// file: ./examples/example_02.cc // // isip include files // #include // main program starts here // int main(int argc, const char **argv) { // declare a Spectrum object, an output vector, and an input vector // consisting of linear prediction coefficients // Spectrum spectrum; VectorFloat output; VectorFloat input(L"1.0000000, -0.9666889, 0.00009363125, 0.00009251215, 0.03525940"); // set algorithm and implementation // spectrum.set(Spectrum::MAXIMUM_ENTROPY, Spectrum::MAGNITUDE); // set the algorithm, implementation and order of the underlying // FourierTransform object // spectrum.setFtAlgorithm(FourierTransform::FFT); spectrum.setFtImplementation(FourierTransform::SPLIT_RADIX); spectrum.setFtOrder((long)128); // compute the magnitude spectrum of input linear prediction // coefficients. set the input data type to PREDICTION // spectrum.compute(output, input, AlgorithmData::PREDICTION); // output the input, the spectrum object and the output // magnitude-spectrum to the console // input.debug(L"input"); spectrum.debug(L"spectrum"); output.debug(L"output"); // exit gracefully // Integral::exit(); }