================================================================ 08/15/00 to 08/14/01: - Workshops: We continue to develop extensive on-line documentation for the workshops we host. All presentation materials are available from the web. This year we added self-contained laboratory modules that are downloadable from the web. - Tutorials: Now that our software base has been stabilizing, we have begun developing extensive on-line educational material related to the system. We are overhauling our web site to reflect a more contemporary look and feel for on-line training (using a so-called trailhead approach). ================================================================ 08/15/99 to 08/14/00: - Workshops: We have developed extensive on-line documentation for the two workshops we host. All presentation materials are available from the web. Related coursework (such as an updated set of notes for a speech recognition course) is also available from the web. - Tutorials: Now that our software base has been stabilizing, we have begun developing extensive turnkey scripts that run canned experiments on important applications (such as conversational speech recognition). These scripts are extremely important in that they show users how to implement subtle details of the technology. ================================================================ 08/15/98 to 08/14/99: - Java Applets We have upgraded our existing set of Java signal processing applets to a new interface available in Java called SWING. This is the latest attempt by Java developers to provide a standard high-level interface to applications programmers. The previous interface we used is being obsoleted. Hence, it was necessary to make this step. We also introduced two new applets. The first applet teaches users about digital filter design. This applet also served as our initial testbed for SWING. The second applet demonstrates pattern classification. Users can create data sets, and classify them using a host of classifiers. This is still under development. - Remote Job Submission Facility One development we are most proud of, and somewhat ahead of schedule on, is an applet that allows users to submit speech recognition experiments over the Internet. This applet is central to our vision of Internet-based educational resources. Users can choose an experiment, configure various parameters related to the experiment, and submit the job. The job is distributed to our bank of servers, and results are returned via the web and/or email. Users can supply their own audio data to the recognizer. This applet is still in the preliminary stages of development, but appears to be quite promising. A major application of this applet will be to allow users to run the system in debug mode and obtain results which they can use to benchmark their own algorithms.