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The production system represents an implementation of a hierarchical search approach to speech recognition, as described in:
    N. Deshmukh, A. Ganapathiraju and J. Picone, "Hierarchical Search for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 84-107, September 1999.
Such an approach is extremely flexible, but places a significant burden on the user in terms of system configuration. Currently, very few speech recognition toolkits provide flexible tools to support model configuration. In many cases, the models or even the source code of the toolkit need to be manually modified to accommodate new tasks.

To alleviate this burden, we have recently released a configuration tool: isip_network_builder. Network Builder is a powerful GUI based tool that automates building language models and designing acoustic models. This tutorial will give you a basic overview of how to use Network Builder. It is structured as follows:


To use network builder, a user first needs to install our latest release of the Production System (r00_n10). Let's suppose the production system is installed at $isip_r00_n10 on the user's environment. There are two ways to install this software:
  • With CVS Client:
    • cd $isip_r00_n10
    • cvs checkout util/speech/isip_network_converter
    • cvs checkout util/speech/isip_network_builder
    • cd $isip_r00_n10/util/speech/isip_network_converter
    • make install
    • cd $isip_r00_n10/util/speech/isip_network_builder
    • make install

  • Without CVS Client:
    • download isip_network_builder and isip_network_converter to $isip_r00_n10/util/speech.
    • cd $isip_r00_n10/util/speech/
    • tar -xzvf builder_and_converter.tar.gz
    • cd $isip_r00_n10/util/speech/isip_network_converter
    • make install
    • cd $isip_r00_n10/util/speech/isip_network_builder
    • make install
Note that isip_network_converter is a driver program that is required by the isip_network_builder to support multiple file formats. After installation, you can run isip_network_builder to start the program.


The basic idea of network builder is to represent knowledge sources for speech recognizers in a generalized hierarchy. These knowledge sources include the language model, pronunciation model and HMM topologies. The following figure shows a typical hierarchy for a continuous digit speech recognizer. At the top level (referred to as the word level), the language model for sentences is represented as a digraph with loop back arcs which allows any digit to follow any other digit (often referred to as a null grammar).

In such a generalized hierarchical structure, each level can be conceptually considered as the same. Phrases, words or phones are simply symbols at different levels. Each level contains a list of symbols, Sij, and a list of graphs, Gik, where, i is the index of the level, j is the index of the symbol and k is the index of the graph. Each graph has at least two dummy vertices: the start vertex and the terminal vertex, indicating, respectively, the start and the end points of the graph in a search space.

Annotation Graph Example

The main frame of isip_network_builder is divided into three panels. The top-left panel labeled Hierarchy shows the generalized hierarchical structure of the hierarchy. The bottom-left panel labeled Graph List shows the list of graphs at the current level. The right panel is the drawing area which allows users to construct graphs by inserting nodes and arcs. Here are the explanations of the menu options:
  • File Menu:
    • New: Clears the current window, and open a blank file.
    • Open: Opens a existing network builder file.
    • Save: Saves the current file.
    • Save As: Saves the current file to a different file name.
    • Close: Closes the current file.
    • Exit: Exits network builder.

  • Hierarchy Menu:
    • Add Level: Adds a level to the hierarchy.
    • Delete Level: Removes the currently selected level from the hierarchy.
    • Symbols: Opens the symbol table for the current level.

  • Graph Menu:
    • Insert Start: Inserts a start node, each graph must have a start node.
    • Insert Stop: Inserts a stop node, each graph must have a stop node.
    • Insert Node: Inserts a node into the current graph.
    • Insert Arc: Inserts an arc between two nodes.
    • Insert Self Arc:Inserts an self connecting arc.
    • Copy: Copies the selected node to the clipboard.
    • Cut: Copies and deletes the selected node.
    • Paste: Pastes the node from the clipboard.
    • Delete: Deletes the currently selected node.
    • Copy Graph: Copies the selected graph to the clipboard.
    • Paste Graph: Pastes the graph from the clipboard.

In this section, we provide a step-by-step example with three levels. By the end of this example, you will be able to build a simple network using isip_network_builder. Let's start from the beginning with an empty screen, as shown below.

Annotation Graph Example

To create a new level, select Hierarchy --> Add Level from the menu option. The result is shown below.

Annotation Graph Example

To change the level name, click on the level name shown in the tree.

Annotation Graph Example

Change the level name to word. The result is shown below.

Annotation Graph Example

To add a start node to the graph, select Graph --> Insert Start from the menu option.

Annotation Graph Example

Place the start node by clicking on the drawing area. The node will be inserted into the graph.

Annotation Graph Example

Similarly, insert another node and a stop node into the graph.

Annotation Graph Example

To insert an arc from the vertex Start to the vertex Node, click on the vertex Start first. A selection box will appear around the vertex.

Annotation Graph Example

Click on the vertex Node and an arc will be inserted into the graph. The result is shown below.

Annotation Graph Example

Click on the vertex Node and the vertex Stop to insert another arc.

Annotation Graph Example

To change the symbols represented by a vertex in a graph, right-click the vertex. Right-click the vertex Node to change the symbols represented by this vertex. The dialog window appears to let you configure the symbols on the node.

Annotation Graph Example

Change the node name to one and add a symbol called one to this node.

Annotation Graph Example

Click on the Add button. The symbol one is inserted into the symbol list.

Annotation Graph Example

Click the OK button. You will see the node name is changed in the graph.

Annotation Graph Example

Add the second level called phone.

Annotation Graph Example

Construct the pronunciation model as follows for the word one.

Annotation Graph Example

Add the second level called state.

Annotation Graph Example

Construct the HMM models for the phones w as follows.

Annotation Graph Example

After constructing all the models, you can save the model in a file. You can save the model file in three different formats. Now, you have successfully constructed a simple three-level model.

Annotation Graph Example


For more information about this tool, please refer to the FAQ section of the user's guide or direct your questions to ies_help@cavs.msstate.edu.