// file: $isip/doc/examples/class/shell/shell_example_00/example.cc // version: $Id: example.cc 6191 2001-01-16 20:25:40Z duncan $ // // isip include files // #include #include #include #include // main program starts here // int main (int argc, const char **argv) { // create command line // CommandLine cmdl; // set help message // cmdl.setHelp( #include "helpmessage.text" ); // parse the command line // cmdl.parse(argc, argv); // checks the number of arguments on the command line // if (cmdl.numArguments() != 3) { Console::put(L"you must specify a filename and two strings"); cmdl.printUsage(); } // get file name // String old_filename; cmdl.getArgument(old_filename, 0); // get two strings // String replacethis; String replacewith; cmdl.getArgument(replacethis, 1); cmdl.getArgument(replacewith, 2); Filename filename; filename.assign(old_filename); // replace the file name // filename.replace(replacethis, replacewith); // changes the filename in the directory // File file; file.rename(old_filename, filename); // exit gracefully // Integral::exit(); }