bo 35 Then more people use them ftdd1bo2 [begin_noise] /DH IH/ /M AO R/ /DH IH N/ [end_noise] more [begin_noise] people [end_noise] use them [sil] ftdd1bo2 0 154770 "Then" add word before word restart ("Then" sub p end of word); 1bz 24 They are friendly animals ftdd1bz2 [noise] they are [begin_noise] /F AH/ [end_noise] friendly /AE AH M AX L Z/ ftdd1bz2 0 152304 add n before sentence;"friendly" add p before word false start;"animals" del p middle of word; 1ac 40 It sometimes hits the ground fuxn1ac2 [noise] /IH TS/ it /S AH M T AY M/ [human_noise] hits the [begin_noise] ground [end_noise] [crosstalk] [noise] fuxn1ac2 0 173826 add n before sentence; "It" add p end of word,add w after word, restart; "sometimes" del p end of word, add n after word; add n after sentence, whisper; 1an 43 The winds spin around and around fuxn1an2 [noise] the [begin_noise] winds spin [end_noise] around and /R/ around fuxn1an2 0 123210 add n before setence; "winds" add n beginning of word; "around" add n beginning of word; "around" add p before word, false start; 1ap 39 Dust storms happen in very dry places fuxn1ap2 [noise] dust /S T/ storms happen in [human_noise] very /D R AY S/ places [crosstalk] fuxn1ap2 0 202464 add n before sentence; "storms" add p's before word, false start; "in" add n after word; "dry" add p end of word; add n after sentence, whisper; 1ax 39 Long ago not many people recycled fuxn1ax2 [noise] long ago [begin_noise] /N/ not many [end_noise] [begin_noise] people [end_noise] /R IY S AY K/ /R IY S AY K AH L DD/ [noise] fuxn1ax2 0 184759 add n before sentence; "ago" add n after word; "people" add n beginning of word; "recycled" del p's end of word, add w after word, restart; add n after sentence, whisper; 1az 39 Experts say that's good news fuxn1az2 /EH K S P EY R T S/ said /DH AE T/ /K UH D/ /N UW S/ good news [noise] fuxn1az2 0 222444 "Experts" sub p middle of word; "say" sub w, relacement; "that's" del p end of word; "good" sub p beginning of word; "news" sub p end of word, OOV, add w's after word, restart; add n after sentence; 2ar 25 They keep a few butterflies in cages to lay more eggs mash2ar2 they /K/ they keep a few butterflies in cages to lay more eggs mash2ar2 0 145854 "keep" del p's end of word, add word's after word, restart; 2bj 25 A caterpillar with a shell around it is called a pupa mash2bj2 a caterpillar with a /S/ shell around it is called a pupa [noise] mash2bj2 0 138985 "shell" add p before word, false start; add n after sentence; 2bk 27 Inside the shell the caterpillar body changes mash2bk2 inside the shell the caterpillar's body change changes mash2bk2 0 134995 "caterpillar" add p end of word; "changes" add p's before word, false start; 2cd 23 Most grow only enough food to feed their own families mash2cd2 most /F/ [noise] most grow only enough food to feed their own /F AE M L[begin noise] IY Z [end noise]/ mash2cd2 0 162435 "Most" add p after word, add w's after word, restart; add n end of sentence; 2cg 25 Schools in Rwanda did not have room for all the children mash2cg2 schools in rwanda do not have [noise] have room for all the children [noise] mash2cg2 0 152514 "did" sub w, replacement; "have" add w's after word, restart(add p before word, false start); add n after sentence; 2ci 24 At the market they find things they need but can't make or grow themselves mash2ci2 at the market they find things they need but can't make or or grow themselves mash2ci2 0 176490 "or" add w after word, restart; 2cs 17 The father puts the egg on his feet mash2cs2 the father puts the egg in on his feet mash2cs2 0 121695 "on" sub w, replacement, add w after word, restart; 2cu 17 Many penguin fathers gather in a big circle mash2cu2 many penguin /F/ fathers gather in a big circle mash2cu2 0 132534 "father" add p before word, false start; 2da 19 Thick ice and snow cover Antarctica all the time mash2da2 thick ice and snow /K AH DH AX/ cover antarctica /AX TD/ all the time mash2da2 0 145854 "cover" add p's before word, false start; "all" add p before word, false start; 2db 18 Only a few plants and insects live in the middle of the cold continent mash2db2 only a few /P IX/ plants and /IH N S EH K S/ live in the middle of the cold continent [noise] mash2db2 0 157176 "plants" add p before word, false start; "insects" del p end of word; 2df 16 Out of water penguins must waddle and hop across the ice mash2df2 out of the water penguins /M/ must waddle and hop across the ice [noise] mash2df2 0 143424 "must" add p before word, false start; 2dg 16 So penguins often slide on their bellies instead of walking mash2dg2 so penguins often slide /AA/ on their bellies instead of walking mash2dg2 0 143640 "on" add p before word, false start; 2do 13 The shiny fish are the color of ice mash2do2 the shiny fish are /R/ are the color of ice mash2do2 0 128345 "are" add w after word, restart; 2ai 26 Scientists thought all the blue butterflies had died mbak2ai2 [noise] scientists thought all /DH/ the blue butterflies [noise] had died [noise] mbak2ai2 0 160320 "Scientists" add n middle of word; "the" add p before word, false start;"had" add n before word;add n after sentence; 2ak 26 The scientists will try to save them mbak2ak2 the /S/ scientists will try to save them mbak2ak2 0 131338 "scientists" add p's before word, false start; 2ax 25 Nectar is the juice inside flowers mbak2ax2 [begin-noise] nectar [end-noise] is the juice inside a flower inside flowers mbak2ax2 0 170269 "Nectar" add n middle of word;"inside" add words before word, restart ("flowers" add word before word, del p end of word); 2bp 27 Help is coming for Rwanda mbak2bp2 [noise] helps help is coming from /W AH W AO N T/ rwanda mbak2bp2 0 188478 add n before sentence;"Help" add word before word;"for" sub word;"Rwnada" add p's before word, false start; 2bq 25 Planes fly to Africa mbak2bq2 [noise] /P L/ planes fly to africa [noise] mbak2bq2 0 254030 add n before sentence;"Planes" add p before word, false start; add n after sentence; 2cb 26 Most people in Rwanda are farmers mbak2cb2 [noise] /M AH/ most people in [noise] rwanda are [noise] farmers mbak2cb2 0 197728 add n before sentence;"Most" add p before word, false start;"Rwanda" add n before word;"farmers" add n before word; 2cj 23 There are gorillas living in the mountains of Rwanda mbak2cj2 [noise] there are gorillas living in the /M AW IX N Z/ of [noise] /R/ rwanda mbak2cj2 0 223776 add n before sentence;"mountains" del p middle of word;;add n after sentence;"Rwanda" add n before word, add p before word, false start; 2ck 22 The mountain gorillas are endangered mbak2ck2 [noise] the /M AW IX N/ [noise] /G EH/ gorillas [noise] are endangered [noise] mbak2ck2 0 235804 add n before sentence;"mountain" del p middle of word, add n after word;"gorillas" add p before word, false start, add n after word;add n after sentence; 2cs 17 The father puts the egg on his feet mbak2cs2 the father puts the egg [noise] on its on his feet [noise] mbak2cs2 0 162567 "on" add words before word, restart; ("his" sub word), add n before word;add n after sentence; 2cw 18 They keep the eggs warm until the baby penguins break out of the eggs mbak2cw2 [noise] they [begin-noise] keep [end-noise] the eggs warm until the baby [noise] penguin breaks [noise] out of /EH/ the eggs mbak2cw2 0 227808 add n before sentence;"keep" add n middle of word;"baby" add n after word;"penguins" del p end of word;"break" add p end of word, add n after word;"the" add p before woers, false start; 2df 16 Out of water penguins must waddle and hop across the ice mbak2df2 [noise] /AW/ out of water [noise] penguins must waddle [noise] and hop across the ice mbak2df2 0 235804 add n before sentence;"Out" add p before word, false start;"penguins" add n before word;"and" add n before word; 2dr 14 It can be bad if you watch it too much doctors say mbak2dr2 [noise] it can be bad if you watch too much /D AA K/ [noise] doctors say mbak2dr2 0 227469 add n before sentence;"watch" del word after word;"doctors" add p before word, false start, add n before word; 2du 12 The kids watch television or play video games instead mbak2du2 [noise] the [noise] /IH D Z/ watch television or play video games instead mbak2du2 0 234179 add n before sentence;"kids" add p before word, false start; 2dv 13 Doctors say kids need to get up and move about mbak2dv2 /D AA/ doctors say kids need to get up and move /AH B AW/ mbak2dv2 0 210456 "Doctors" add p's before word, false start;"about" del p end of word; 2ck 22 The mountain gorillas are endangered mbwk2ck2 the /G AXR M AW N TD IX N/ gorillas are endangered mbwk2ck2 0 119880 "mountain" add p before word, false start; 1ab 42 Lightning moves through the air mcjd1ab2 /L AY T/ /L AY N IH NG/ moves /TH UW/ the [sil] /EY AX R/ [sil] mcjd1ab2 0 95608 "Lightning" add n false start, sub p middle of word; "through" del p middle of word; "air" add p middle of word 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe mcjd1ag2 [cut]/IH NG/ storm comes /DH EH W/ /AO W/ /AX/[cut] mcjd1ag2 0 58320 "If a" del w; "lightning" del p beginning of word; "there" sun p end of word; "are" add n false start, sub p beginning of word 1ak 41 Turn off the television or computer mcjd1ak2 /T UH R N/ off the television /UH R/ [sil] [begin_noise] /K AO M P AY/ /K AX M P EH T AX L/ [end_noise] mcjd1ak2 0 151216 "Turn" sub p middle of word; "or" sub p beginning of word; "computer" add n false start, sub p middle of word 1ap 39 Dust storms happen in very dry places mcjd1ap2 [human_noise] /D AX Z/ /S/ [noise] doesn't [human_noise] /S T AO M Z/ happen [human_noise] in [human_noise] very [human_noise] [noise] dry [begin_noise] places [end_noise] mcjd1ap2 0 375150 "Dust" add n false start, sub w replacement; "storms" sub p middle of word 1at 40 Heavy rain fills rivers with water mcjd1at2 heavy [human_noise] rain falls [human_noise] /R IH/ /R IH V AH L S/ with /W AA T AX L/ [noise] mcjd1at2 0 152460 "fills" sub p middle of word; "rivers" add n false start, sub p end of word; "water" sub p middle of word 1av 41 When water covers streets and goes into houses it is called a flood mcjd1av2 [noise] when /W AA T AX L/ covers /K AH V AX S/ streets [human_noise] and [begin_noise] goes [end_noise] into houses [human_noise] it [noise] is called [noise] a [begin_noise] /F L AX/ [end_noise] flood mcjd1av2 0 294492 "When" add n before word; "water" sub p middle of word; "covers" sub p middle of word; "it" add n before word; "flood" add n false start 1ba 39 It is good because recycling helps keep the Earth cleaner mcjd1ba2 [noise] it is good [human_noise] because /R/ [human_noise] recycling [human_noise] [begin_noise] helps [end_noise] keep the [human_noise] Earth clean /ER/ [sil] [noise] mcjd1ba2 0 359658 "because" add n before word; "recycling" add n false start; "helps" add n false start; "cleaner" sub p end of word 1be 38 They use worms to eat the food in the garbage mcjd1be2 [noise] they use worms /W AH L M Z/ [human_noise] to eat [human_noise] /DH EY/ the [human_noise] [begin_noise] food [end_noise] in the /G AA L B EH JD/ [sil] mcjd1be2 0 129344 "worms" sub p middle of word; "the" add n false start; "garbage" sub p middle of word 1bf 38 The worms turn the food into a special kind of soil mcjd1bf2 [noise] the /W AH L M Z/ /T AH R N/ to [begin_noise] food [end_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] into [end_noise] [human_noise] a special /K AX/ kind of [human_noise] soil /S AA L/ [sil] mcjd1bf2 0 239800 "The" add n before word; "worms" sub p middle of word; "turn" sub p middle of word; "the" sub w replacement; "kind" add n false start; "soil" sub p middle of word 1bg 36 The soil is used to help gardens grow mcjd1bg2 [noise] the /S AO L/ [noise] soil [human_noise] [begin_noise] is [end_noise] [human_noise] used to [begin_noise] help [end_noise] [human_noise] /G AA D EH N S/ /G W OW/ [sil] mcjd1bg2 0 215174 "soil" add n before word, add n false start; "gardens" del p middle of word; "grow" del p middle of word 1bh 37 Some paper has an important sign on it mcjd1bh2 [noise] some /P EY P AX L/ /AH/ has [human_noise] /AX N/ /IH M P AO T EH N/ sign on it [sil] mcjd1bh2 0 176085 "paper" del p end of word; "has" add n false start; "important" del p middle of word 1bk 37 Workers use parts of the bottles to make clothing mcjd1bk2 [human_noise] /W UH L K/ /W UH L K AXR S/ use /P AA TS/ of the bottles to [begin_noise] make clothing [end_noise] mcjd1bk2 0 174658 "Workers" add n false start, sub p middle of word; "parts" sub p middle of word 1bn 37 After the people use the bikes they give them back mcjd1bn2 /AE F T AX/ the [begin_noise] people [end_noise] use the bikes they give them [human_noise] bike back [sil] mcjd1bn2 0 127584 "After" sub p end of word; "back" add n false start 1bp 30 Oceans are big bodies of water mcjd1bp2 [noise] oceans /AO W/ [begin_noise] big [end_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] /B AA T IY/ /B AA T IY S/ [end_noise] of /W AA T AX L/ [sil] mcjd1bp2 0 159180 "are" del p middle of word; "bodies" add n false start, sub p middle of word; "water" sub p end of word 1bq 30 Many plants and animals live in the oceans mcjd1bq2 many [begin_noise] plants [end_noise] and [human_noise] animals live [human_noise] in [human_noise] the /AA K/ ocean [sil] mcjd1bq2 0 123154 "oceans" add n false start, del p end of word 1bs 28 In California people are working to keep seal homes clean and safe mcjd1bs2 the /K AE L IH/ [noise] in /K AE L IH F AO N Y AX/ [begin_noise] people [end_noise] /AA W/ /W UH L K IH NG/ [noise] to keep seal [human_noise] homes [human_noise] clean [begin_noise] and [end_noise] safe [sil] mcjd1bs2 0 217668 "In" add n false start; "California" del p middle of word; "are" del p middle of word; "working" del p middle of word; 1bx 27 Then they go back into the water mcjd1bx2 [noise] they [human_noise] I mean then they go /B AE/ into the /W AA T AX L/ [sil] mcjd1bx2 0 119144 "Then" add n false start; "back" del p end of word; "water" sub p middle of word 1aa 43 Storms in the spring can bring lightning mcll1aa2 [begin_whisper] which what to read [end_whisper] /S EH T ER/ /S IH T ER/ /P S/ /T R IH P/ /TS/ [noise] did /AY/ say [crosstalk] /S T AO R Z/ in the /S EH P R EH T IH NG/ [human_noise] can [human_noise] [begin_noise] /B R EY K/ [end_noise] /K IH NG/ [noise] /L IH T/ [noise] /L IH S IX N IX NG/ /L IH T IY NG K/ mcll1aa2 0 732480 add n before sentence (whisper);"Storms" add words before word, add p's before word false start, add n before word (whisper), del p middle of word;"spring" sub word replacement, add n after word;"bring" sub p's end of word;"lightning" add word before word, sub word replacement; 1ac 40 It sometimes hits the ground mcll1ac2 it /S AY M/ /T/ /S EY/ /T AY M P S/ /S T AY M P S/ hats the ground hits the ground [crosstalk] mcll1ac2 0 432843 "Sometimes" add p's before word false start, del p middle of word;"hits" add n before word, add words before word restart ("hats" sub p middle of word);add n after sentence (whisper); 1ak 41 Turn off the television or computer mcll1ak2 [begin_whisper] /T AH HH/ [end_whisper] [noise] /T AH R IX L/ [begin_whisper] /T ER N/ [end_whisper] turn /AO/ [human_noise] the television [human_noise] or computer [noise] mcll1ak2 0 293574 "Turn" add p's before word false start;"off" sub p end of word; 1al 43 Spring brings many kinds of weather mcll1al2 /S EH P R IH NG/ /S EH P ER IH NG/ [human_noise] /B R/ /B R OW K EH N TS/ /M/ many [human_noise] [begin_noise] kids [end_noise] of [noise] /W IH N/ [noise] mcll1al2 0 310822 "Spring" add p's before word false start, sub word replacement, add n after word;"brings" add p before false start, sub word replacement;"kinds" add n before word,sub word replacement;"weather" sub p middle of word, del p's end of word; 1am 43 Tornadoes bring rain and big winds mcll1am2 /DH OW HH Z/ /DH R OW D EH N/ [human_noise] /P L/ /K HH EY/ /K ER/ /D OW N/ /G R EY K/ [human_noise] rain and big /W EH DH/ how weather mcll1am2 0 530090 "Tornadoes" add w before word, add p's before word false start, sub word replacement;"bring" sub p's end of word;"winds" add p's before word false start, sub word replacement; 1ar 39 The winds blow dust and dirt around mcll1ar2 the /B L AH OW Z/ [human_noise] /B AX/ /B L OW Z/ [human_noise] busses [human_noise] and /B ER TD/ /AH R AW N/ [human_noise] [begin_whisper] that's much /B EH T ER/ [end_whisper] mcll1ar2 0 436218 "blow" del w before word, add word before word repeat (add p end of word), add p before word false start, add p end of word;"dust" sub word replacement;"and" del p end of word;"dirt" sub word replacement;"around" del p end of word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1at 40 Heavy rain fills rivers with water mcll1at2 very rain /F AA L S/ /F R OW/ [human_noise] [noise] /F TH R OW Z/ [human_noise] with /W AO T ER/ fills with /W AO T ER/ mcll1at2 0 416691 "Heavy" sub word replacement;"fills" add words before word restart ("fills" sub p middle of word;"rivers" add word before word,sub word replacement, add n after word;"water" sub p middle of word);"water" sub p middle of word; 1aw 40 Recycling is helping our Earth mcll1aw2 /R AY T/ /R IY S AY K AH L/ is [begin_noise] helping [end_noise] our Earth [sil] mcll1aw2 0 165168 "Recycling" add p before word false start, del p's end of word; 1al 43 Spring brings many kinds of weather mctw1al2 spring /B R IX IH NG Z/ /M/ many kinds of /W AO TD/ weather [human_noise] mctw1al2 0 194307 "brings" add p middle of word; "many" add p beginning of word false start; "weather" sub w replacement, add w after word repeat; 1au 42 If the river gets too deep water goes onto the land mctw1au2 if the /R/ river gets too deep water goes [human_noise] onto the /L AE N/ [noise] mctw1au2 0 170400 "river" add p before word false start; "land" del p end of word; 1aw 40 Recycling is helping our Earth mctw1aw2 recycling is helping our /ER/ [noise] Earth [crosstalk] mctw1aw2 0 98136 "Earth" add p's before word false start; 1ay 39 Now a lot more people recycle cans bottles and paper mctw1ay2 now a [begin_noise] lot [end_noise] more people /R IY S AY K AH L Z/ cans /AE N/ /B AA T AH L/ [human_noise] /AE N/ paper [human_noise] [human_noise] now a lot more people recycle [begin_noise] cans [end_noise] bottles [human_noise] [begin_noise] /AE N/ paper [end_noise] [crosstalk] mctw1ay2 0 419685 "recycle" add p end of word; "cans" add w after word; "bottles" del p end of word; "and" del p end of word; add n after sentence; add sentence after sentence repeat; 1bi 37 The sign shows that the paper is made from used paper mctw1bi2 /D AX/ sign shows [human_noise] /D AX/ /P EY/ /D EH T/ /D AX/ paper [human_noise] is made from [human_noise] used paper [noise] mctw1bi2 0 253048 "the" sub p beginning of word OOV; "that" add n before word, sub w replacement, add w's after word restart; add n after sentence; 1ak 41 Turn off the television or computer mdaw1ak2 /T ER/ off the television or /T/ [noise] computer [crosstalk] mdaw1ak2 0 136468 "turn" del p end of word; "computer" add p's and n before word false start; 1al 43 Spring brings many kinds of weather mdaw1al2 /S P R IH/ spring brings many kinds of weather mdaw1al2 0 162888 "Spring" add w before word false start; 1an 43 The winds spin around and around mdaw1an2 the /W IH N/ /S P R/ [human_noise] /S P IH N TD/ /AH R AW N/ /AE N/ /AH R AW N/ mdaw1an2 0 229976 "winds" del p's end of word; "spin" add p and n before word false start, add p end of word; "around" del p end of word; "and" del p end of word; "around" del p end of word; 1ap 39 Dust storms happen in very dry places mdaw1ap2 [noise] dust storms happen in very [human_noise] [sil] dry /P L EY S/ /P L EY S IH NG/ [noise] [crosstalk] mdaw1ap2 0 292383 add n before sentence; "dry" add pause before word; "places" del p end of word, add w after word repeat; 1ay 39 Now a lot more people recycle cans bottles and paper mdaw1ay2 now a lot more people /R IY S/ [human_noise] /R IY S AY K AH L IH NG/ cans [human_noise] /B AA T AH L Z/ /AE N/ [human_noise] [begin_noise] paper [end_noise] mdaw1ay2 0 269205 "recycle" add p's before word false start, add w after word repeat; "bottles" sub p middle of word OOV; "and" del p end of word; 1bb 38 People use trash to make new things mdaw1bb2 [cut]/S/ trash [human_noise] to make /N/ /N/ new things [human_noise] [human_noise] [human_noise] mdaw1bb2 0 163020 "use" del w before word, del p beginning of word; "new" add p before word false start; add n end of sentence; 1bd 38 Some people recycle food garbage mdaw1bd2 [cut]/AH M/ people [human_noise] /R IY S AY K AH L IH/ recycle /F UW/ /G ER/ mdaw1bd2 0 193116 "some" del p's beginning of word; "recycle" add p's before word false start; "food" del p end of word; "garbage" sub p beginning of word; del p's middle and end of word; 1bi 37 The sign shows that the paper is made from used paper mdaw1bi2 the /S AY/ /S AY N Z/ [human_noise] shows [begin_noise] that [human_noise] [end_noise] [noise] the [begin_noise] paper [end_noise] is /M EY Z/ from [human_noise] [noise] /N/ /N/ /Y UW Z/ paper [noise] [noise] [human_noise] mdaw1bi2 0 307830 "the" add p's after word false start, add w's after word restart; "made" sub p middle of word OOV; add n after sentence; 1br 29 Seals live in the oceans mdaw1br2 [begin_noise] seals live in the [end_noise] [human_noise] seals live in the /OW SH IH N/ [human_noise] [noise] [noise] [human_noise] mdaw1br2 0 263106 "the" add w's after word restart; "oceans" del p end of word; add n end of sentence; 1bu 27 Scientists are working to protect many kinds of ocean animals mdaw1bu2 scientists are working to [human_noise] /P R IY/ [noise] [human_noise] /P R IY T S HH/ [human_noise] /P R IY T EH K/ many kids /AH/ [sil] of ocean animals [noise] [begin_whisper] animal [end_whisper] mdaw1bu2 0 491764 "protect" add p's and n before word false start, del p end of word; "kinds" sub w replacement; "of" add w after word repeat; add n and whisper after sentence; 1bw 26 Mother sea turtles swim to land only to lay eggs mdaw1bw2 mother sea [human_noise] turtles swim [human_noise] a /L AE N/ [human_noise] [begin_noise] only to [human_noise] [end_noise] /HH/ [human_noise] lay [begin_noise] eggs [end_noise] mdaw1bw2 0 299922 "to" sub w replacement; "land" del p end of word; "lay" add p before word false start; add n end of sentence; 1ch 21 Brightly colored fish live in the ocean mdaw1ch2 brightly /K AH V ER DD/ fish [human_noise] [sil] [noise] /L IH F/ /L IH F/ [human_noise] in the ocean [noise] mdaw1ch2 0 294112 "colored" sub w replacement; "fish" add n and pause after word; "live" add p's before word false start; add n after sentence; 2aa 25 A scientist walked through a field mdbd2aa2 [noise] a sentenced walked [noise] a scientist walked through a field [noise] mdbd2aa2 0 188551 add n before sentence;"A" add words before word, restart ("scientist" sub word);"scientist" sub p middle of word;add n after sentence; 2af 25 They lived in fields of flowers mdbd2af2 they lived in fields on flowers of flowers [noise] mdbd2af2 0 159174 "of" add words before word, restart ("of" sub word);add n after sentence; 2au 25 Butterflies live almost everywhere in the world mdbd2au2 butterflies have butterflies live almost everywhere in the world mdbd2au2 0 153659 "Butterflies" add words before word, restart ("live" sub word);"world" add p end of word; 2bg 25 Sticky juice comes out of the caterpillar mdbd2bg2 [noise] sticky sticky juice comes out of the caterpillar [noise] mdbd2bg2 0 188478 add n before sentence;"Sticky" repeat word;"caterpillar" sub p middle of word; 2bj 25 A caterpillar with a shell around it is called a pupa mdbd2bj2 a /K AE T AXR/ a caterpillar with a shell [noise] /R AW N DD/ it is called a /P UW P AX/ mdbd2bj2 0 237248 "A" add words before word, restart ("caterpillar" del p's end of word);"around" add n before word, del p beginning of word; 2br 26 The planes carry doctors and nurses mdbd2br2 the planes carry doctors /N/ and [noise] nurse /IH Z/ [noise] mdbd2br2 0 235804 "and" add p before word, false start; "nurses" add n before word,del p end of word, add p after word;add n after sentence; 2cc 23 Some farmers grow coffee grow bananas or raise cattle mdbd2cc2 some farmers grow coffee grow /B AH N EH/ grow bananas [noise] or race cattle mdbd2cc2 0 287712 "grow" add words before word, restart ("bananas" del p's end of word);"bananas" add n after word;"raise" sub p end of word;add n after sentence; 2cf 23 Before the war many children could not go to school mdbd2cf2 [noise] before the war many /CH IH L CH R IX N/ could not go to /S/ school mdbd2cf2 0 181299 add n before sentence;"children" sub p middle of word;"school" add p before word, false start; 2ci 24 At the market they find things they need but can't make or grow themselves mdbd2ci2 at the market they find things they need to need but [noise] can't /M/ make or grow themselves mdbd2ci2 0 332334 "need" add words before word, restart ("but" sub word);"but" add n after word;"make" add p before word, false start; 2cq 22 He found out how the birds keep their babies warm mdbd2cq2 /HH/ he found out how the birds /K EH P/ [noise] their babies warm [noise] mdbd2cq2 0 191142 "He" add p before word, false start;"keep" sub p middle of word, add n after word;add n after sentence; 2av 26 Rain forests have the most different kinds of butterflies mdom2av2 [noise] rain forests have /M AX/ [noise] /OW S T/ different kinds of [noise] have the most different kinds of butterflies [human_noise] mdom2av2 0 175160 add n before sentence; "most" del w before word, del p end of word; "different" add p's before word; "kinds" add w's after word restart; 2bb 27 A mother butterfly lays tiny eggs on a leaf mdom2bb2 a mother butterfly /L AX HH/ [human_noise] lays tiny eggs on a [begin_noise] leaf [end_noise] [sil] mdom2bb2 0 107712 "lays" add p's before word false start; 2ce 24 Children start school when they are seven years old mdom2ce2 [noise] children /S K/ start school when they are seven years old [sil] mdom2ce2 0 144551 add n before sentence; "start" add p before word false start; 2ch 23 People travel on dirt roads to a marketplace mdom2ch2 [begin_noise] people [end_noise] /T/ travel on dirt roads to a marketplace [sil] mdom2ch2 0 111891 add n before sentence; "travel" add p before word false start; 2cy 19 Antarctica is the continent at the southern end of our planet mdom2cy2 [noise] Antarctica is the continent /AE DH/ at the southern end of our planet [sil] mdom2cy2 0 179104 add n before sentence; "at" add p before w false start; 2dh 17 Sheathbills line on Antarctica during summer mdom2dh2 /SH IY TH B IH L Z/ /L IH/ [human_noise] line on /AE N T AA R IH K AX/ during summer [sil] mdom2dh2 0 209455 "line" add p before word false start; "antarctica" del p middle of word (according to CMUDICT); 2dl 14 But they spend most of their time in water mdom2dl2 [noise] but they spend most of the their time in water [sil] mdom2dl2 0 85680 add n before sentence; "their" add w before word false start; 2ef 2 They teach people about heart health too mdom2ef2 [noise] they teach /AH B AE/ they teach people about heart [sil] health too [sil] mdom2ef2 0 196947 add n before sentence; "about" del p's end of word, add w's after word restart; 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe mdpj1ag2 [begin_noise] if [end_noise] [human_noise] /AY/ [noise] /L/ [noise] lightning [noise] /S T AO R/ [human_noise] [begin_noise] comes [end_noise] [human_noise] there [human_noise] a four [human_noise] things [human_noise] you [begin_noise] can [end_noise] [human_noise] do [noise] stay [noise] safe mdpj1ag2 0 502500 "a" add n before word, sub word;"lightning" add p before word false start;"storm" del p end of word, add n after word;"there" add n before word;"are" sub word;"stay" del w after word; 1an 43 The winds spin around and around mdpj1an2 [begin_noise] the winds [end_noise] [human_noise] /S P/ /S P EH N Z/ [human_noise] around and around [noise] mdpj1an2 0 287430 "spin" add p before word false start, add n before word, add p end of word;add n after sentence; 1au 42 If the river gets too deep water goes onto the land mdpj1au2 [begin_noise] if [end_noise] [human_noise] the [human_noise] /HH EH V/ river /G IH T/ [human_noise] [begin_noise] too deep [end_noise] /W AO T ER/ goes [human_noise] in I mean on to [begin_noise] the [end_noise] land mdpj1au2 0 613050 add n before sentence;"river" add n before word;"onto" add p's before word false start, add n before word (whisper); 1av 41 When water covers streets and goes into houses it is called a flood mdpj1av2 when [human_noise] [begin_noise] /W AO T ER/ [end_noise] /K L OW Z/ /S T R IY T/ [noise] and [human_noise] goes [human_noise] in [human_noise] /T AX HH/ houses [human_noise] /IH/ it is /K L AA/ /K AA D/ [human_noise] a /F L OW D/ mdpj1av2 0 690144 "water" add n before word, sub p middle of word;"covers" add n before word, sub word replacement;"streets" del p end of word, add n after word;"into" add n before word, del p's end of word;"it" add p before word false start;"called" add p's before word false start, add n after word;"flood" sub p middle of word; 1ax 39 Long ago not many people recycled mdpj1ax2 ago [human_noise] [begin_noise] not [end_noise] [human_noise] many [human_noise] [begin_noise] people [end_noise] [sil] /V AX/ [begin_noise] recycled [end_noise] mdpj1ax2 0 338855 "ago" del w before word, add n after word;"many" add n before word, add n after word;"recycled" add p before word false start; 1bw 26 Mother sea turtles swim to land only to lay eggs mdpj1bw2 /B AH V ER Z/ [human_noise] sea [human_noise] /T ER N/ [human_noise] swim [human_noise] to [human_noise] /L AE IX N/ /AA/ [begin_whisper] /AA L OW/ /AA L IH/ what's that [end_whisper] [crosstalk] only [human_noise] to [human_noise] lay [human_noise] eggs [begin_whisper] [noise] /S/ [end_whisper] mdpj1bw2 0 568284 "Mother" sub p middle of word, add p end of word, add n after word;"turtles" add n before word, sub word replacement;"to" add n before word, add n after word;"land" del p end of word;"only" add p's before word false start, add n before word (whisper);add n after sentence; 1ak 41 Turn off the television or computer mglp1ak2 turn off the /T EH L AH V IH N ZH IX N/ television or computer mglp1ak2 0 163386 "television" sub p middle of word OOV, add w after word repeat; 1al 43 Spring brings many kinds of weather mglp1al2 spring brings spring brings many kinds of weather mglp1al2 0 196250 "brings" add w's after word restart; 1ba 39 It is good because recycling helps keep the Earth cleaner mglp1ba2 it is good because recycling /HH EH L P/ [sil] helps [begin_noise] keep [end_noise] the Earth cleaner mglp1ba2 0 236138 "helps" del p end of word, add w after word repeat; 1ce 22 Sea otters live in the ocean mglp1ce2 sea /AH DH ER S/ [sil] /AH T ER Z/ live in the ocean [noise] [noise] [human_noise] mglp1ce2 0 258672 "otters" sub w replacement, add w after word repeat (sub p's beginning of word OOV); add n after sentence; 1ck 20 A tropical rain forest has many tall trees mglp1ck2 a tropical rain forest /HH/ [human_noise] has many /CH/ tall trees [sil] mglp1ck2 0 181584 "has" add p before word false start; "tall" add p before word false start; 1cs 17 The frog's bright colors let other animals know its skin gives off poison mglp1cs2 the bright the /F R AO K S/ bright colors let other animals know [human_noise] its [begin_noise] skin /G IH V/ [end_noise] gives off poison mglp1cs2 0 354032 "frog's" add w's before word restart; "gives" del p end of word, add w after word repeat; 1de 12 The medicines could help make sick people feel better mglp1de2 the /M EH D AH S IH N/ could help you help make sick people feel better [human_noise] [sil] mglp1de2 0 178788 "medicines" del p end of word; "help" add w after word, add w after word restart; 1dj 13 The dinosaur also had sharp spikes at the end of its tail for fighting mglp1dj2 the [begin_noise] /D AX N AH S AO R Z/ also [end_noise] have sharp spikes [human_noise] on the end of their [sil] /AH/ of its tail [human_noise] for fighting mglp1dj2 0 275940 "dinosaur" sub p n beginning of word OOV, add p end of word; "had" sub w replacement; "at" sub w replacement; "its" sub w replacement, add w's after word restart; 1dr 7 It is hard like a rock mglp1dr2 it is like [sil] a rock it is hard like a rock [noise] mglp1dr2 0 172212 "is" del w after word; "rock" add sentence after sentence repeat; 1du 8 Many kinds of animals live in zoos mglp1du2 [noise] many kinds of animals /L IH V Z/ [noise] live in the /Z UW F/ [noise] mglp1du2 0 112489 add n before sentence; "live" add p end of word, add w after word repeat; "In" add w after word; "zoo" add p end of word; 2ab 27 A blue butterfly flew by mjcm2ab2 a blue butterfly flew /EY/ [sil] by [sil] [begin_noise] [end_noise] [begin_whisper] I guess I should [end_whisper] a blue butterfly flew by [sil] mjcm2ab2 0 298143 "by" add n before word, add n after word; repeat sentence 2af 25 They lived in fields of flowers mjcm2af2 [noise] they lived [begin_noise] in a /F DH AX/ [end_noise] in /F/ they lived [begin_noise] in fields of [end_noise] flowers [sil] mjcm2af2 0 142569 "fields" add n before word; repeat sentence 2ai 26 Scientists thought all the blue butterflies had died mjcm2ai2 /S AY N/ [human_noise] /T IH S/ thought that all [begin_noise] scientists thought [end_noise] all [begin_noise] /DH AX/ /B L/ [end_noise] the blue butterflies had died mjcm2ai2 0 137048 "Scientists that all" add n false start; "the" add n false start 2al 27 They catch a few butterflies mjcm2al2 they catch a /F L/ [begin_noise] few [end_noise] butterflies [sil] mjcm2al2 0 87660 "few" add n false start 2ap 25 After a while new butterflies form mjcm2ap2 after a while new [begin_noise] /B L/ new butterflies [end_noise] form [human_noise] [noise] [sil] mjcm2ap2 0 100749 "new butterflies" add n false start 2ar 25 They keep a few butterflies in cages to lay more eggs mjcm2ar2 [noise] they keep a few butterflies [begin_noise] in a [end_noise] in cages to lay [begin_noise] more [end_noise] eggs [sil] mjcm2ar2 0 70328 "in" add n false start 2bs 26 They carry food water and medicine to the people of Rwanda mjcm2bs2 they carry food [begin_noise] /R AO/ [end_noise] water and medicine [human_noise] to the people of Rwanda [sil] mjcm2bs2 0 85045 "water" add n false start; 2ci 24 At the market they find things they need but can't make or grow themselves mjcm2ci2 at the market [begin_noise] they find things they need [end_noise] but [begin_noise] but [end_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] can't [end_noise] make or grow [begin_noise] themselves [end_noise] [sil] mjcm2ci2 0 132756 "but" add w repeat 2da 19 Thick ice and snow cover Antarctica all the time mjcm2da2 [cut]/IH K/ ice and snow cover /AE N AA R/ [noise] [begin_noise] Antarctica all the time [end_noise] [sil] mjcm2da2 0 82164 "Thick" del p beginning of word; "Antartica" add n false start 2dh 17 Sheathbills line on Antarctica during summer mjcm2dh2 /N OW/ /SH IY TH B IH L Z/ [begin_noise] line on [end_noise] Antarctica during [begin_noise] the /S/ [end_noise] during summer [noise] [noise] mjcm2dh2 0 106708 "Sheathbills" add n before word; "summer" add n false start 2dk 17 Crabeater seals are the fastest seals on land mjcm2dk2 crabeater [human_noise] /SH S IY/ seals [human_noise] are the fastest seals [human_noise] on [begin_noise] land [end_noise] mjcm2dk2 0 138990 "seals" add n false start 1ao 43 They blow a long thin cloud down to the ground mjma1ao2 they /B L/ [noise] they blow a long /DH IX/ thin cloud down [human_noise] to the ground [noise] mjma1ao2 0 207126 "blow" add p before word, false start, add w before word, restart; "down" add n after word; add n after sentence; 1av 41 When water covers streets and goes into houses it is called a flood mjma1av2 when water covers streets and [human_noise] goes into /HH AW Z IX Z/ it /K AA/ [human_noise] it is called a flood [noise] mjma1av2 0 246790 "houses" sub p middle of word, OOV; "is" add p before word, false start, add w before word, restart; add n after sentence; 1bb 38 People use trash to make new things mjma1bb2 [noise] people use trash to make /IX N/ to make new things mjma1bb2 0 174087 add n to sentence; "new" add p before word, false start, add w's before word, restart; 1bf 38 The worms turn the food into a special kind of soil mjma1bf2 the /W AO R/ the worms turn the food into [human_noise] a special kind of soil [sil] mjma1bf2 0 196098 "worms" add p's before word, false start, add w before word, restart; "into" add n after word; 1bg 36 The soil is used to help gardens grow mjma1bg2 the soil is used to help [noise] help [sil] gardens grow [noise] mjma1bg2 0 191716 "help" add w after word, restart, add n after word; add n after sentence; 1bh 37 Some paper has an important sign on it mjma1bh2 some paper /AE Z/ /IH N/ /EH N/ important [sil] sign on it [noise] mjma1bh2 0 193806 "has" del p beginning of word; "an" sub p beginning of word, OOV, add w after word, restart("an" sub p beginning of word, OOV); add n after sentence; 1bl 34 Some workers recycle bikes mjma1bl2 some /W ER K L ER Z/ /R IY/ /W ER K ER S/ recycle bikes [noise] mjma1bl2 0 231449 "workers" sub p's end of word, add p's after word, false start, add w after word, restart; add n after sentence; 1bs 28 In California people are working to keep seal homes clean and safe mjma1bs2 in /K AE L IH F AO R N AX/ people are working to keep seal [noise] homes [human_noise] clean and safe [noise] mjma1bs2 0 202768 "California" del p end of word, OOV; "homes" add p before word, false start, add n after word; "and" sub p beginning of word, OOV, del p end of word; add n after sentence; 1bv 27 Sea turtles live in the ocean mjma1bv2 sea turtles live in /OW SH IH N/ in /D AX/ /OW SH IH N Z/ [human_noise] [noise] mjma1bv2 0 205076 "in" del w after word, add p after word, false start, add w's after word, restart; "ocean" sub p middle of word, OOV, add p end of word; add n after sentence; 1bw 26 Mother sea turtles swim to land only to lay eggs mjma1bw2 mother sea turtles swim to land [human_noise] only to /G AX/ lay /EH K S/ [sil] mjma1bw2 0 196098 "land" add n after word;"lay" add p before word, false start; "eggs" sub p end of word, OOV; 1cf 21 Otters swim on their backs mjma1cf2 otters swim [human_noise] on otters swim on their backs mjma1cf2 0 196098 "swim" add n after word; "on" add w's after word, restart; 1ch 21 Brightly colored fish live in the ocean mjma1ch2 [begin_noise] /B R AY T/ [noise] /B R AY DX L IY/ [end_noise] colored fish have [human_noise] in /D AX/ /OW SH IH N/ live in /D AX/ /OW SH IH N/ mjma1ch2 0 222444 "Brightly" add p before word, false start;"Brightly" sub p middle of word, OOV; "live" sub w, replacement;"ocean" add w's after word, restart; 1cj 21 Sometimes other fish will not eat a fish because it tastes bad mjma1cj2 sometimes /DH AX/ other fish [human_noise] will not eat a fish because it tastes too bad [noise] /S W TH S/ mjma1cj2 0 385526 "other" add p before word, false start; "fish" add n after word; "tastes" add w after word; add p's after sentence; 1cl 20 Until now scientists could not examine the tops of the trees mjma1cl2 [noise] until now /S AY AH N T IH N S/ could not /K S/ [human_noise] examine /D AX/ /AH/ /AO M/ the tops of the trees [noise] mjma1cl2 0 279720 add n before sentence; "Scientists" sub p's end of word, OOV; "examine" add p's before word, false start; "the" sub p beginning of word, OOV, add p's after word, add w after word, restart;add n after sentence; 1co 16 A tropical rain forest is a warm wet place mjma1co2 a tropical rain forest /F L AO R/ /IH/ is [human_noise] a warm wet place [noise] mjma1co2 0 207126 "forest" add w after word; "is" add p before word, false start; add n after sentence; 1cu 17 Other animals will not eat the stink bug because it tastes bad mjma1cu2 other /M AX/ animals will not eat the stink [human_noise] the stink /B AX K AH/ bug [human_noise] [sil] because it /T EY S/ bad [noise] mjma1cu2 0 266800 "animals" add p before word; "stink" sub w, replacement, add n after word, add w's after word, restart; "bug" add p's before word, false start;"tastes" del p end of word; 1cx 15 They have sharp bills that are used to crack seeds and fruit mjma1cx2 they have sharp /B IY L S/ /EH/ /AE/ /DH EH/ [human_noise] [noise] are used to /T R AE K/ [begin_noise] seeds [end_noise] and fruit [sil] mjma1cx2 0 220440 "bills" sub p middle of word, OOV; "that" add p's before word, false start, sub w, replacement; "crack" sub w, replacement;"seeds" add p beginning of word; 1cz 14 They jump from one tree to another looking for fruit mjma1cz2 they jump off [human_noise] /F R AX/ they jump from one tree to /IY N AH DH ER/ [human_noise] looking for fruit [noise] mjma1cz2 0 249164 "from" sub w, replacement, add p's after word, add w's after word, restart; "another" sub p beginning of word, OOV, add n after word; add n after sentence; 1dg 13 They have learned something new about the Stegosaurus mjma1dg2 [noise] they have /L AXR N/ something new about the /D AY/ /S/ /S/ /S T EH G AX S AO R AX S/ mjma1dg2 0 185148 add n before sentence; "learned" sub p middle of word, OOV;"Stegosaurus" add p's before word, false start(s); 1dp 8 Baby dinosaurs hatched from the eggs mjma1dp2 [noise] baby dinosaurs hatched from their the eggs [human_noise] [human_noise] [noise] mjma1dp2 0 240120 add n before sentence; "the" sub w, replacemet, add w after word, restart; add n after sentence; 1dr 7 It is hard like a rock mjma1dr2 [begin_noise] its /IX/ it is [end_noise] hard [begin_noise] like [end_noise] a rock [noise] mjma1dr2 0 149850 add n before sentence; "It" add n after word, add w after word, repeat; add n after sentence; 1dw 7 Zebras eat hay and giraffes eat carrots mjma1dw2 zebras eat /HH AH V/ [noise] hay and giraffes eat carrots [noise] mjma1dw2 0 238119 "hay" sub w, replacment, add w after word, restart; add n after sentence; 3ec 4 Noises can harm hairs deep inside your ears in the same way hurricane winds harm trees mjma3ec2 [noise] noises /K IH N/ harm [human_noise] their [human_noise] harm hairs deep inside your [begin_noise] ears [end_noise] [human_noise] in the same way hurricane winds harm /T R IY S/ mjma3ec2 0 321494 add n before sentence; "can" sub p middl of word, OOV;"hairs" add n before word, sub w, replacement, add n after word, add w's after word, restart; "ears" add n after word; "trees" sub p end of word, OOV; 3ee 4 Music should not be played so loud that you can't hear a friend talk in a normal voice mjma3ee2 music should not be played so loud that you /K IH N/ [human_noise] can't hear a friend talk in a normal voice [noise] mjma3ee2 0 260130 "can't" sub w, replacement, add w after word, restart; add n after sentence; 3ef 4 If another person can hear music coming from a headset that you are wearing the music is too loud mjma3ef2 if another person /K IH N/ hear music coming from a /HH EH D/ /T S/ [human_noise] headset that you are /W EY R IH NG/ the music is too loud [noise] mjma3ef2 0 275471 "can" sub p middle of word, OOV; "headset" add p's before word, false start; "wearing" sub p middle of word, OOV; add n after sentence; 3eg 4 For many years scientists wondered if meat-eating Tyrannosaurus rex had ever eaten Triceratops mjma3eg2 for many [noise] years /S AY AH N T IH N S/ wondered [human_noise] if /M/ /M/ /M IY TD IY DX IH NG/ /T R AY AE N AH S AO R AH S/ /R EH K S/ had even [human_noise] ever eaten [begin_noise] /T R AY S EH R AH T AO P S/ [end_noise] mjma3eg2 0 315296 "scientists" sub p's end of word, OOV; "wondered" add n after word;"Tyrannosaurus" sub p's beginning of word; "ever" sub w, replacement, add w after word, restart; 3eh 4 They knew T rex munched on some dinosaurs but they didn't know if it had munched on Triceratops mjma3eh2 [noise] they know [human_noise] knew /TH/ /T IY/ /R EH K S/ munched [human_noise] on some dinosaurs but they /D IH IX N/ know if he had [human_noise] munched [begin_noise] on /T R AY S EH R AH T AO P S/ [end_noise] [noise] mjma3eh2 0 312823 add n before sentence; "knew" sub w, replacement, add w after word, restart; "munched"add n after word; "didn't" del p's end of word; "it" sub w, replacement; "had" add n after word; add n after sentence; 3ek 4 The bone had huge tooth marks in it mjma3ek2 the bone /HH/ /HH/ had /EY/ had huge teeth [human_noise] tooth marks in it [noise] mjma3ek2 0 229104 "had" add p's before word, false start(s), add p after word, add w after word, repeat; "tooth" sub w, replacement, add n after word, add w after word, restart;add n after sentence; 3el 4 The scientist said a T rex had made the marks mjma3el2 the /S AY AH N S IH N S/ say [human_noise] said a /T IY/ /R EH K S/ had [begin_noise] made the marks [end_noise] mjma3el2 0 198396 "scientist" sub p middle of word, sub p's end of word; "said" sub w, replacement, add w after word, restart; 3em 4 He knew it was the T rex because he put a kind of clay inside the tooth holes in the bone mjma3em2 he he knew it was the /T IY/ /R EH K S/ because he put [human_noise] a kind of clay inside the tooth holes in the bone [noise] mjma3em2 0 277472 "He" add w after word, repeat; "put" add n after word; add n after sentence; 3es 4 All they need to do is turn on a computer that's hooked up to their children's school mjma3es2 all they need to do is turn on a /K AH M P Y UW T ER S/ [noise] a computer that's hooked up to their children's school [noise] mjma3es2 0 253460 "computer" add p end of word, add w's after word, restart;add n after sentence; 1ai 42 Stay away from water mjmc1ai2 stay /AH F R EY/ stay away from /L AY L IH NG/ I mean water [human_noise] [crosstalk] mjmc1ai2 0 184128 "Stay" add w's before word restart ("away" sub p middle of word);"water" add w's before word;add n after sentence; 1al 43 Spring brings many kinds of weather mjmc1al2 [noise] spring [begin_noise] spring brings [end_noise] many kinds of /R EH DH ER/ [human_noise] mjmc1al2 0 123950 add n before sentence;"Spring" add w before word repeat;"weather" sub p beginning of word;add n after sentence; 1ar 39 The winds blow dust and dirt around mjmc1ar2 [noise] the /W IH N/ [human_noise] /D AX/ /W IH N D Z/ blow /D AH S/ [human_noise] and dirt around [human_noise] mjmc1ar2 0 262917 "The" add w's before word restart ("winds" del p end of word), sub p beginning of word;"dust" del p end fo word;add n after sentence; 1au 42 If the river gets too deep water goes onto the land mjmc1au2 [cut]/IH S/ too deep [human_noise] [begin_noise] /DH/ [end_noise] if /D AH/ mjmc1au2 0 90450 "If" add w's before word restart ("gets" del all w's before word, del p beginning of word;"deep" add n after word, add p after word);"the" sub p beginning of word, del all w's after word; 1aw 40 Recycling is helping our Earth mjmc1aw2 /R IY S/ [human_noise] [human_noise] /R IY S AY G AH L IH NG/ [human_noise] is helping our Earth [human_noise] mjmc1aw2 0 249537 "Recycling" add p's before word false start, add n before word, add n after word;add n after sentence; 1az 39 Experts say that's good news mjmc1az2 [noise] /EH K S P ER S/ say /D AE T S/ no [human_noise] /D AE T S/ good /N UW S/ [human_noise] [begin_whisper] /DH AE/ good /N UW S/ /D AE/ good /N UW S/ [end_whisper] mjmc1az2 0 277888 add nbefore sentence;"Experts" del p middle of word;"that's" add w's before word restart ("that's" sub p beginning of word;"good" sub w replacement), sub p beginning of word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1bc 39 Then not as much trash piles up mjmc1bc2 [noise] [begin_noise] /DH AX/ [end_noise] then [human_noise] not [begin_noise] as much [human_noise] trash [end_noise] piles /AH P S/ [human_noise] [human_noise] [human_noise] mjmc1bc2 0 400107 add n before sentence;"Trash" add p before word false start, add n after word;"much" add n after word;"up" add p end of word;add n after sentence; 1be 38 They use worms to eat the food in the garbage mjmc1be2 [begin_noise] worms [end_noise] worms to eat /D AX/ food [human_noise] in /D AX/ garbage [noise] mjmc1be2 0 227120 "worms" del all w's before word, add w before word repeat;"the" sub p beginning of word;"food" add n after word;"the" sub p beginning of word;add n after sentence; 1bh 37 Some paper has an important sign on it mjmc1bh2 some paper has /EY N/ [human_noise] an [human_noise] [begin_noise] /IH M P AO R IH N/ [end_noise] sign on it [human_noise] [whisper] [human_noise] mjmc1bh2 0 321976 "an" add w beforeword repeat;"important" del p middle of word;add n after sentence; 1bs 28 In California people are working to keep seal homes clean and safe mjmc1bs2 in [begin_noise] /K AE L AH F AO R D J AH/ people [end_noise] are [begin_noise] working [human_noise] [end_noise] to keep /S IY L Z/ [human_noise] [begin_noise] /HH OW M/ clean [end_noise] [human_noise] homes [begin_noise] clean [end_noise] and safe [human_noise] [noise] mjmc1bs2 0 290110 "California" del p middle of word;"working" add n after word;"seal" add p end of word;"homes" add w's before word restart ("homes" del p end of word);add n after sentence; 1bu 27 Scientists are working to protect many kinds of ocean animals mjmc1bu2 [noise] [begin_noise] /S AY AH N T IH S/ [end_noise] are working [human_noise] [noise] to [human_noise] [noise] [begin_noise] /P R OW/ protect [end_noise] [human_noise] /K AY N/ many [begin_noise] kinds of [end_noise] [human_noise] ocean animals [begin_noise] [human_noise] [end_noise] mjmc1bu2 0 449558 add n before sentence;"Scientists" del p middle of word;"to" add n before word, add n after word;"protect" add p's before word false start;"many" add n before word, add p's before word;"of" add n before word;add n after sentence; 1cm 20 Now they use walkways that hang in tall treetops mjmc1cm2 [noise] now /D EY/ use walk [human_noise] ways that [human_noise] /AX/ /HH AX/ hang [human_noise] [begin_crosstalk] in tall /T R IY T AA P S/ [human_noise] [end_crosstalk] mjmc1cm2 0 396312 add n before sentence;"they" sub p beginning of word;"walkways" add n middle of word;"hang" add n before word, add p before word false start, add n after word;add n after sentence; 1cu 17 Other animals will not eat the stink bug because it tastes bad mjmc1cu2 [noise] other [human_noise] animals will not [human_noise] eat /D AX/ /S K IH N S/ [human_noise] /D AX/ the stink bug [human_noise] because [human_noise] it tastes bad [begin_whisper] yuck [end_whisper] mjmc1cu2 0 322940 add n before sentence;"eat" add n before word;"the" add w's before word restart ("stink" sub w replacement);"bug" add n after word;"it" add n before word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1dj 13 The dinosaur also had sharp spikes at the end of its tail for fighting mjmc1dj2 [noise] /D AX/ /D AY N AH S AO R Z/ [begin_noise] had [end_noise] sharp [human_noise] spikes and [human_noise] [begin_whisper] wait [end_whisper] /D AX/ /D AY N AH S AO R Z/ also [human_noise] had [human_noise] sharp spikes [human_noise] at the [human_noise] end of their [human_noise] its [human_noise] for fighting [noise] [human_noise] [noise] mjmc1dj2 0 572094 add n before sentence;"The" add w's before word restart ("The" sub p beginning of word;"dinosaurs" del p end of word, del w after word), sub p beginning of word;"dinosaurs" del p end of word;"had" add n before word, add n after word;"spikes" add n after word;"its" add w before word, del w after word;add n after sentence; 1dk 12 Scientists say they find dinosaur bones in the ground mjmc1dk2 [yawn] [noise] [crosstalk] [yawn] [begin_noise] scientists [end_noise] [human_noise] say [human_noise] say the [human_noise] /D AY N AH S AO R S/ [human_noise] bones [begin_noise] /D OW K/ [end_noise] /T AX/ [human_noise] scientists say [human_noise] /DH/ they [human_noise] [begin_noise] find dinosaur bones [end_noise] [human_noise] in /D AX/ ground mjmc1dk2 0 532524 add n before sentence;"Scientists" add w's before word restart ("Scientists" del p middle of word;"say" add n before word, add w before word repeat, "they" sub w replacement"dinosaur" add p end of word, add n after word;"bones" del p end of word), del p middle of word;"say" add n after word;"bones" add n after word; 1do 8 Then they covered them with dirt or plants mjmc1do2 they covered [begin_noise] /D IH M/ [end_noise] [human_noise] they covered [human_noise] [begin_noise] them with [human_noise] [end_noise] dirt or [begin_noise] plants [end_noise] [human_noise] mjmc1do2 0 311288 "they" del w before word, add w's before word restart ("them" sub p beginning of word OOV);"them" add n before word;"with" add n after word;add n after sentence; 3ec 4 Noises can harm hairs deep inside your ears in the same way hurricane winds harm trees mjmc3ec2 [begin_crosstalk] noises can [begin_whisper] /W UW P S/ [end_whisper] [human_noise] [end_crosstalk] [human_noise] noises can harm [human_noise] hairs [human_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] deep [end_noise] [begin_crosstalk] [human_noise] hairs deep inside [human_noise] your ears [human_noise] /AE N/ in [human_noise] [end_crosstalk] the same way /HH ER AH K EY N Z/ [human_noise] /K/ /W IH N/ [human_noise] harms trees [human_noise] [begin_whisper] threes trees [end_whisper] [begin_crosstalk] [noise] [human_noise] [yawn] [human_noise] [end_crosstalk] [noise] mjmc3ec2 0 967150 add n during sentence;"Noises" add w's before word restart, add n before word;"hairs" add n before word, add w's before word restart ("hairs" add n after word);"inside" add n after word;"in" add n before word, add w before word, add n after word;"hurricane" add p end of word, add n after word;"winds" del p's end of word;add n after sentence (whisper); 3eg 4 For many years scientists wondered if meat-eating Tyrannosaurus rex had ever eaten Triceratops mjmc3eg2 [noise] from many [human_noise] [human_noise] /S AY IX/ years [begin_crosstalk] scientists [human_noise] [human_noise] wondered [end_crosstalk] [human_noise] if [human_noise] /M IY T IY DX IH NG/ [begin_noise] /T AY R AE N AH S AO R AH S/ [end_noise] /R EH K S/ [human_noise] had [noise] [human_noise] had [human_noise] [human_noise] ever eaten /T R AY S EH R AH T AO P S/ [human_noise] [crosstalk] mjmc3eg2 0 578488 add n before sentence;"For" sub w replacement;"years" add n before word, add p before word;"wondered" add n before word, add n after word;"if" add n after word;"had" add n before word, add w before word repeat, add n after word;add n after sentence; 3eh 4 They knew T rex munched on some dinosaurs but they didn't know if it had munched on Triceratops mjmc3eh2 they knew /T IY/ /R EH K S/ [human_noise] [begin_crosstalk] /M AH N SH/ [end_crosstalk] /M AH N CH/ [human_noise] on [noise] [human_noise] some dinosaurs [human_noise] but [human_noise] they [human_noise] /D IH IX N/ know [human_noise] /IX/ if it [human_noise] had munched on /T R AY S EH R AH T AO P S/ [human_noise] [human_noise] /S/ mjmc3eh2 0 540645 "munched" add n before word, add p's before word false start, del p end of word;"on" add n before word, add n after word;"but" add n before word;"didn't: add n before word, del p end of word;"if" add n before word;"had" add n before word;add n after sentence; 3el 4 The scientist said a T rex had made the marks mjmc3el2 the scientist said [human_noise] a /T IY/ /R EH K S/ [human_noise] [human_noise] /HH/ had made [human_noise] the [begin_noise] marks [end_noise] [human_noise] mjmc3el2 0 287001 "said" add n after word;"rex" add n after word;"had" add p before word false start;"made" add n after word;add n after sentence; 3em 4 He knew it was the T rex because he put a kind of clay inside the tooth holes in the bone mjmc3em2 [crosstalk] [noise] he knew [human_noise] was [human_noise] he knew [human_noise] /D AX/ /T/ he knew it was [human_noise] the /T IY/ /R EH K S/ [begin_noise] because [end_noise] [human_noise] because the putting [noise] [human_noise] put [human_noise] he knew [human_noise] it was /D AX/ /T IY/ /R EH K S/ [human_noise] because he put [human_noise] a [begin_crosstalk] [begin_noise] kind [end_noise] [human_noise] of clay [human_noise] inside [end_crosstalk] inside his tooth [human_noise] holes [human_noise] [noise] in /D AX/ /B OW N Z/ [human_noise] mjmc3em2 0 953810 "He" add w's before word restarts, repeats, add n's before word;"knew" add n after word;"rex" add n after word;"put" add n after word;"kind" add n after word;"clay" add n after word;"the" sub w replacement;"holes" add n before word, add n after word;"the" sub p beginning of word;"bone" add p end of word;add n after sentence; 3en 4 Then he pulled the clay mold out of the tooth holes mjmc3en2 the /P UH L/ he [human_noise] then he /P UH L/ [human_noise] the clay [human_noise] [begin_yawn] mold [human_noise] out of the tooth holes [end_yawn] [human_noise] mjmc3en2 0 409538 "Then" add w's before word restart;"pulled" del p end of word, add n after word;"mold" add n before word;"mold...holes" add n during word yawn;add n after sentence; 3eo 4 He put the mold next to T rex tooth fossils and they matched mjmc3eo2 [human_noise] he put [noise] he put the [human_noise] [begin_noise] mold [end_noise] next to /T IY/ [human_noise] /R EH K S/ tooth [human_noise] /F/ [human_noise] /F OY/ [human_noise] fossils [human_noise] and [human_noise] they matched [human_noise] mjmc3eo2 0 564140 add n before sentence;"he" add w's before word restart;"mold" add n before word;"rex" add n before word;"fossils" add n before word, add p's before word false start, add n after word;"and" add n after word;add n after sentence; 3es 4 All they need to do is turn on a computer that's hooked up to their children's school mjmc3es2 [begin_yawn] all they need [human_noise] to [human_noise] do is turn [end_yawn] on a computer that [sil] that hooks that's hooked up [human_noise] in up to [human_noise] the their children's school [human_noise] mjmc3es2 0 623645 "All...on" add n during words yawn;"that's" add w's before word restart;"up" add w's before word restart;"their" add n before word, add w before word;add n after sentencel 3et 4 Families can use the computer to find out what homework their kids have mjmc3et2 families can [human_noise] /Y/ [noise] [human_noise] families can [human_noise] use the computer [human_noise] to find what [human_noise] homework [human_noise] their kids have [noise] mjmc3et2 0 341539 "Families" add w's before word restart ("use" del p end of word);"can" add n after word;"to" add n before word;"what" del w before word, add n after word;add n after sentence; 3ew 4 Families can check on this week's school lunch menu mjmc3ew2 [noise] families can check [human_noise] can check on the [human_noise] on /DH/ this week [human_noise] on this /W IY K S/ school lunch menu /M EH N Y UW Z/ [begin_whisper] /M EH N Y UW Z/ /D AX/ [end_whisper] [begin_human_noise] [end_human_noise] mjmc3ew2 0 787920 add n before sentence;"can" add w's before word restart;"on" add w's before word restart ("on"add w's before word restart ("this" sub w replacement);"this" add p before word false start;"week's" del p end of word);"menu" add p end of word;add n after sentence (whisper); 2ab 27 A blue butterfly flew by mjms2ab2 /B AH DX AXR/ butterfly flew by [whisper] mjms2ab2 0 74640 "butterfly" del w's before word, add p's before word, false start; add n after sentence; 2ad 24 He had thought the blue butterfly was extinct mjms2ad2 he had thought the blue /B/ butterfly was extinct mjms2ad2 0 125208 "butterfly" add p before word, false start; 2ae 24 Once many blue butterflies lived in California mjms2ae2 once many /B/ blue butterflies lived in california mjms2ae2 0 138528 "blue" add p's before word, false start; 2an 25 They put a plant in each cage mjms2an2 /DH EY P L AE N T AX N/ they put a plant in each cage mjms2an2 0 134067 add w's before sentence, restart; 2aq 26 Scientists let most of them fly away mjms2aq2 /S AH N T IX S T/ let most of them /AH W/ fly away [noise] mjms2aq2 0 156078 "Scientists" del p end of word;"fly" add p before word, false start; add n after sentence; 2ay 25 Butterflies carry pollen from one flower to another mjms2ay2 butterflies carry pollen from /DH AX F/ one flower to another [noise] mjms2ay2 0 147186 "one" add p's before word, false start; add n after sentence; 2bf 27 The first thing the caterpillar eats is its own eggshell mjms2bf2 [noise] the first thing the /K AE L AXR/ caterpillar eats is /AO IH Z/ its own eggshell [noise] mjms2bf2 0 169418 add n before sentence; "caterpillar" add n before word, false start; "is" add p after word, add w after word, restart; add n after sentence; 2bk 27 Inside the shell the caterpillar body changes mjms2bk2 [noise] inside the shell, the caterpillar /B AO D/ [noise] the caterpillar body changes mjms2bk2 0 160506 add n before sentence; "body" del p end of word; add n after word; add w's after word, restart; 2bm 26 A butterfly wing is a two sided thing mjms2bm2 butterfly wing is two /S AY/ is a two sided thing mjms2bm2 0 133926 "is" del w after word; "sided" del p end of word, add w's after word, restart; 2bo 25 But turned upside down its colors are brown black pale yellow or white mjms2bo2 but turned inside /D/ upside down /IH/ its colors are brown, black, pale yellow, or white [noise] mjms2bo2 0 191429 "upside" sub w, replacement, add p after word, add w's after word, restart; "it" add p before word, false start; add n after sentence; 2bp 27 Help is coming for Rwanda mjms2bp2 help is coming from /R/ rwanda mjms2bp2 0 114380 "for" sub w, replacement; "Rwanda" add p before word, false start; 2cc 23 Some farmers grow coffee grow bananas or raise cattle mjms2cc2 [noise] some farmers grow coffee [noise] grow /B IX N AE N AXR Z/ [noise] or /R EY/ raise cattle [noise] mjms2cc2 0 198099 add n before sentence; "coffee" add n after word; "bananas" add p end of word, add n after word; "raise" add p before word, false start; add n after sentence; 2ci 24 At the market they find things they need but can't make or grow themselves mjms2ci2 at the market they find things /DH IX T/they need [noise] but [begin noise]can't make [end noise] make or grow themselves [noise] mjms2ci2 0 242121 "they" add n before word; "need" add n after word; "can't" add n middle of word; "make" add n middle of word, add w after word, restart; 2cj 23 There are gorillas living in the mountains of Rwanda mjms2cj2 [noise] there there are gorillas living in the /M AW N TD AX N Z/ of rwanda [noise] mjms2cj2 0 145406 add n beginning of sentence; "There" add w after word, restart; "mountains" del p middle of word; add n after sentence; 2cp 23 A scientist studied emperor penguins in Antarctica mjms2cp2 a scientist studied [noise] emperor penguins in /AE N AA R DX IX K AH/ mjms2cp2 0 178220 "emperor" add p before word, false start, add n before word; "Antarctica" del p beginning of word; 2cv 18 They snuggle together to block the wind mjms2cv2 [noise] they snuggle together [noise]/T/ to /B L [noise] K/ the wind mjms2cv2 0 167166 add n before sentence; "to" add p's before word, false start(s); "block" add n middle of word; 2cx 18 After the chicks hatch the parents take turns keeping them warm mjms2cx2 [noise] after the chicks hatch the parents take turns /AH/ [noise] keeping them warm [noise] mjms2cx2 0 215136 add n before sentence; "keeping" add p before word, false start,add n before word;add n after sentence; 2cy 19 Antarctica is the continent at the southern end of our planet mjms2cy2 [noise] /AE N AA R D IX K AH/ is the /S AH DH AXR/ is the /K AO N TD IX N AX N TD/ [noise] in the southern end of our planet [noise] mjms2cy2 0 180757 add n before sentence; "Antarctica" del p beginning of word; "the" add p's after word, add w's after word, restart; "continent" del p middle of word, add n after word; "at" sub w, replacement; 2dc 17 Animals live along the coast and in nearby oceans mjms2dc2 [noise] animals live long along the coast and nearby /K/ oceans [noise] mjms2dc2 0 189144 add n before sentence; "along" sub w,replacement, add w after word, restart; "and" del w after word; "oceans" add p before word; add n after sentence; 2dh 17 Sheathbills line on Antarctica during summer mjms2dh2 /SH IY TH B IH L Z/ [noise] /L/ line on /AE N AA R T IX K AH/ during the /S/ during summer [noise] mjms2dh2 0 169418 "line" add n before word; add p's before word, false start; "Antarctica" del p beginning of word; "during" add w after word, add w after word, false start;add n after sentence; 2dm 13 A thick layer of fat called blubber keeps seals warm and gives them energy when they can not find food mjms2dm2 [noise] a thick layer of fat called blubber [noise] keeps seals warm and gives them energy when they /G AE N/ [noise] can not find food [noise] mjms2dm2 0 237048 "blubber" add n after word; "can" add p's before word, false start; add n after sentence; 2dn 14 Icefish live in the cold water near Antarctica mjms2dn2 icefish live in /DH/ the cold water near /AE N AA R D IX K AH/ [noise] mjms2dn2 0 153846 "the" add p before word, false start; "Antarctica" del p beginning of word; add n after sentence; 2dq 12 Is watching television bad for your heart mjms2dq2 is watching television /B L AH/ bad for your heart mjms2dq2 0 176088 "bad" add p's before word, false start; 3ad 2 Many Native American children learn about traditions that people in their families have had for many generations mjsd3ad2 [noise] many native americans /CH ER D IX N/ learn about [noise] traditions that people in /TH/ [noise] their families have had for many generations mjsd3ad2 0 280966 add n before sentence;"American" add p end of word;"children" sub p middle of word;"about" add n after word;"their" add p before word, false start, add n before word; 3al 2 The children watched their fathers and sometimes their grandfathers and great grandfathers carve totem poles mjsd3al2 [noise] the children watched their fathers and sometimes [noise] their grandfathers [noise] and great grandfathers [noise] carve /T AH T EH M/ totem poles [noise] /AH/ mjsd3al2 0 384956 add n before sentence;"their" add n before word;"and" add n before word;"carve" add n before word;"totem" add p before word, false start;add n, p's after sentence; 3av 2 If there are a lot of symbols it may take longer mjsd3av2 if there [noise] are a lot of symbols it /M/ may take longer [noise] mjsd3av2 0 163170 "are" add n before word;"may" add p before word, false start;add n after sentence; 3bm 2 Cheetahs are the fastest animals in the world mjsd3bm2 [noise] /CH IY T AX Z/ are the fast /EH M EY/ animals in the world mjsd3bm2 0 114896 add n before sentence;"fastest" del p's end of word;"animals" add p's before word, false start; 3ce 2 Without gravity on Earth you would not be able to walk mjsd3ce2 [noise] without gravity on earth [noise] you would /N/ not be able to walk [noise] mjsd3ce2 0 148296 add n before sentence;"you" add n before word;"not" add p before word, false start;add n after sentence; 3cq 2 When someone wants a drink they add water to the pouch of their choice mjsd3cq2 /S/ someone wants a drink [noise] they add water to the pouches [noise] of /DH EH R/ choice [noise] mjsd3cq2 0 178536 "someone" del word before word;add p before word, false start;"drink" add n after word;"pouch" add p end of word, add n after word;"their" sub p beginning of word;add n after sentence; 3de 1 The parts of the station where the astronauts live are called the habs mjsd3de2 [noise] the parts of the /S EY ZH IX N/ [noise] where /DH/ the astronauts live are called the /HH AE P Z/ mjsd3de2 0 179560 add n before sentence;"station" del p middle of word, add n after word;"the" add p before word, false start;"habs" sub p middle of word; 2ab 27 A blue butterfly flew by mjwm2ab2 [noise] a /B Y UW/ a [begin_noise] blue butterfly [end_noise] [human_noise] [begin_noise] /F/ flew [end_noise] by [sil] [noise] mjwm2ab2 0 254811 "a blue" add n false start; "flew" add n false start; "by" add n after word 2ae 24 Once many blue butterflies lived in California mjwm2ae2 [noise] once [sil] once many blue /B AH DX AX F L AY S/ [human_noise] lived in California [sil] mjwm2ae2 0 96099 "Once" add n false start; "butterflies" sub p middle of word 2ak 26 The scientists will try to save them mjwm2ak2 [noise] the scientists /W AE L/ [human_noise] the scientists will try to save [begin_noise] them [end_noise] mjwm2ak2 0 144243 "The scientists will" add n false start 2al 27 They catch a few butterflies mjwm2al2 [noise] they [begin_noise] catch [end_noise] a /B AH/ [begin_noise] few [end_noise] /B AH DX ER F/ [human_noise] butterflies [sil] mjwm2al2 0 113444 "few" add n false start; "butterflies" add n false start 2am 26 Then they put them in a cage mjwm2am2 they [begin_noise] put them [end_noise] in a [sil] in a [begin_noise] cage [end_noise] [begin_whisper] /W UW P S/ [end_whisper] [noise] mjwm2am2 0 73784 "in a" add n false start; "cage" add n after word 2ay 25 Butterflies carry pollen from one flower to another mjwm2ay2 butterflies /K EY W IY/ [begin_noise] /P AA D IX N/ [end_noise] /P AA L IX N/ [human_noise] /F AX M/ [noise] one [begin_noise] /F L AW AXR/ [end_noise] to another [sil] mjwm2ay2 0 172407 "carry" sub p middle of word; "pollen" add n false start, sub p middle of word; "from" sub p middle of word; "flower" del p end of word 2bk 27 Inside the shell the caterpillar body changes mjwm2bk2 [noise] inside the shell a a /K AE DX ER P IH L AX/ body changes [noise] mjwm2bk2 0 142439 add n entire sentence; "the" add n false start, sub w replacement 2bl 25 When the shell breaks open a butterfly comes out mjwm2bl2 [noise] /W AX/ while the shell [begin_noise] /B W EY K S/ [end_noise] open a [begin_noise] /B AH DX AX F L AY/ [end_noise] comes out [sil] mjwm2bl2 0 170506 "When" add n false start, sub w replacement; "breaks" sub p middle of word; "butterfly" sub p middle of word 2bm 26 A butterfly wing is a two sided thing mjwm2bm2 [noise] a [begin_noise] butterfly wing [end_noise] is two [human_noise] /S/ /S AY DD/ [begin_noise] things [end_noise] [sil] mjwm2bm2 0 179902 "A" add n before word; "is a two" del w between words; "sided" add n false start, del p end of word; "thing" add p end of word 2bp 27 Help is coming for Rwanda mjwm2bp2 [noise] it [begin_noise] help is [end_noise] coming from Rwanda [sil] [noise] mjwm2bp2 0 262482 "Help" add n before word, add n false start; "for" sub w replacement 2ca 25 They want to help Rwandans get well and return to their homes mjwm2ca2 [noise] [noise] they [begin_noise] /W/ [end_noise] [human_noise] they went [begin_noise] to help Rwanda get [end_noise] well and [human_noise] [begin_noise] return to their homes [end_noise] [sil] mjwm2ca2 0 222662 "They" add n false start; "want" sub w replacement; "Rwandans" del p end of word; "return" sub p middle of word 2cb 26 Most people in Rwanda are farmers mjwm2cb2 /M OW S/ [begin_noise] people [end_noise] in Rwanda /AA R DD/ /FAA R M/ farmers [sil] [noise] [sil] [noise] [sil] [noise] [noise] [noise] [sil] mjwm2cb2 0 313880 "Most" del p end of word; "are" del p end of word; "farmers" add n false start 2cc 23 Some farmers grow coffee grow bananas or raise cattle mjwm2cc2 some /F AA W M ER Z/ grew /K AO F/ [human_noise] grow [begin_noise] /B IH TD/ [end_noise] [human_noise] [noise] bananas or raise cattle [human_noise] [noise] mjwm2cc2 0 282739 "farmers" sub p middle of word; "grow" sub p middle of word; "coffee" del p end of word, add n after word; "bananas" add n false start 2cf 23 Before the war many children could not go to school mjwm2cf2 [noise] /B IH F AO R/ the /W AO R/ many [begin_noise] /CH IH L D EH N/ [end_noise] [human_noise] got /N/ [human_noise] [begin_noise] could not [end_noise] go to school [human_noise] [sil] mjwm2cf2 0 245245 "Before" sub p middle of word; "war" sub p middle of word; "children" del p middle of word; "could" add n false start; "school" add n after word 2ch 23 People travel on dirt roads to a marketplace mjwm2ch2 [noise] people traveled on /D AX R TD/ roads [begin_noise] to get to them [end_noise] [human_noise] a [begin_noise] marketplace [human_noise] [whisper] [end_noise] [sil] mjwm2ch2 0 246126 "travel" add p end of word; "dirt" sub p middle of word; "a" add n false start; "marketplace" add n after word 2cj 23 There are gorillas living in the mountains of Rwanda mjwm2cj2 [noise] they [noise] /DH EH W AX/ /AA W/ /G AX W IH L AX Z/ [begin_noise] living [end_noise] [human_noise] in the mountains of Rwanda [noise] [noise] [sil] mjwm2cj2 0 165120 "There" add n false start, sub p middle of word; "are" del p end of word; "gorillas" sub p middle of word 2co 22 Volcanoes made some high mountains there too mjwm2co2 [noise] /V OW/ volcanoes [human_noise] made some high mountains there too [sil] mjwm2co2 0 107319 "Volcanoes" add n false start 2cs 17 The father puts the egg on his feet mjwm2cs2 a father /P UH/ [begin_noise] puts [end_noise] the eggs on his feet [sil] mjwm2cs2 0 107310 "The" sub w replacement; "puts" add n false start 2ct 17 He covers it with a big roll of belly fat mjwm2ct2 [noise] /HH IY AH M/ he covers [human_noise] it with a big /W OW L/ [human_noise] of belly fat [sil] mjwm2ct2 0 219504 "He covers" add n false start; "roll" sub p beginning of word 2cw 18 They keep the eggs warm until the baby penguins break out of the eggs mjwm2cw2 they kept [noise] the eggs [begin_noise] warm until [end_noise] [human_noise] the baby [human_noise] penguins /B W EY K/ /AW/ /AX/ /DH AX/ of the [begin_noise] egg [end_noise] mjwm2cw2 0 191142 "keep" sub p middle of word; "break" sub p middle of word; "out" del p end of word; "of the" add n false start; "eggs" del p end of word 2db 18 Only a few plants and insects live in the middle of the cold continent mjwm2db2 [noise] only a /F L UW/ few [begin_noise] planets [end_noise] [human_noise] and [begin_noise] insects live [end_noise] in the middle [sil] /AX/ the /K OW L/ continent [human_noise] [sil] mjwm2db2 0 202368 "few" add n false start; "plants" sub w replecement; "and" add n before word; "of" del p end of word; "cold" del p end of word 2dc 17 Animals live along the coast and in nearby oceans mjwm2dc2 [noise] animals [begin_noise] live long [end_noise] in the coast [human_noise] and /IH/ in nearby [human_noise] oceans [human_noise] [sil] mjwm2dc2 0 245088 "Animals" add n before word; "along" sub w replacement; "along the" add w between words; "and" del p end of word; "in" ad n false start; "oceans" add n beginning of word, add n after word 2dh 17 Sheathbills line on Antarctica during summer mjwm2dh2 [noise] /SH/ /SH IY PD B IH L Z/ /L AY/ [human_noise] /L EY/ line on Antarctica /D AX W IH NG/ summer [sil] [noise] [noise] [sil] mjwm2dh2 0 283824 "Sheathbills" add n false start, sub p middle of word; "line" add n false start; "during" sub p middle of word; "during summer" add w between words 2dj 16 Sheathbills have a hard covering called a sheath on their bills mjwm2dj2 /SH IY PD B IH L Z/ [begin_noise] have a /HH ER DD/ [end_noise] [human_noise] /K AX V AXR IH NG/ [human_noise] [begin_noise] called [end_noise] a /S/ /SH/ sheath /AO V T/ [human_noise] on their [begin_noise] bills [end_noise] [noise] [noise] [noise] mjwm2dj2 0 351120 "Sheathbills" sub p middle of word; "hard" sub p middle of word; "covering" sub p middle of word; "sheath" add n false start; "on" add n false start 1aa 43 Storms in the spring can bring lightning mlea1aa2 [begin_whisper] okay [end_whisper] [human_noise] [begin_noise] /S T/ storms [end_noise] [human_noise] storms [begin_whisper] hold on okay [end_whisper] storms can [human_noise] [begin_whisper] hold on [end_whisper] storms in the spring [human_noise] can be [human_noise] lightning [noise] mlea1aa2 0 536404 add n before sentence (whisper);"Storms" add words before word restart, add n before word (whisper);"bring" sub word replacement, add n after word;add n after sentence; 1ab 42 Lightning moves through the air mlea1ab2 /L AY TD N IH NG/ [begin_whisper] hold it okay [end_whisper] [human_noise] /L AY TD L IH NG/ /M UW V EY Z/ [human_noise] thunder in the air [noise] mlea1ab2 0 387527 "Lightning" add w before word repeat, add n before word (whisper);"moves" add p middle of word;"through" sub w replacement;"the" add w before word;add n after sentence; 1ac 40 It sometimes hits the ground mlea1ac2 [noise] sometimes some it sometimes hits [human_noise] the ground [sil] mlea1ac2 0 268000 add n before sentence;"It" add w's before word restart;"the" add n before word; 1af 42 Stay away from lightning mlea1af2 /S/ stay away from lightning [noise] [begin_whisper] stuck to the bottom okay [end_whisper] [noise] mlea1af2 0 352030 "Stay" add p before word false start;add n after sentence (whisper); 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe mlea1ag2 [noise] if lightning /S T AO R M Z/ /K AH M/ there there four things you can /S EY/ can /S/ /D UW S/ stay safe [noise] mlea1ag2 0 648628 add n before sentence;"If" del w after word;"storm" add p end of word;"comes" del p end of word;"there" add w before word repeat, del w after word;"can" add w's before word restart;"do" del w after word;add n after sentence; 1ai 42 Stay away from water mlea1ai2 stay away /F/ away /F W AH M/ water [begin_whisper] [noise] [crosstalk] [end_whisper] mlea1ai2 0 440887 "away" add word before word repeat, add p before word;"from" sub p middle of word;add n after sentence; 1ar 39 The winds blow dust and dirt around mlea1ar2 [noise] the winds blow [sil] dust [human_noise] /A EN/ dust around [begin_whisper] okay okay [end_whisper] [noise] [begin_whisper] /D OW D OW/ [end_whisper] mlea1ar2 0 566283 "The" add p before word false start;"and" add n before word, del p end of word;"dirt" sub word replacement;add n after sentence (whisper); 1at 40 Heavy rain fills rivers with water mlea1at2 [begin_whisper] okay [end_whisper] [noise] heavy /R EY JH/ /F AA L Z/ [sil] /R EY/ [human_noise] rivers with /W AO DX ER R R/ [noise] [human_noise] mlea1at2 0 433566 add n before sentence;"rain" add p end of word;"fills" sub p middle of word;"rivers" add p's before word false start;add n after sentence; 1aa 43 Storms in the spring can bring lightning mlss1aa2 [noise] /S T AO R M/ [human_noise] [noise] in the /S/ spring can [human_noise] bring lightning /L AY T N IH N/ [crosstalk] [noise] mlss1aa2 0 268000 add n before sentence;"Storms" del p end of word, add n after word;"spring" add p before word false start;"lightning" del p end of word;add n after sentence (whisper); 1ad 43 Lightning can hurt people mlss1ad2 [noise] /L AY TD N IH NG/ [begin_noise] can [end_noise] [human_noise] hurt hurt [begin_noise] people [end_noise] [crosstalk] [human_noise] [begin_noise] [end_noise] mlss1ad2 0 251336 add n before sentence;"Lightning" del p middle of word;"hurt" add n before word,add w after word repeat;add n after sentence; 1ag 43 If a lightning storm comes there are four things you can do to stay safe mlss1ag2 [noise] if a /L AY DX N IY/ [noise] [human_noise] storm comes /DH IY ER/ are four [noise] four /DH EH NG Z/ you [begin_noise] can [end_noise] do to [human_noise] stay safe [noise] [noise] mlss1ag2 0 515430 add n before sentence;"four" add w before word repeat;"things" sub p middle of word;add n after sentence; 1al 43 Spring brings many kinds of weather mlss1al2 [noise] spring /B R IH NG/ /M/ /M/ many [human_noise] [begin_noise] kids [end_noise] [human_noise] of weather [human_noise] [noise] [human_noise] mlss1al2 0 230180 add n before sentence;"brings" del p end of word;"many" add p before word false start;"kinds" add n before word, sub word replacemment, add n after word;add n after sentence; 1an 43 The winds spin around and around mlss1an2 [noise] the /W IH N TS/ [human_noise] /S P/ /S P IH N DD/ [human_noise] [begin_noise] around [end_noise] /AE N/ /AH R AW/ [noise] mlss1an2 0 270010 add n before sentence;"spin" add n before word, add p before word false start;"and" del p end of word;second "around" del p end of word;add n after sentence; 1ap 39 Dust storms happen in very dry places mlss1ap2 [noise] /D AH S/ [human_noise] /S/ /S/ storms [human_noise] /HH AE P IH N/ in very [human_noise] dry places [noise] mlss1ap2 0 301698 add n before sentence;"storms" add p before word false start;"happens" sub p middle of word; 1at 40 Heavy rain fills rivers with water mlss1at2 [noise] heavy /R EY/ /R IH N/ /F IY AX L S/ [human_noise] rivers [sil] with [sil] /W AO T ER/ [human_noise] [sil] mlss1at2 0 333831 add n before sentence;"rains" add p before word false start, sub p middle of word;"fills" sub p middle of word;"water" sub p middle of word;add n after sentence; 1bf 38 The worms turn the food into a special kind of soil mlss1bf2 the /W AO R M S/ [human_noise] [begin_noise] turn [end_noise] the /F UW/ into [human_noise] a /S/ /S/ [human_noise] special /K IH DD/ [begin_noise] /K IH N D/ [end_noise] [human_noise] of soil [noise] [noise] mlss1bf2 0 405536 "into" add n after word;"special" add p before word false start, add n before word;"kind" add w before word, sub p middle of word;add n after sentence; 1bk 37 Workers use parts of the bottles to make clothing mlss1bk2 /W ER K S/ [sil] workers [human_noise] use [human_noise] [begin_whisper] /P ER/ /HH ER/ /T/ [end_whisper] /P ER TS/ [human_noise] of the bottles [human_noise] to make [human_noise] [begin_noise] [end_noise] /K L OW/ /K L AO TH S/ /K L AO TH IH NG/ [human_noise] [sil] mlss1bk2 0 547092 "Workers" add p's before word false start, add n after word;"parts" add n before word, add p before word false start, sub p middle of word, add n after word;"clothing" add p's before word false start, sub p's middle of word;add n after sentence; 1bm 37 They fix up old bikes and let other people use them mlss1bm2 [noise] [begin_noise] they [end_noise] fix [human_noise] up /OW L/ bikes [human_noise] /AE N/ [human_noise] /L AY/ /L IH T/ [human_noise] others [human_noise] people use [human_noise] /DH AX M/ [noise] mlss1bm2 0 370944 add n before sentence;"fix" add n after word;"old" del p end of word;"and" add n before word, del p end of word,add n after word;"let" add p before word false start, sub p middle of word, add n after word;"other" add p end of word;"theM' sub p middle of word;add n after sentence; 2bm 26 A butterfly wing is a two sided thing mmbg2bm2 [noise] a butterfly wing is two sided [noise] thing [noise] mmbg2bm2 0 105070 add n before sentence;"is" del word sfter word;"thing" add p before word, false start;add n after sentence; 2cg 25 Schools in Rwanda did not have room for all the children mmbg2cg2 [noise] schools in rwanda did not have room for [noise] or all the children [noise] mmbg2cg2 0 173118 add n beforesentence;"for" add words before word, restart ("all" del p end of word);add n after sentence; 2cl 23 Before the war many people came to Rwanda to see the gorillas mmbg2cl2 before the war war many people came to rwanda to see the gorillas [noise] mmbg2cl2 0 200208 "war" repeat word;add n after sentence; 1af 42 Stay away from lightning mmxh1af2 stay [sil] /AH M/ away mmxh1af2 0 210672 "away" add p before word false start; rest no text; 1al 43 Spring brings many kinds of weather mmxh1al2 spring [noise] [sil] [noise] /B R IH NG/ /B R IY NG/ [human_noise] [noise] many kinds [noise] of weather [noise] [noise] mmxh1al2 0 437668 "brings" add n before word, del p end of word, add w after word repeat (sub p middle of word OOV); "kinds" add n end of word; add n end of sentence; 2ac 25 The scientist was surprised msjd2ac2 a scientist was surprised [sil] the scientist was surprised [sil] msjd2ac2 0 106296 "The" sub w replacement, repeat sentence 2ai 26 Scientists thought all the blue butterflies had died msjd2ai2 [noise] [begin_noise] scientist thought [end_noise] all the butterflies [sil] the blue butterflies had died [noise] msjd2ai2 0 87711 "Scientists" del p end of word; "blue" add n false start 2ak 26 The scientists will try to save them msjd2ak2 the [begin_noise] /T/ [end_noise] [begin_noise] scientist [end_noise] will try to save them msjd2ak2 0 68640 "scientist" add n false start 2ap 25 After a while new butterflies form msjd2ap2 after a [noise] while new butterflies [begin_noise] form [end_noise] msjd2ap2 0 94094 "while" add n false start 2ba 26 A butterfly starts as an egg msjd2ba2 a butterfly starts in an [noise] egg [noise] msjd2ba2 0 59160 "egg" add n false start, add n after word 2bj 25 A caterpillar with a shell around it is called a pupa msjd2bj2 the caterpillar /W IH HH AX/ shell around it is called a /P UW P AX/ /P Y UW P AH/ msjd2bj2 0 80223 "A" sub w replacement; "with" del p end of word; "pupa" add n false start 2bm 26 A butterfly wing is a two sided thing msjd2bm2 a butterfly /W/ [sil] wing is two /S AY D IH DD/ thing [human_noise] msjd2bm2 0 80325 "wing" add n false start; "a" del w; "sided" sub p middle of word 2bu 27 The country had a war msjd2bu2 the country had a /W AO R/ war msjd2bu2 0 38520 "war" add n false start 2ca 25 They want to help Rwandans get well and return to their homes msjd2ca2 they want to /HH AE V/ help /R IY W AO N D AE N S/ get [noise] well and return [sil] to their homes [sil] msjd2ca2 0 93933 "help" add n false start; "Rwandans" sub p beginning of word; 2cs 17 The father puts the egg on his feet msjd2cs2 [cut]/DH ER/ puts [sil] the egg on its feet [human_noise] on his feet msjd2cs2 0 103140 "The" del w; "father" del p beginning of word; "on his feet" add n false start 2cx 18 After the chicks hatch the parents take turns keeping them warm msjd2cx2 after the chicks hatch the parents keep the [begin_noise] take [end_noise] their turns keeping them warm [noise] msjd2cx2 0 98406 "take turns" add n false start, add n between words 2dg 16 So penguins often slide on their bellies instead of walking msjd2dg2 so penguins /AA F/ /AA F IX N/ slide on their bellies instead of walking [sil] msjd2dg2 0 88615 "often" add n false start, del p middle of word 2dm 13 A thick layer of fat called blubber keeps seals warm and gives them energy when they can not find food msjd2dm2 [noise] a think [begin_noise] layer [end_noise] of fat [begin_noise] called [end_noise] blubber keeps seals warm and [begin_noise] gives [end_noise] them energy when they can not /HH AE V/ find food [sil] msjd2dm2 0 135102 "find" add n false start 2aq 26 Scientists let most of them fly away mwjk2aq2 [noise] scientists let most of the [noise] them fly away [noise] mwjk2aq2 0 227772 add n before sentence; "the" sub w, replacement, add w after word, restart;add n after sentence; 2be 26 The caterpillar eats all the time mwjk2be2 [noise] the /K AE DX IX P IH L AH IY/ the caterpillar [noise] eats all the time [noise] [whisper] [noise] mwjk2be2 0 374958 add n before sentence; "caterpillar" sub p end of word; "eats" del p end of word, add w's after word, restart; add n after sentence; add w's after sentence, whisper; 2bj 25 A caterpillar with a shell around it is called a pupa mwjk2bj2 [noise] a caterpillar /W OW L/with a shell around [noise] it is called a pupa [noise] mwjk2bj2 0 139650 add n before sentence; "with" add n before word, sub w, replacement, add w after word, restart; "around" add n after word; add n after sentence; 2bm 26 A butterfly wing is a two sided thing mwjk2bm2 [noise] a butterfly's a butterfly wing [noise] is a two sided thing mwjk2bm2 0 293706 add n before sentence; "butterfly" add p end of word, add w's after word, restart; "wing" add n after word; 2bn 25 On top its colors are bright mwjk2bn2 [noise] on top /AH/ on top its colors are bright mwjk2bn2 0 98049 add n before sentence; "top" add p after word, add w's after word, restart; 2ca 25 They want to help Rwandans get well and return to their homes mwjk2ca2 they want to help [noise] /R UW AA N D AH Z/ [noise] get /W/ well and [noise] return to their homes [noise] mwjk2ca2 0 168498 "Rwandans" add n before word, sub p end of word, add n after word; "well" add p before word, false start; "and" add n after word; add n after sentence; 2ch 23 People travel on dirt roads to a marketplace mwjk2ch2 [noise] people travel on dirt roads to make /M AA T UW/ to a marketplace mwjk2ch2 0 219114 add n before sentence; "to" add w's after word, restart(s); 2cp 23 A scientist studied emperor penguins in Antarctica mwjk2cp2 scientist studied emperor penguins in /AX/ antarctica mwjk2cp2 0 117705 "scientist" del w before word; "Antarctica" add p before word, false start; 2cx 18 After the chicks hatch the parents take turns keeping them warm mwjk2cx2 [noise] after the chicks hatch [noise] the parents [noise] turn take turns [noise] keeping them warm mwjk2cx2 0 170752 add n before sentence; "hatch" add n after word; "parents" add n after word, add w after word, restart;"turns" add n after word; 2cy 19 Antarctica is the continent at the southern end of our planet mwjk2cy2 antarctica is a continent on the [noise] /S AW TH S AW TH AXR N/ end of our planet mwjk2cy2 0 131202 "the" sub w, replacement;"at" sub w, replacement; "southern" add n before word, add p's before word, false start, sub p middle of word; 2dj 16 Sheathbills have a hard covering called a sheath on their bills mwjk2dj2 [noise] /SH IY SH/ bills /HH/ [noise] have a hard cover called a /SH IY F/ on /D EH R/ bills mwjk2dj2 0 186093 add n before sentence; "Sheathbills" sub p middle of word; "have" add p before word, false start; "covering" del p's end of word; "sheath" sub p end of word; 2dm 13 A thick layer of fat called blubber keeps seals warm and gives them energy when they can not find food mwjk2dm2 a thick layer of fat called blubber [noise] keeps seals warm and gives them energy [noise] when they can not /F/ find food [noise] mwjk2dm2 0 199134 "blubber" add n after word; "energy" add n after word; "find" add p before word, false start; 2dt 14 The doctors found that many kids do not run or jump or play outdoor games as often as they should mwjk2dt2 [noise] the doctors /F AW N/ [noise] that many kids [noise] do not run or jump [noise] or play [noise] outdoor games as /AA F T AX N/ as they should [noise] mwjk2dt2 0 258796 add n before sentence; "found" del p end of word, add n after word; "that" add p before word, false start; "kids" add n after word; "jump" add n after word; "play" add n after word; add n after sentence;