name: Bark


g++ [flags ...] file ... -l /isip/tools/lib/$ISIP_BINARY/lib_numeric.a

#include <Bark.h>

boolean compute(VectorFloat& bark, const VectorFloat& freq);
quick start:

VectorFloat freq(1);
VectorFloat bark;

freq(0) = 1000;
Bark::compute(bark, freq);

The Bark class implements a function that is commonly used to map frequency in Hz to a scale that is more perceptually-meaningful. The units of this scale are referred to as critical band rate, or Bark. The approximation for the Bark scale that is implemented in this class is given by:
  Bark = 13 atan(0.76 * freq / 1000) + 3.5 atan(freq ^ 2 / 7500 ^ 2)
For more details about this transformation, see:
See the Mel class for an alternate way to approximate this scale.


public constants:

error codes:

protected data:

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