name: DecisionTreeBase <TObject> : public BiGraph<TObject>


This class is never used directly. It is inherited by all DecisionTree
classes.  Users will mainly interact with it indirectly by using some of
the enumerations included in the class definition, and its protected
data, which plays an important part in the control structure for all
DecisionTree classes.
quick start:

PhoneticDecisionTree pdt;

The DecisionTreeBase class is inherited by all DecisionTree classes, and contains some information (data and methods) expected to be common to all such classes. For example, variables that hold debugging information, stop-mode, run-mode and depth are stored in DecisionTreeBase.

However, this information is never accessed by instantiating an DecisionTreeBase object directly. Rather, this information is accessed via the inherited class. A typical case is shown in the quick start example above. PhoneticDecisiontree is an DecisionTree class that inherits DecisionTreeBase. The set methods invoked above are available through inheritance. The data members that store this information are contained in DecisionTreeBase.


public constants: error codes:

protected data:

required public methods:

class-specific public methods:

private methods: examples:
