An Interoperability Study of Speech Enhancement and Speech Recognition Systems Burhan Necioglu, Bryan George, George Shuttic Ram Sundaram and Joe Picone ??Lab Affiliation?? Institute for Signal and Information Processing The MITRE Corporation Mississippi State University McLean, VA 22102-3481 USA Mississippi State, MS 39762 USA email: {necioglu, bgeorge, gshuttic} email: {sundaram, picone} ABSTRACT Speaker-independent automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems using Hidden Markov Modeling have evolved to the point where their performance is now considered useful for military applications in tactical environments. At the same time, signal processing-based speech enhancement techniques have emerged that have clearly demonstrated their ability to deal with noise conditions in tactical military communications environments. In remote military information access applications, ASR systems will have to be interoperable with such speech enhancement techniques, thus it is critically important to study the effects of tandeming speech enhancement and ASR. This paper presents an initial study of these effects in the context of the recent DARPA SPeech In Noisy Environments (SPINE) evaluation, and suggests ways to improve the performance of integrated speech enhancement. 1. INTRODUCTION To achieve advantage from information superiority, modern military forces are replacing manual, "human in the loop" approaches to information access with automated and highly distributed information access systems. In addition to automated access, any solution that can operate "hands free" is desirable; for this reason, information access using ASR is attractive. However, supporting a distributed system of speech recognition processors is not practical for a large number of small units. "Server-based" speech recognition, whereby speech is transmitted to a central location for processing, avoids the logistical issues associated with fielding equipment to support ASR, but introduces the issues of bandwidth consumption and security. Secure, narrowband voice communication is possible using speech coding techniques operating under 16 kbps. However, to varying degrees narrowband speech coders are subject to the assumption that source signals are speech from a single talker. As a result, speech coders often exhibit poor performance when presented with speech signals corrupted by noise in tactical environments. Historically, these problems have rendered remote speech recognition for tactical military applications unrealistic. Under DoD sponsorship, AT&T Research has recently designed a new noise preprocessor algorithm to enhance speech in the presence of tactical noise backgrounds. An overview of the system is given in Figure 1. The Harsh Environment Noise Pre-Processor (HENPP) algorithm [1] has been integrated with the Federal Standard Mixed Excitation Linear Prediction (MELP) 2.4 kbps speech coder [2], and has been demonstrated to boost intelligibility of coded speech spoken in the presence of DoD background noise conditions [3]. Speech enhancement and speech coding algorithms are designed to optimize the goal of human-to-human communication, rather than human-machine communication. Before integrated human computer interface systems using speech enhancement and coding can be successfully deployed, it will be critically important to study and improve these components for interoperability with ASR systems. This paper presents the results of our participation in the recent DARPA SPeech In Noisy Environments (SPINE) evaluation. In our system, the HENPP serves as a front-end signal processor. The ASR system is trained and tested using noisy speech as a baseline, then with speech processed with the HENPP. We analyze the resulting changes in recognition performance. 2. SYSTEM OVERVIEW The ISIP-ASR system used for the SPINE evaluations is a public domain cross-word context dependent HMM-based system. It consists of three primary components: the acoustic front-end, HMM parameter estimation module and a hierarchical single- pass Viterbi decoder. 2.1. Acoustic Modeling The decoder [4] is based on a hierarchical implementation of the standard time-synchronous Viterbi search paradigm. The system uses a common front-end that transforms the input speech signal into mel-spaced cepstral coefficients appended with their first and second derivatives. The evaluation system used the front-end to generate 12 FFT-derived cepstral coefficients and log-energy. These features were computed using a 10 ms analysis frame and a 25 ms Hamming window. First and second derivative coefficients of the base features are appended to produce a thirty-nine dimensional feature vector. The features are made more robust to channel variations and noise by using side-based cepstral mean subtraction on the 12 base cepstral features Training for the SPINE evaluations was performed using an Expectation-Maximization based acoustic optimizer that used Baum-Welch algorithm for robust parameter estimation. The training algorithm supports continuous-density Gaussian mixture models with diagonal covariances. To overcome the problem of lack of training data for all the context-dependent models, the system uses a maximum likelihood phonetic decision tree-based state-tying. The states of models with similar phonetic contexts are allowed to share data by tying them together. 2.2. Evaluation System The evaluation system [5] for SPINE was trained on side-based cms features from 10 hours of SPINE training data. Initially training was performed on context-indevpendent models that were iteratively trained from a single mixture to 32 mixtures. These were then used to generate phone level alignments. Context-dependent models were seeded from single mixture monophones and further training was done with state-tying. Mixture splitting was done using iterative splitting and training scheme to generate 12 mixture word-internal models. The SPINE lexicon and trigram language model (LM) were provided by CMU. A bigram LM was obtained by pruning all trigrams from the trigram LM. The lexicon used by the system had a vocabulary of 5226 words derived from the SPINE training data. The bigram LM had 5226 unigrams and 12511 bigrams. Recognition was performed in single stage by doing a bigram decoding of the test data using word-internal models. All the processing was performed at a real-time rate of 100x on a 600 MHz Pentium III processor. The evaluation material consisted of a speech database previously collected [6] during the selection process for the 2400 bps Federal Standard vocoder. Conversations were recorded in sound booths between collaborating user pairs who were communicating through various channels and vocoders, and using different headsets while being subjected to pre-recorded noise types over loud-speakers. The training data consisted of approximately 7.5 hours of speech from 10 speaker pairs, with four different noise types: AC, HMMWV, Office and Quiet. The evaluation data was approximately 10 hours long, with 20 speaker pairs, and two additional noise types: E3A and MCE. 3. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS Using the available training and evaluation data, two recognition experiments were performed with the baseline system, and the baseline system coupled with the HENPP front-end, i.e., both training and evaluation data was subjected to noise pre-processing. The recognition experiments did not utilize the noise type information for the conversation sides. Conversation sides were pre-segmented using an energy based speech detector algorithm. The error statistics from the evaluation, broken down according to the six provided noise types are given in Table 1. Compared with the baseline system, HENPP front-end system decreased the number of correctly recognized words in almost all cases. Substitution errors were virtually the same except for MCE, and Office, where baseline system was better. Deletion errors were significantly better for the baseline system in all cases. In term of insertion errors, HENPP front-end system either helped, or did not hurt performance, including the Quiet conversations. Considering the total number of errors (or word accuracy), HENPP front-end seemed to do better than the baseline for AC, performed virtually the same for E3A and HMMWV, and did poorly for MCE, Office and Quiet. Since only the type of noise was given without any signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) information, it was not possible to directly gauge the effect of the HENPP front-end on recognition performance as a function of the noise level present in a speech segment. For this purpose, a blind SNR estimation algorithm was applied to the segmented conversation sides. Table 2 lists the statistics of the estimated SNR figures for all six noise types in the evaluation database. Following the SNR estimation of the pre-segmented conversation sides in the evaluation data, a more detailed analysis of the recognition experiment results was done across the six noise types and four SNR ranges for each noise type. When considering the number of correctly recognized words, in 18 of the 24 cases (of noise type and SNR range), the baseline system was significantly better, including some noisier cases such as AC. In the remaining 6, they were not significantly different. For substitution errors, the two systems were virtually identical in 23 of the 24 cases. The baseline was better in only one case: MCE. Considering deletion errors, the baseline beat HENPP front-end system in 13 out of 24 cases, including some noisier cases (AC, E3A, MCE, and Office). For the remaining 11 cases, the two systems performed virtually identical. In terms of insertion errors, the HENPP front-end system performed better in 12 of the 24 cases (AC, E3A AWACS, and MCE ranges), and the two systems performed virtually the same for the remaining 12. Considering the total number of errors, or word accuracy, baseline system performed better in 7 of the 24 cases including some noisier cases such as MCE. The two systems were virtually identical in 16 cases, including some noisier ones (AC, E3A and HMMWV). The HENPP front-end system performed better in one case only: AC. This was mostly due to the lower number of insertions. In summary, compared to the baseline, the HENPP front-end system only helped in reducing the insertion errors for half of the noise type/SNR range cases, and that by itself lead to a better word accuracy only in one out of 24 cases (AC). 4. CONCLUSIONS This paper has presented an initial study about the implications of using noise cancellation as a preprocessor to a state-of-the-art recognition system in a tactical communications environment. The noise cancellation algorithm did not produce measurable improvements in performance. Though the overall results are discouraging, and this conclusion is consistent with findings of many studies over the years, we believe the noise cancellation algorithm's performance can be improved. Such approaches are going to be essential for applications where you do not have access to channel-specific training data. 5. REFERENCES [1] A. J. Accardi and R. V. Cox, "A Modular Approach to Speech Enhancement With An Application to Speech Coding", Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Conf. on ASSP, pp. 201-204, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, May 1999. [2] A. McCree, et al, "A 2.4 kbit/s MELP coder candidate for the new U.S. Federal Standard", Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Conf. on ASSP, pp. 200-203, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 1996. [3] J. S. Collura, et al, "The 1.2Kbps/2.4Kbps MELP speech coding suite with integrated noise pre-processing", Proceedings of the IEEE Military Com. Conf., vol. 2, pp. 1449-1453, Atlantic City, NJ, USA, October 1999. [4] N. Deshmukh, A. Ganapathiraju and J. Picone, "Hierarchical Search for Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 84-107, September 1999. [5] B. Necioglu, et al, "The 2000 NRL Evaluations for Recognition of Speech in Noisy Environments," presented at the SPINE Workshop, Washington, D.C., USA, October 2000. [6] E.W. Kreamer and J.D. Tardelli, "Communicability Testing for Voice Coders," Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 1153-1156, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 1996. AC E3A HMMWV MCE Office Quiet All Noise All Substitutions: Baseline HENPP 26.96 27.61 29.68 30.14 27.16 25.99 31.27 33.57 21.46 23.07 20.62 21.96 27.18 28.20 26.03 27.10 Deletions: Baseline HENPP 27.48 31.08 27.18 31.37 15.58 16.92 20.85 26.64 17.90 21.19 17.57 20.61 21.90 25.77 21.13 24.86 Insertions: Baseline HENPP 21.51 14.82 9.74 6.24 4.64 5.21 9.35 6.16 5.00 4.06 3.72 3.03 10.12 7.23 8.99 6.49 Total Errors: Baseline HENPP 75.95 73.52 66.59 67.75 47.38 48.12 61.47 66.37 44.36 48.32 41.92 45.60 59.20 61.20 56.15 58.45 Table 1: An analysis of performance by noise condition demonstrated that HENPP processing was effective for only one noise condition (the shaded cell), even though the system produced measurable improvements in SNR. Condition Avg Min Max AC 25.4 12.6 35.2 E3A 23.5 12.5 34.6 HMMWV 24.6 11.2 36.0 MCE 27.8 17.9 36.2 Office 31.8 24.0 42.7 Quiet 32.6 24.2 37.0 Table 2: An analysis of the noise conditions by SNR. Figure 1: An overview of the noise preprocessor. Figure 2: An overview of the integrated system used in the SPINE evaluation. 12-Mixture Context-Dependent Models · Standard MFCC Front End (39 Features) · 5,226 Word Lexicon · 12,511 Bigram LM